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Posts posted by VictorOnopko

  1. 5 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:
    58 minutes ago, VictorOnopko said:
    That must be why the pubs in Glasgow are absolutely rammed during the 6 Nations then.  Cool.

    Five days a year. You're pushing it to call those folk Rugby fans. Not saying you're wrong about the demographics though.

    The post I replied to said "Outside of the Tory enclaves of Edinburgh and the Borders no one gives a f**k."

    While that might be true most of the year for the club game (which I don't follow at all myself), it's utter bollocks in relation to Scotland matches - 6N, autumn internationals, WC, whatever - all of which people across Scotland clearly do give a f**k about.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Lurkst said:

    Presumably Derek Ferguson left his mic on?

    Chicko just referring to the Champions League anthem "Zorba the Priest". 


    Chic's confusion over Zorba the Priest / Zadok the Greek, and immediate inability to remember what he had just said 2 seconds ago was champagne listening.

  3. 9 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

    This is probably too tragic to laugh at.  It's Roger Mitchell, erstwhile head of The SPL, casting the loss of The Ten not as a footballing blip but as a failure of the Catholic people of Glasgow to fulfil their ambitions.  The entire prosody is that of regret and a sense of failure for what could have been:



    Wow - I always used to think Roger Mitchell was quite a strange man, and also very, very pleased with himself and the sound of his own voice.  Spending 2 minutes skim-reading his Twitter confirmed both of those impressions to be accurate, plus a big dose of Celtic bestteamintheworldbestfansintheworldparadisecelticdaft exceptionalism.

  4. 43 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

    OAM at its best there, as Chick Young describes a goal for Alloa as "astonishing" multiple times, before finally admitting he never actually saw it.

    Remember that time 5 or so years back when Chick said he was retiring, and the BBC broadcast a farewell series of him reminiscing about his career? 

    If only he really had packed it in then rather than reappearing at the start of the following season as though nothing had happened, like a pound shop George Costanza.

  5. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-55844603

    The worst part of Chris McLaughlin's non-article full of known facts is that for reasons unknown, he leans heavily on a phrase in the government email:

    "In one, a Scottish government official was "pleased to say" the proposed training trip complied with Covid travel rules governing elite sport. "

    Wow.  Maybe this bombshell is proof that the Scottish Government was delighted that Celtic were planning some much deserved and fully appropriate time in the sun - and proof of the unwarranted and shady political persecution of an innocent club, as "Lenny" has convincingly argued. 

    Or - maybe it is a banal phrase used in an email to add a polite tone to the exchange?  


  6. 3 hours ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    It's not a Q&A M8,
    Here's what I think you can agree or disagree,there was no problem with Celtic going to Dubai Hibs were not happy with the game getting moved but it comes down to the home team to have it moved,at this point nobody cared.
    Celtic get beat by sevco the next day fly out to Dubai still no problem,just the same as getting beat in Europe or players going on international duty it's all the same risk and part of the same mythical bubble.
    Photographs appear with players in a bar and the manager and captain having a beer at the pool this is not acceptable to the dafties and the diddies, social media kicks in and the hatchet job begins.
    Jumping on the bandwagon Forums and phone ins everybody having their say before the team get back into the country,having a pint and sitting at the pool is a crime.
    All the good work in Dubai is turned to dust and blowing away in the wind,it doesn't matter what Lawwell or Lennon says  the dafties and the diddies minds are made up.
    And for the bonus prize 2 players catch the virus and 16 members of staff have to self isolate resulting in Celtic dropping 4 points because they have a bigger squad and can fulfill their fixture.
    Celtic as far as i'm aware haven't broken any rules or protocols,I'm pretty sure Celtic didn't want any of their players catching the virus whether they go to the local shop or fly to Dubai and back.
    It's pretty clear the protocols and rules are changing week by week but football is still continuing with more and more restrictions being put in place.



  7. 6 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

    The bit that irritated me was the way the journalists in attendance on Zoom, all tiptoed round him.


    Standing back and allowing him to slaughter himself perhaps seemed prudent, but it smacked to me of cowardice.  

    I'd have liked to have seen him challenged on the idea that having only 2 positive cases represented some sort of triumph.  I'd have liked him to have seen challenged on taking a player on crutches, if this was really some intensive training camp.


    Given that he got word during the press conference about the second positive test, I wondered if he'd also got word instructing him to shut up and leave, given that it all seemed to end abruptly and weirdly.

    Altogether, it was utterly disgraceful.

    100% agree with this.  They were a bunch of spineless, wheedling pr1cks, and they all sounded terrified of him.  Kheredine Idessane (sp?) of the BBC doesn't seem to have any idea what to do as a journalist, probably because he's spent most of his career up till now doing fluffy Andy Murray updates from sunny venues around the world.

    Not one of them challenged Lennon on what a terrible idea it was to take an international trip in a large group on a plane when they already knew the virus was rampant in mutated form, and although it was a few hours short of being  announced, that a full lockdown was coming.  Or that they went based on permission from November, when the situation was vastly different. Not one of them highlighted his scattergun whataboutery or outright lies (no one's got covid).  They didn't even press him on his claims that the trip wasn't a public health risk, or that the push back was "political". What exactly do you mean, Neil?  Are you saying that the Scottish Government is conspiring against your club?

    I wasn't expecting Woodward and Bernstein but goodness me - our sports journalists are feeble.

  8. 29 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

    Radio Scotland podcast now available.


    Half way through it - hugely entertaining stuff.  NL's claim that Celtic's protocols were "perfect" and they had "no cases".... wow. 

    I wonder if it's just the one delusional, petulant, paranoid orange-haired conspiracy theorist / crybaby who has his last day in his job tomorrow, or two?

  9. 1 minute ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    From a footballing point of view Neil Lennon is bang on and deserves to be raging.
    Celtic were forced to play the last two games with a weakened squad yet any other team in the country wouldn't fulfill the fixture get a fine and play the games with a full squad at a later date.

    Were you forced to fly out of the country during a full national lockdown for some sunny training, and did Hibs force you to play your league game against them on the Monday after you got back?  I thought that's what Celtic wanted, and in fact you forced Hibs to reschedule whether they liked it or not?

  10. And here we all thought Lawell's statement / non-apology was bad.

    Lennon has gone throttle raving full conspiracy theorist here.  Everyone's against them. It's all political.  Nothing to do with public health.  Imagine how raging he must have been over the past week or so at this injustice!

    Yell GIF - Seinfeld Angry Yell - Discover & Share GIFs

    Wonderful stuff. 

  11. 34 minutes ago, virginton said:

    You'll know all about the fourth tier in the not too distant future, given that the likes of Montrose and Cove Rangers have already effortlessly moved above your rabble in the pecking order.

    Looking forward to your big derbies with Pollok to decide who is the fourth biggest team in Glasgow already.

    It's cute that you are so keen to dish out these feeble blows.  I don't blame you, as this is the first time in many many years that you have been above Thistle in the league pyramid. Fill your boots - we're a basket case at the moment, run by total idiots. 

    Genuine question: as you were talking about "big clubs" earlier - do you expect to see Morton play in the top flight in your lifetime? If yes, how confident are you that it will happen, on a scale of 1-10?

  12. 12 hours ago, virginton said:

    Big teams call the shots. Wee seaside league diddies like *checks Scottish League One midtable mediocrities* 'Partick Thistle' do what they're told.


    Are you sure Morton are a "big team" when they haven't been in the top flight for *checks notes* thirty one years?  Indeed, since then I believe you have graced the fourth tier more often.

    I'm sorry the 2012-13 promotion race heartbreak so obviously hasn't healed for you.  Perhaps it never will.  At least you followed it up by, er... getting relegated to the seaside league the very next year, miles adrift and sent off in style by a famous 10-2 trouncing from Hamilton.  Treasured memories for the big-time Greenockians, and no barrier to landing some blows on a fellow diddy club.

  13. 10 minutes ago, sophia said:

    Good old Willie.

    He also said that Celtic were impervious for the last eight or nine years.

    I reckon they may well also have been imperious.

    They're certainly impervious to criticism.

    Poor Celtic though, as Peter says, it's clear they have been the club hardest hit by the pandemic.  Candlelit vigil required....

  14. My personal favourite Lowlight was when our PR supremo chairperson offered a passive aggressive apology for the mistakes she had made at the end of the season a couple of years ago.  It read like a drunk late-night text message.

    Yesterday's whine-statement is one of the most maudlin and cringeworthy to date.  I really wonder what JL/the board think they are going to achieve by this - To win round other clubs to rally to our cause?  Because so far, pretty much everything they have done has diluted any support we might once have had in Scottish football at the time of the demotion, and they have failed to build any kind of alliances other than the obviously doomed one with Budge.  The stuff about furloughing staff and players - while simultaneously moaning about hindering transfer activity (!) and playing games - when we've dodged the last two fixtures, is hopelessly muddled.  Obviously, the Facebook feedback was all wElL doNe tHiStLE iTs nOT fAIr!

    Maybe we shouldn't be surprised when a former SPAD for Michael Forsyth and (failed) Tory candidate to be an Edinburgh MSP has such a poor grasp of reality, or that she is so apparently unwilling to take any responsibility for the state we're in now.

  15. 51 minutes ago, Draw, Lose or Draw Podcast said:

    Listen into Episode  29 of Draw, Lose or Draw- The Big Interview, where Matt and David talk to ex Thistle manager Gary Caldwell about his time at the club.

    Any listens, shares and feedback is appreciated.


    My feedback is that this is, as expected, a puddle of self-justificatory pish from a charlatan and a blowhard, but well done on asking him awkward questions.   Nice to know that he definitely didn't do a powerpoint to get the job, that he chatted to Jacqui a lot, that he only froze out key first team players for three weeks not the reported six, and that the training facility they were sent to train in isolation was nice.  Couldn't be bothered listening to his Erskine/Doolan guff, once he'd started trash-talking Erskine's form after he left us.  How have you done in management since you got punted, Gary? 

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