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Posts posted by VictorOnopko

  1. For once, this Sportsound was a genuinely good listen*, and the ICT guy certainly came across as a decent chap and laid out the timeline of exactly what happened in Friday's shambles. 

    His points about a) conflating promotion/relegation and the release of funding to clubs via this rushed botch-job, and b) not being able to vote for something which would immediately relegate other clubs and cause redundancies at Hearts and Thistle (and Stranraer) on Monday morning, were both well made, as was his pointing out the fact that voting Yes would have given ICT a cheque for £330,000 next week.  Good on them for not doing so, even though it'll probably end up happening if/when Dundee break their word and do a u-turn. "Something stinks" about the latter, indeed.

    *Well, the first half at least.  The absence of "Biscuits", Pat Bonner and "Chick Young" definitely helped the coherence of the discussion.


  2. The SFA's deal to buy Hampden was reported as being worth "significantly less" than £5 million and perhaps as little as £2m.  If it's true that they still have north of £15 million in the bank after buying the stadium at a time when almost every senior club in the country is facing bankruptcy within months due to an unprecedented global crisis, then the decent and sensible thing to do would be to distribute most of that pile.

  3. 26 minutes ago, virginton said:

    No because they’ve been fucking shite all season and were still fucking shite when the campaign was suspended. Indeed they just lost last midweek to the team directly above them in the table because they’re so fucking shite. So if the virus leads the authorities to stick a fork in the rest of the season then they have absolutely no grounds for complaint about being relegated.

    Thanks for playing anyway.


    That's not really the case, though, is it?  The season has not been completed and none of the teams in question are even close to being mathematically down.  Hearts (and Thistle) may "deserve" to be relegated for being fucking shite in a banter sense, but the season itself obviously needs either to be finished, or voided (barring an unlikely league restructure which would be way beyond Doncaster's skillset).  Just freezing things at an arbitrary point in proceedings and saying "You're out!" like a game of musical chairs isn't good enough.  I think you know that, but I realise this is an irresistible chance for you to wind some folk up.

    All the teams in question deserve the chance to be properly relegated in similar memorable style as Morton were in 2013-14.   Personally I am looking for 10+ points adrift, possibly with the bonus of a 10-goal tonking to see us off on the last day. Anything else would be unsatisfactory.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

    Put everything on hold and call the league season 2019/21.

    Next season, play the current cups to a finish early on, giving time to start the new ones along traditional lines.  The League Cup would need to unfold a bit later.

    For the league, we just pick up where we left off, but there's only about a game a month.  Fans will be missing their fix so much that gates will benefit.  Far more will travel to away games, if home games are only staged every 8 weeks or so.

    European club football doesn't happen, other than to conclude this season's competitions.

    Big clubs can organise those wanky lucrative friendly competitions if they like.  A winter break can be inserted if desired.  

    I've still got no idea how players at our level would earn a living though.  It would need some sanity regarding the distribution of the game's wealth to be introduced, and that would fly directly in the face of everything that's been allowed to happen over the last three decades.

    So, your solution is to follow up the sudden halting of matchday income which is going to put severe financial pressure on almost every club - with a season with one league game a month?  Interesting...


  5. 52 minutes ago, RinTinTon said:

    Well, if most of our clubs aren't to go bust, som hard truths to facein the coming months.

    Maybe now is finally the time to merge clubs into regional identities and move Scottish football into the 21st Century.

    (Of course, if we don't want to get to World Cups and Champions League, then we don't need to bother).

    For a start, to get gates of 12-15,00 eventually:

    -the Dundee pair

    -the Angus clubs (Forfar Brechin, Abroath, Montrose)

    -the South Fife clubs (Raith, Cow, EF, maybe Dumf)

    -the Ayrshire Two (Killie, Ayr) -maybe with some Lowland clubs

    -the Steel Towns (Albion, Airdrie, Motherwell, Hamilton, maybe Clyde)

    -the Glasgow Balance (Sizzle, QP, maybe Clyde)

    -the Highland Alliance (Ross County, Caley Thistle, Elgin)

    -Farming Country (Stirling A, Alloa, St Johnstone)

    -Bermuda Triangle (Falkirk, Stennie, Livvie)

    -the River Clyde (Morton, Dumbarton, St Midd) ouch

    -The Border Rievers (QOS, Stranaer, Annan)

    -the Teuchters (Peterhead & Cove)

    -Edinburgh City -maybe joins one of H or H?


    With Old Firm, plus H+H and Aberdeen, that would make 17 viable teams, ie 32 games a year, plus resurrect the old League Cup format 4 teams home & away, seeded)

    Ideally 16 teams, but could you combine the Bermudas with the Farmers -maybe not cohesive enough.

    You're certainly correct that the above plan might hope for crowds of 1200-1500 eventually.

  6. Remember that time Jacqui passive-aggressively apologised for her piss poor performance, errors of judgement and numerous PR pratfalls, but also had a snide go at the fans in the process for not backing the team?  One of my favourite moments in her fantastic reign, which seems likely to land us in the third tier of Scottish football. 

    Looks like piles of free lottery cash are irrelevant when your chairman suffers from Kruger-Dunning-esque delusions of competence.  It's almost literally unbelievable that she thinks she is the right person to come back in and run things now.

    PS loads of great comms from the fan takeover folk lately... errrr.....

  7. Anyway, just to reclaim this thread from tedious Rainjurz conspiracy theorists: Sportsound's still shite, but I did hear Bonner correctly identifying a non-Celtic player yesterday - an unexpected step forward.

    I wonder if the BBC will ever issue guidance to their match reporters around the country to immediately state which team has scored when Richard Gordon goes to them for an update.  Having to listen to 10-20 seconds of confused, incoherent drivel every time is painful.  I don't think things will ever improve while Chick's involved, though.

  8. 23 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:


    If Doolan's goals keep Morton up I'll be feeling very conflicted.

    Well, if it's at our expense then that would be a particularly nightmarish way to go down...

    It's fairly obvious that Doolan will be back as a coach at some point, so it's disappointing that it didn't happen now, meaning he'll be in a Morton shirt instead (of all things!).  He obviously feels he has more to offer, and maybe he's right.  His dip in form coincided with our complete disintegration as a team, although admittedly Ayr fans didn't seem impressed.  Personally I wouldn't be surprised to see him score a few for Morton.

  9. One of the worst things about this craven, pandering apology is that "the situation at Ibrox" shows that the club in question have nothing but thick-headed contempt for the BBC.

    If the issue was Traynor not having right of reply, why not just invite him on? Sportsound is broadcast every night!

  10. 6 hours ago, ArabAuslander said:

    Neil Forsyth (writer of the excellent Guilt and Bob Servant) and United fan put on twitter yesterday a joke saying that United has signed Lawrence Shankland's brother Armitage.

    Quite funny, the sort of thing Sky would normally fall for.

    Last night, Chick Young seriously asked Robbie Neilson on a live radio interview on Sportsound whether or not this move was happening. Honestly, why hasn't he retired yet?


    He did retire, in 2016, after getting his free jolly round France when Scotland had failed to qualify for the Euros.

    Unfortunately forSportsound listeners, Chick then pulled a George Costanza and showed up for work at the start of the following season as though nothing had happened.

  11. MacKinnon definitely gives us grit (and, weirdly, intelligence) in midfield and as such, is certainly not done.   Graham is a big upgrade on Kenny Miller. 

    Overall we look OK now and McCall has obviously recruited well to get most of Caldwell (and Archibald)'s dreadful non-footballers to f*ck,  but given that we're still rock bottom having played the most games,  escaping the bottom two places will be a pretty close-run thing if we manage it.  Can imagine us facing Falkirk in a play-off between the last two seasons' two most over-financed, under-delivering, chaotic laughing stocks. 

    After all these years, I still hate Scott Fox.  There's no need for opposition teams to even take their penalties - just go straight to the centre circle and kick off the game again.


  12. 38 minutes ago, madton said:

    It doesn't sound good at all but I'm curious to know why he has played pretty much every game for you since he joined in the Summer of 2018?

    If he was as bad as most fans make out, why was he continually selected by Archibald, Caldwell and then McCall?  If he was that pish, surely he would have been dropped and/or replaced during the 3 transfer windows he has been there. You must have had other options?

    With Peter Grant this season for example, we thought we were signing someone decent, turned out he was pish, he was subsequently dropped and then left in the 1st transfer window available.

    I'm not expecting much but Dunfermline fans laughed when we signed Ross Forbes and he was brilliant for us so we live in hope. He must be better than Grant.



    The main reason was that we didn't have anyone else.  Recruitment in summer 2018 was absolutely terrible, leaving us so short of players we couldn't fill the bench - and then O'Ware quickly got injured for the rest of the season.  So, McGinty played every week. As others have mentioned, he had a small upturn in form towards the end of the season (from 0/10 to 2.5/10) which kept him in the team at the start of this season, especially as Caldwell had spunked so much cash on his pal Kenny.

    ETA - what Armand 2 just said...

  13. 13 hours ago, dave.j said:

    And I have nothing but respect for him doing that. But let's not rewrite history.

    He shared far less than 5% of his and his wife's wealth.

    He revolutionised the Youth set up. But did so as a completely different Company separate to the club.

    I've not peddled any conspiracy theory. All I've asked for is a bit of history behind his love of the club. Why can no one provide any? 


    While there is no doubt some rewriting of history going on here (with Low's usual PR disaster paw prints all over it), I would question whether the week of his funeral  is the time to be embarking on a rant about how much of a fan CW was. 

    It's also very possible that he went to games in his youth, with people who don't post on this particular forum where you are demanding answers, then became a more passive fan who only made it to Firhill occasionally - but who still regarded himself as a fan.  Why does it matter?

    "Far less than 5% of his wealth" sounds extremely sour-faced and ungrateful when talking about someone who has put millions into the club. He didn't need to do that.  If anyone else out there also wants to put a few million quid into Thistle, they can photoshop themselves into photos of the 1971 League Cup final and put them on the covers of match programmes for all I care. 

    I share the concerns of many about what exactly is happening with 3BC from here on in, but I would suggest that maybe it's Paul Goodwin that needs to be scrutinised in terms of his motivations and claims to be a Jags fan, not our recently deceased benefactor who has undoubtedly helped us out in a big way in recent years.

  14. 51 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

    I agree totally but the decline really started after 6th place was secured in April 2017. The post-split results were inexplicably dreadful and it was downhill until McCall returned. I'm pleased that he has given Archibald the opportunity to return. 

    They weren't "inexplicably dreadful" - we had managed Top 6 (a fantastic achievement regardless of our steep decline since) and therefore our final five games were against the top 5 teams in the country. Archibald's strengths never included getting results against bigger teams (or ever daring to set up to give them a good game), and from memory, the players also just looked tired.  Hence, 5 meek pumpings. 

    We then let Lindsay go that summer for a song and never replaced him, so we went from having a fairly solid defence with the added bonus of goals being contributed by a young star defender, to the shambles we've had since.

  15. Did anyone ask Paul Goodwin why he thinks there is a demand/urgent need for fan ownership (I haven't seen any evidence of either), and/or why he's the best man to lead it?  It looks like he has rocked up, schmoozed Weir/Low, and concocted a scheme placing himself at the centre (with resultant PR) which makes huge changes to our club.  The benefits to the fans, who ultimately will no doubt be required to pay more to fund the club, remain pretty mysterious.

    Given the choice between the now-lapsed Chien Lee takeover/feeder club path and a chancer like Paul Goodwin organising a fan-owned model based on hiring out the Aitken suite more often, I'd almost certainly have plumped for the former.

  16. 57 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

    A Russian player literally failed a drug test when they beat Wales in the Euro 2004 play-off and they did nothing.

    From memory that was Titov, aptly named as he was off his tits on performance enhancing drugs...

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