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Posts posted by VictorOnopko

  1. 13 hours ago, virginton said:

    That's a rather long-winded and mewling way of admitting that you were in fact completely wrong. Gutted for you. 

    Around this time last year, I remember pulling you up on some weird gloating that Morton were a far bigger team than Ayr United, who you were eager to call a "point and laugh" outfit, and you also claimed that Morton had won "far more trophies" than Ayr.  A quick check revealed that you had won one more - a league title in the bottom tier.

    All in all, some long-winded mewelling followed, during which time you refused to admit you were in fact completely wrong.  I wasn't gutted for you though.

    I see Ayr finished last season comfortably above Morton, and beat you at the weekend too.  Ouch.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Nizzy said:

    Whoa, quite the 180 here. Colin Weir is now "pathetic" and lacking in class? 

    It's being repeatedly drummed into folk that it's perfectly reasonable for the old/new board to sell up and f*ck off, yet potshots are now being taken at the guy who's made probably the most significant financial contribution to Partick Thistle in the past 15-20 years?

    Not really.  Much has been made about him being a lifelong fan, having a long-term sustainable vision for the club, bringing through young talent, etc.  His name is on a stand as recognition for what he's done. That doesn't really fit with upping and leaving quite suddenly because his (seemingly quite incompetent) pal has been removed from her post.

    CW's contribution, whether or not it is now at a close, has obviously been significant and generous.  However, my personal opinion is that if these press reports are true, the way he's suddenly called a halt to all projects is very poor.  No future youth funding, no training ground.  Obviously we don't have a clue what's going on behind the scenes as no one at the club is willing to tell us, but it's not great on CW's part and if it were me in his position, my investment in the club wouldn't be dependent on who was on the board. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Nizzy said:

    It's two factions slinging mud at each other through anonymous sources and proxies. The truth, as ever, will lie somewhere in the middle.

    Quite.  But if it's true that Colin Weir has taken his ball and gone home in a huff because his pal Jacqui was removed from the board, then that's pretty pathetic stuff from the two of them, tbh.

    I'm no fan of Caldwell so far and think he still has a lot to prove, but if the (new) Board don't rate him then they should bin him.  If they're keeping him then they need to back him to some extent at least with more incoming players, as our squad is not top-4 as things stand.

    The team bus thing is just an embarrassing shambles (again, if true).  Remniscent of the story years ago about Aberdeen removing the kettle to save on electricity.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Romeo said:
    23 minutes ago, VictorOnopko said:
    Nope,  Pozbaird's excellent, rational post just pointed out that the carefully planned Celtic display was laughable, paranoid nonsense which deserves to be roundly mocked.

    "Words on paper upset grown men" shocker

    Who is upset? People are rightly pointing and laughing at the huge display at Celtic Park claiming that Celtic are victims of a conspiracy to keep them down (despite winning the last 9 trophies on the bounce and being the richest they have ever been) and, bizarrely, mentioning deportations.  It's (unintentionally) very funny indeed, because it's so pompous and self-aggrandising.

    You calling a very level-headed post a "heads gone" is also quite funny.  Cheers for that.

  5. 1 hour ago, Romeo said:

    Completely heads gone.


    Marvelous to see. 1 game into the season emoji3.png


    Nope,  Pozbaird's excellent, rational post just pointed out that the carefully planned Celtic display was laughable, paranoid nonsense which deserves to be roundly mocked.

  6. 12 hours ago, Fuctifano said:

    When he's on form his first touch is brilliant, his "signature" goal was the first touch to buy space and send the defender the wrong way, then finish with the second. Last season that seemed to have gone, I was in the camp that at 32 he still had plenty to offer and in a winning team would pick up again but I can see the other side  which is obviously where Caldwell stands as well.

    Since someone else has posted above, the second goal at 1.39 in is pretty much the sort of goal I'm talking about, albeit it's 3 touches rather than 2.

    First goal in this video as well


    The second goal in this video, away to Hibs, is my favourite Doolan goal - sublime from start to finish.  He may not be able to do that any more, but he's still a big loss to our club (f--k off Caldwell!) and likely to be a big asset for Ayr.  Hope he scores a barrel-load for you this season, except against us, obvs.

  7. 15 minutes ago, forameus said:

    It's the Erskine situation, but magnified.  We didn't really bring in a direct replacement for him, but Cardle was probably the closest, right?  I'd say in that sense, he probably just about got away with it.

    It's the same here again, if Miller (or someone else) comes in and scores loads, then it's probably a good decision.  If he doesn't, and Doolan goes on to score a thousand, then it's a terrible decision.  To be fair though, that's exactly what Caldwell has said.  He's fronted up and realised what he's doing, and I expect he'll accept the blame if he gets it wrong.  Not that that'll save him.

    Yep, I pretty much agree with this.  Personally, I would rather have Doolan in the team (or coming off the bench) than a 40-year-old Kenny Miller any day of the week, and that's without the stuff about Miller's alleged disruptive influence at other clubs being factored in.  Doolan had a poor season last year, but that was for the most part in an extremely poor team. It would have been interesting to see him in (hopefully) a better side, getting his confidence back and playing as a poacher, which is all Miller will realistically offer us. 

    Maybe all this will be academic as Miller's not signed yet, and if the rumours are true, Caldwell may not be our manager this coming season anyway if we're taken over and become Barnsley and Nice's feeder club!

  8. If we sign Kenny Miller, it'll be quite interesting to see who gets more goals between him and Doolan (assuming they play roughly the same number of games).

    If it's anywhere near comparable, then all Caldwell has done is unceremoniously bin a bona fide club legend (perhaps partly because he is a club legend), and brought in one of his 40-year-old pals from the (very distant) old days.  It's reasonable to assume that Miller will also get significantly more money than Doolan was getting paid.  Still, I'm sure our boss knows what he's doing.  He certainly eased us to safety in an impressive manner last season.

  9. I for one am very impressed by the communication from the club clarifying the rumours of a takeover/investment which are doing the rounds and being reported on in the press (well, the Daily Heil, anyway). 

    We were promised that last year's numerous PR mistakes had been learned from and that the club's PR/comms would be much better from now on, and this is a great start to keeping fans of the club in the loop.


  10. The length (as in basic word count) of the statement is impressive - unfortunately, the content is mostly wheedling, self-justificatory, passive-aggressive drivel.  At least our PR supremo chairman recognises that the club's PR has been an absolute shambles in almost every way. Sending a massive screed like this out doesn't mean she knows how to do it better, though.

    The Doolan bit is annoying too - I thought the major flaw in how it was handled was more about the sudden, brief f-off which KD received out of the blue from Caldwell after ten years of service, rather than how the announcement was made, but according to this it was just carelessly communicated.  Hmmm.

  11. 7 hours ago, GrahamJags said:

    Ended up going last night, and was impressed by Caldwell, surprisingly enough.

    One or two things I didn’t agree with, or were contradictory, such as how we can’t shout from the rooftops about how the aim is promotion, yet that’s what everyone at the club was doing from the moment he took over until fairly recently. Also saying that the team he took over wasn’t capable of high press, or playing the way he wanted, even though we were told that he had an individual plan for every member of the squad at that time.

    Regardless though, he did make the squad better in January. Although I don’t think that his style of play was implemented as well as he thinks it was, as we’ve still been pretty brutal at various points since then. If the plan is to play the way we did at Ayr away and QOTS in the last couple of games of the season, then I’m happy enough with that.

    Caldwell has bought himself some goodwill from the Thistle support at a moment when he really needed it, but ultimately I’ll be reserving judgement until I see some major improvements on the park come August.

    100% agree.  For all Caldwell's apparent ability to dazzle any audience with a powerpoint presentation, he's done the bare minimum so far.  The January window was excellent, as much in terms of ridding ourselves of utter dross as quality coming in, but in the end McDonald was the difference between safety (by the skin of our teeth) and a play-off or worse.  He certainly hasn't got us playing consistently well since January, that's for sure; the main step forward from the Archibald era is that at least we're no longer shipping last minute goals every other week.

    I wasn't there, but what you say about contradictions isn't a surprise.  He's clearly happy to talk a fair amount of bullshit as he goes along, and that includes the individual plans nonsense, when he then got about 1 point in his first 8 games, and the mixed messages about promotion.  The delusional promotion chat was infuriating last season - I'm sure quite late on in winter either Caldwell or the board (or both) were still talking about it when we were in the bottom two (or even dead last).  Is he now saying we're not aiming for promotion next season, or not being drawn on it?  He obviously talks a good game at events like last night's, but during the actual season he handled a lot of stuff pretty badly.

  12. 3 hours ago, Exiledjag said:

    Genuinely sorry to see Christie go. 

    Have thought he was under rated and although I agree his crossing of the ball could at times had been better it shouldn't be forgotten that for a few seasons he, with Callun Booth, made up one of the best attacking wingback partnerships in the SPL. 

    He always played for the Jersey unlike some of his team mates who just seemed to disappear the minute a game turned against us. 

    Wishing him all the best for his future career. Welcome back to Firhill anytime. 

    Thanks for your efforts Christie, you tried hard, at least. Good luck at Carlisle.

  13. 14 minutes ago, Walter said:

    If Jags fans are "gutted" then I expect it's for sentimental reasons only. I don't think many of us expected Doolan to be a regular started had he stayed.

    Doolan still had a potential role to play as a squad player who can come on and score goals, as well as being a model pro, a coach, and an example to younger players.  It's not sentimentality to think this, even though he wasn't at his best last season. 

  14. Been away for a few days and come back to this.  There's no way that Doolan no longer has anything to contribute, even if it's only off the bench.  Caldwell apparently seems to have said tattie Bye in about 5 seconds, without even offering him, say, one more year on the same wages, with the proviso that he's now only a squad player.  Not even that.  Massively insulting and thoroughly disrepectful to a model pro who has played for us for a decade and been the best player at the club for at least 7 or 8 years of that.  Keeping him here wouldn't have been sentimentality - as I am pretty sure he'll show at Ayr or wherever he goes next season.  He's also a fantastic example of professionalism, loyalty and level-headedness which must have some value around the club.

    It's also extremely odd that although 'Heed' doesn't seem to like long-serving club legends, he is apparently willing to pay big money to keep Christie Elliott, whose career has ben a long and painful search to find a position he is able to play in.  RB has ended up the least bad option, but he is eminently binnable. (at least his OG against Dunfermline secured Archibald's overdue exit).  Imagine looking at the smouldering remains of this season's squad after staying up on the last day - and saying Keep to Elliott and Punt to Doolan.  Madness.

    Just when I thought this utterly shite season couldn't get any worse.

  15. 2 hours ago, Nightmare said:

    You forgot him kicking his studs on the goalpost. A vital part of the routine.

    I miss Tam. Helped that he was actually a really good keeper as well as a professional shithouser.

    100% agree. Didn't TC also once get a valid goal against us chalked off just by harassing the linesman and pointing a lot?  Not sure if I just imagined that.

  16. 4 hours ago, drs said:

    He did.

    Several people though have trouble telling the difference between being on staff and being a freelancer.

    Retiring  means stopping work. It doesn't mean changing your employment status from in-house to self-employed, presumably for tax reasons through a company.  If I recall correctly, Chick Dung's (non-)retirement was marked by a dismal series on Scotland's qualification campaigns which gave him a chance to try to be a much stupider, higher-pitched and cliche-riddled version of Hugh McIlvanney, and was also a convenient excuse for one last licence-fee funded jolly, to France.  The bold Chick then showed up polluting the airwaves as usual at the start of the following season, and got some ribbing for it from the excellent Richard Gordon and others.  I remember thinking at the time that far from being friendly, it sounded like they were surprised that he was back (and not pleased about it). 

    Chick is by far the worst pundit on Sportsound, and that's obviously saying something. He has no redeeming features, insights or broadcasting skills which you wouldn't get from any random person walking down the street (most of whom would be much better than him, even if they didn't follow football).

    The whole retirement thing reminded me of George Costanza in Seinfeld when he quit in haste then crawled back to his office as though it hadn't happened....


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