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Posts posted by AL-FFC

  1. I think the thing with Shanley is from when we signed him possibly looking at one for the future with him, replacing MacIver is a big ask for anyone, If Shanley gets the nod then he has to look at it from "i have a point to prove" but on saying that when we first signed MacIver there were a lot of not good enough and 4 goals in an Alloa side and look how that panned out. The lad cant have too much confidence the now though as he isnt starting regular to get any consistency.

    Happy enough for him to get the start but would much rather see Alfie up top, I think Shanley would be one to see the game out rather than start.


  2. 8 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

    Especially given Finns performance perhaps meriting keeping his place in Olivers more normal role. With out Maciver winning the aerial battle, we perhaps need to look to Coll and Hendo to squeeze up earlier than they normally do allowing Tait and Spencer to try and find passes in the final third rather than the wingers feeding off Maciver.... Risky strategy but I hate to see us playing Maciver game towards Oliver who just can't do it. 

    Only other way i can see is play Miller on the right Ross on the left and swap MacIver for Alfie

  3. 4 minutes ago, Enigma said:

    Brown also might be a compete numpty. Ray McKinnon had a much better run of games with us in this league (and it was a much stronger league too) than Brown has managed with Ayr and look where he is now… McGlynn at least there’s enough evidence to suggest he’s a know quantity and wouldn’t unlikely to be a disaster. I know they’re most likely both out the picture with St Johnstone but for fans to be so against McGlynn but so in favour of Brown seems a little… strange?

    Brown played for one of the arsecheeks which is probably why, i said before if a team is cut adrift at the bottom why would any manager flying high in a league below take on that job when the window is closed and they have to make do with what they have until January and even then they dont know if who is available will be enough to keep them up, if there is any money there and have their reputation damaged as a manager with being saddled with a side with relegation written all over them or even sacked before they get to January  for a bigger pay day till the sacking.

  4. 1 minute ago, BPM said:

    Pick this statement up on SM from the Green Brigade. It is three pages long of their usual drivel but this page stood out with their derisory comments about the Falkirk support. 


    Apparently they got upset about songs being sung about paedophilia by the Ultras, but they seem to be ok with hiding it and supporting terrorist organisations. for that we are apparently scum.

  5. 1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

    Alfie has had to be really patient, and the charge against him generally has been frustratingly inconsistent, and doesn't work back enough. 

    I think he has done plenty to address those both in recent weeks and make the Jersey his. Obviously hope Morrison gets himself well first and foremost, but last seasons top man has a job on getting back in this team. 

    Alfie said himself i think it was to the end of last season when he was interviewed that with making the jump from part time to full time and is still learning.   The mans just unpredictable and during our time in league 1 he was the main stand out player against us when he was at Kelty.  Hoping MacIvers injury isnt too bad.  If Shanley has to step up though he has a chance to redeem himself, but i think mcGlynn might just prefer Oliver to him.

    I hope this is the last of injurys but saying that it may work out better over the long term get it over and done with the now rather than the tail end of the season, just rather no one was injured but it is what it is.

  6. 3 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    You signed Championship level players in League One. Folk like Brad Spencer should never have been at that level.

    Signing players far too good for the division isn't something he could do with us, and not for months even if he could.

    We could give him years to rebuild but there's nothing on his CV to suggest it would be worth giving him that responsibility. 

    Bulk of those players i am pretty sure had track record for being injury prone (lang as an example) Ross another one that had an injury problem at Raith and pretty sure it was mentioned Spencer as well not to mention a McGinn that was coming to the end of his career.

    plus all those signings we havent done a Livvy/Dundee or Accies where it would put the club at risk from administrators

    As for the rebuild job he did say it owuld take 2 yrs as he had been hamstrung with players from previous season/s.

  7. I think any manager in a job will look at the squad and resources and think can i keep them up, how long will it take to build a side the way i want to play, will i be able to bring players in in January and is this a big job (no sense in saying its a 2 yr job to fix if your going to be sacked in 6 months).  If the answer to any of those questions is NO then no manager in a job would take the hit on risking a good position in the league for more money and a relegation battle with their managerial record being tarnished for any future bigger jobs. I dont think McGlynn would risk it, what i seen on hearts forum they dont want McGlynn and see that as a lazy appointment and i cant see see him doing a Jeffries on us as have they not punted him twice before when he was in the caretaker role ?

    Expect someone that's currently unemployed on the managerial merry go round, but probably not from Scottish football.

    Echo whats been said, we are playing some of the best stuff since the Jeffries/McCall/Yogi years theres a feel good about the club why would he want to go to a possible 6 month gig with a sacking.

  8. 5 minutes ago, North West said:

    No doubt got lucky today, I mean, your local rivals booted you in the haw maws last week. Please don't forget too early or you lose a sense of perspective as a support.

    Airdrie, must try harder.

    Jees a win against 10 men and the big team in fife and your going all billy big baws 

  9. I left as soon as the 4th goal went in which is the first time I have ever done that. I was always in the McGlynn in when you look at the season we had under him compared to Rennie, Holt, M & M, Sheerin, and MacKinnon it was progress as well as having some of the legacy players that still had contracts. Any team with Brad McKay in it might as well gift anyone at least a man down and a 2 goal head start how he made a career out of being a footballer is beyond me let alone get picked up by other teams.

    Always look at it from never make a decision when angry as much as we capitulated to them.

    The thing is when you look back would you have traded promotion that season under the playoffs for the Invincibles and running away with the league, lifting the League 1 title and some of the performances of last year ?

    I don't think I would, the game against accies at NDP to open the gap, 7-1 against Montrose to have the league sealed and the pitch invasion. and Spencers penalty at the TFS on the last game of the season to seal Invincible, Not a chance would I swap those memories.

    Massive credit for last season also has to go to the Ultras as well.

  10. 42 minutes ago, GMBairn said:

    I'm not the slightest bit annoyed about it but there is no point pretending that things like the covenant or armed forces day has nothing to do with politics especially in a country like Scotland.

    Like I said this isn't an appropriate forum to really discuss what the club should/shouldn't do and I don't know if HSW comments represent a small or large section of the fan base but it is potentially something the club should get an understanding off if they are going to get a negative reaction to it so they can respond however they think appropriate.

    I can't imagine there is wide concern in the support as I think most people won't give a f**k.

    What the f..k is politcal about wanting to treat someone as an equal ?,  

    we treat junkies and terrorists with more humanity.

  11. 7 hours ago, GMBairn said:

    Not sure this forum is the correct one to discuss the clubs political stance and support for the British govt. And forces.

    If anyone has grievances they should probably get in touch with the club directly and they could potentially poll the support through FSS or something to see if the wider support approves or disapproves of it.

    Can you explain how signing up to a covenant to give someone leaving the forces an equal chance of a job or not discriminating against them Is the club supporting the govt ? 

    This is effectively the Armed Forces Covenant:

    The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise by the nation ensuring that those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, are treated fairly.

    or would you rather we just not bother about them and deny them medical treatment or chances of a job etc. I've known guys I served with that when going for housing were told "your making yourself homeless by leaving the forces and weren't entitled to a house" and that was a married guy with kids and that was Falkirk Council who told him that.

    I get the fact this topic has deviated from Falkirk and football due to a post but signing up to say you'll give someone an equal chance and not discriminate against them for a job they done in the past is not supporting the British Govt its not supporting any conflict or glorifying war. The club has been good in supporting Armed forces day and also in remembrance of Remembrance Day it doesn't change anything that they are doing.

    For those who have got annoyed about the club announcing that, have a look into the Armed forces covenant,  do your research before getting annoyed about it its not as i we are going to play the national anthem before each game make everyone stand and make the ultras sing "god save the king" remove the league 1 flag and replace it with a Union Flag or remove the 2 falkirk badges on either side of the stadium and replace them with huge murals of the King. Have a word with yourself . 

    Because honestly if you feel that former forces should be discriminated against and castigated for a job they done or you think its about supporting the govt etc then either way there's 2 clubs in Glasgow you might feel better with.

  12. If you want to delve deeper into it look up McRaes Battalion most of them were professional football players who came from clubs like Falkirk, Hearts, Raith and Dunfermline



    Within seven days, over 800 men had signed up for what would become 16RS but was always better known as McCrae’s Battalion. That Saturday they paraded behind Sir George, still in civilian clothes, around Tynecastle, the Hearts ground, at half-time in the local derby match against the other major Edinburgh team, Hibernian or Hibs. By the following Saturday, when the Battalion paraded through the City en route to George Heriot’s School which was to be their initial barracks and training base, the total had risen to over 1350 including a strong contingent of professional and amateur footballers and other sportsmen. A total of at least 30 professional footballers are listed as having joined. These included, in addition to the original 11 plus, now, two further professionals from Hearts, taking the total to thirteen, seven from Raith Rovers, six from Falkirk, two from Dunfermline Athletic and one from Hibs. Seventy-five football clubs are listed as having contributed members to 16 RS by December 1914.

  13. 6 hours ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

    The Armed Forces Covenant is all fine and dandy. But the club should be careful about mission creep where the UnionJackery element hijack the commendable policy for Political and Sectarian reasons. UK Armed Forces Air, Sea and Land deployed in support of the IDF in their Gaza offensive and therefore implicated in International Court prosecutions is another factor.

    The club has got the balance right. Lets keep it that way and leave Political and Sectarian messages sadly tagged to the armed forces to the arse cheeks.

    If you really want to know what the Armed Forces covenant it is about is basically giving those who have served a fair chance at a job or medical treatment or anything else for that matter without being discriminated against for the job they done previously. Most ex forces are anti govt and there is a very small few that still think of the empire the end of the day its a job whether you agree with it or not and when the shit hits the fan its them that folk call on.

    So effectively its to give any employer a warm and fuzzy feeling to say "oh we look after those who have served" when in actual fact its just a tick box exercise to say they aren't discriminating against those who served.

    Rant over


  14. 13 hours ago, Ian Mcleod said:

    We have a squad of 24 I don't really know where you've got 27 from. One of them is a youth 3rd choice keeper. And another Fergus Owens who is injured for the entire season. 

    Check your club website you have 27 players in your squad according to it. or have you not paid the website company for updating it ..lol 

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