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Everything posted by AL-FFC

  1. Have you looked at the Camino Di Santiago thats one i fancy doing just trying to work out how to take 6 weeks away from work.
  2. No playing anyone, the fact he has made so many randoms (mostly wrong) and stating the obvious starting to think he has attention deficit disorder and just spouting p*sh for a bite or the feeling to be popular in the unlikely case someone thinks he is ITK
  3. Any chance you can pick up Danny Rogers as well? Only if you take Leo Fasan
  4. I wouldn’t worry about that post it, you can guarantee if its coming from Edi it’s a load of shite. He’s just enjoying the attention of thinking he is ITK.
  5. Article in the Herald looks interesting with RM comments more than just 7 mibbees ? https://www.falkirkherald.co.uk/sport/football/falkirk-fc/falkirk-boss-ray-mckinnon-happy-it-s-new-year-1-4850906 “I’ve been saying all along I can’t wait until January and now it’s here and now we’ve got to try and turn things around. A lot of these players will not be here come the end of January. A lot of them will not play again.
  6. In all fairness the only one claiming phenomenal piece of business and outstanding signing is Edibairn he said the same thing about Haber and the less said about that the better. The rest of us have learned our lesson after the close season farce of a signing spree whilst exciting at the time and a new approach there was one fatal flaw in the plan "IT WAS BOLLOCKS"
  7. If it wasn't for him we wouldn't have picked up the 3 points against Caley mind you on that logic if it wasn't for McKee we wouldn't have picked up the point against Partick. Oh one to note Edi you want to look at treatment for that attention deficit disorder you have.
  8. Same could be said with Aero/Kidd and Fasan in goals in fact Fasan is the equivalent of giving someone a 2 goal head start.
  9. CD pairing of Harrison and Brough isn't the worst If Dixon is playing at LB although you still have Aero/Kidd at RB (please ffs sign a proper RB)
  10. The same was said about the signing of Haber and look how that panned out
  11. No great surprises tbh, i do believe Bainsfordbairn also mentioned they expect announcements to be made from Wednesday onwards so again not really anything we didn't already know
  12. Now i know your just trolling, in fact come to think of it am sure you said the same about Haber and look how that panned out
  13. Speaking of Stokes see he went AWOL from the Iranian club he signed for and had been forced to go back by FIFA after they lodged a complaint.
  14. He would be great in the side then he would have been used to being humped in those films ...
  15. Can relate to that one, i had a bad couple of days after Christmas, boxing day being the worst and questioning my own existence same time realising if i was to do anything stupid its a cry for attention , but past couple of days i have been ok and feeling a lot better. Still feel alone with things but lot of friends have moved on and refuse to be the sad loner at the bar tonight so quiet in. kind of looking forward to just getting back to work.
  16. If the rumours of what went on at the time were correct i dont think even with the right manager it would have worked. if you have others with their own ambitions and a new manager comes in and puts paid to them why would they care. End of the day the ones that suffered for it was the club and the supporters.
  17. Seriously!!, you didnt need to be Nostradamus to predict that one ffs next you will be telling us that the Titanic has sank
  18. the term lazy idle workshy b*stard springs to mind with Haber and no goals as a return for a striker
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