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Everything posted by AL-FFC

  1. tbf on that of late i would say most clubs have handled their respective crisis/media wrong ICT over the instagram post, Dundee Utd with the blackface, Dunfermline over their players/ground and just generally fife being fife.
  2. Trouble you have you uncover a gem like Vaulks but then you look at Ayr Utd with Shankland and you get the likes of the OF sniffing about wanting to sign a 23 goal striker for 200k , even Sevco are back sniffing about Vaulks thinking they can sign him for half of what the likes Norwich, Villa and Stoke are going to pay for him.
  3. That was my point the summers strategy failed on a massive scale, its not the fact it cant be done but you need the right scouting system/scout not a 4 or 5 min youtube vid of his best moments on a game and you definitely don't need a scout called Mitch. Its a strategy that can work for us but we need the right person/persons in place i.e. not Hartley and not Mitch, which we have rectified.
  4. Pretty sure that was part of the strategy with this summers recruitment find a couple of gems and then sell on to bring in some money there was only one drawback with that plan - it was bollocks
  5. If Vaulks moves to Stoke or Norwich according to the FH we had a sell on clause and get a bit from that as well. If by some miracle we managed to sell any of the current crop i will be amazed with the exception of TR but going by Edibairns posts he is out anyway (aye right) https://www.falkirkherald.co.uk/sport/football/falkirk-fc/falkirk-keeping-an-eye-on-vaulks-transfer-interest-1-4845638
  6. I think most of us were realistic to know it was a hit or miss policy but the fact the majority were an unknown quantity was the one that could have surprised everyone in this case they were right they did surprise us, but it was how shite they were.
  7. I think this seasons recruitment did as well and look where that has us
  8. Not to diss the lad but i dont think he was our level of player though, but same could be said for O Hara, thats 2 wages that could have went elsewhere. As i said i was going by wikipedia entry on his stats.
  9. Scored 8 goals when he was on loan last season going by wikipedia he hasn't scored at all since he signed for them permanently, i dont even think he is a regular starter for them tbh.
  10. He has to be on the wind up with some of his comments/statements
  11. You know he is going to mention Sibbs returning as he did it earlier but that was mainly someone had posted it before mentioning Sibbs and another Bartley i think it was.
  12. Could throw in a Kevin O Hara as part of the deal that would have Edibairn on meltdown Sheps and Kev reunited again.
  13. Please don't your only encouraging him with his frequent spout of pish his next rambling will be that we are signing a player and that it will be a male and he will have a birthday sometime in the next year.
  14. tbf to shout your shite at our current first team i dare say a few will be scratching their heads thinking is that for me or ?
  15. Looking back on things who were your favourite players for shouting abuse at, i dont think the the current opposition players have the same capacity to wind folk up with the exception of Higgy might just be me but the game doesnt have the characters in it like it used to.
  16. Or in the case of Fasan looking for the ball "IT'S BEHIND YOU" well it normally is
  17. You are at a football stadium with a load of grown men granted if your in the family section you expect them to be under a bit of moderation with swearing but when your sat elsewhere at the stadium and someone says to you "can you mind your language i have my kids here" its a bit annoying whether it be yelling at a referee he's shite or another teams player for being a bit of a w****r. No rascism or any other type of abuse just simple calling someone a c**t or being shite Forgot to add the kids have heard worse in the playground and dare i say it in some cases at home and you're telling others to mind their language at a game.
  18. Not sure but Martin Ritchie seems to be the majority shareholder, going by this article in the herald in the start of the year and what Craig said reading into it the MSG at present wanted the money but willing to give very little in regards to changes to the way the club works or is ran (or the present situation we know better as it is commonly known): https://www.falkirkherald.co.uk/sport/football/falkirk-fc/falkirk-fans-step-back-from-bid-to-buy-into-bairns-1-4822698
  19. Meltdown tonight by Edibairn calling Craig101 a liar or something else and ensuing argument get the popcorn ready
  20. We/ve missed a trick here instead of building a hotel where the west stand should be we could franchise that strip out to make it long drive through mcds, KFC, Tim Hortons and costa all drive thru would make a killing for those that park at the ground
  21. On another note Patons comments in the Herald should be a bit of a wake up call to some and doesn't seem to be beating about the bush with them at least he is being honest especially in his own performances: https://www.falkirkherald.co.uk/sport/football/we-need-to-act-now-or-falkirk-will-be-relegated-says-paton-1-4842734 Speaking after Saturday's game, Paton said: "To throw away a two-goal lead and find yourself bottom of the league again is not good enough. "We have not been good enough all season. Some of the goals we have been giving away have been criminal. "We understand with a good win against Morton we can climb again. Personally, I think every time we think we have turned a corner, we hit a brick wall. "I just think as players you need to take the blame. At some point something has got to click, we can't keep giving daft goals away at home - it will end up killing us. "I've been there, I was relegated with Dundee United. I was out injured until January and I was just watching on and it was similar traits to here. "You think you're going to win, then, bang, something happens, and you've lost the game or you've drew. If we don't get the finger out that is exactly what will happen here. The Bairns have picked up eight points in their last five league games but that was little comfort to Paton who believes Falkirk should be challenging at the other end of the table. He said: "I don't buy that, I don't think Falkirk should be anywhere near the bottom. "It's just because we have been such an embarrassment earlier in the season."It's just not good enough. As individuals you have to look at yourself and say have I been good enough, have I brought enough to the table? "You ask individuals in that dressing room and not a lot of them will say yes. "We've got a lot of young boys here and if they want to go on and have bigger and better careers, then, they better get the finger out because they are kidding themselves on. "A couple of them have maybe done well, Zak's done well, but, if these young boys want to go and aspire to bigger things, they need to start performing."I'm coming to the end of my career and I'm striving to be better making the box and scoring goals. "I've not been good enough this season but as individuals we all need to have words with ourselves."
  22. Think he has lost track of all the pish he has been spouting himself the latest seems to be contradicting the stuff he previously contradicted himself on. The fact that some seem to be buying into his ITK info has gone to his head by the looks.
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