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Everything posted by AL-FFC

  1. Thats Sheps/CC "TELT" thank f**k for that he was becoming tedious mind you i dare say he will post his next chapter of ITK information or "Shite" as its becoming more known as.
  2. Seen this one on the news the other day stuck her head out the train window you cant make this shit up. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-bristol-46524418
  3. Way things are going ML is going to spend more time in a courtroom or attending hearings as an FFC chairperson than in her own job capacity as a lawyer
  4. Posted a couple of weeks back that there was a bit on sky news about it and saying racial abuse is on the rise in football, funny thing is it seems to be once again us that is taking the brunt of it its even worse when you got one of the arse cheeks that is the OF commenting on it.
  5. Funny the focus is on us yet i noticed Hearts took action on 2 of their own supporters for racially abusing a Motherwell player but nothing was said about that. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/racist-abuse-claims-hearts-game-13706350
  6. On account of those names thats like mentioning to someone by the way did you know the Titanic sank. Given its Edibairn trying to make out that he is ITK i would pretty much say he is more ITDK roll on January thats all i am going to say.
  7. Not sure on what part of that is meant to be the punishment but if you sat him through any game on a Saturday that would be right up there with crimes against humanity and against the Geneva convention although trying to coach Fasan to be a goalkeeper is probably on a par with that, but he has to come from the Scott Higgins school of goalkeeping (they didnt want him as an outfield player so told him to go in goals.
  8. Although i accept Fasan is woeful the one with Hogarth that sticks out i think it was a first game of the season against Thistle he ran out to clear the ball missed it and the ball went in the back of the net but on levels of useless keepers we have has Fasan, Higgins, Flinders but i have to agree Fasan has to be the most inept as much as the results show the defence is poor i wonder how many points we would be up with a decent keeper and a defence without Dallison.
  9. On another more positive note if you look at the Herald in regards to the loan signings according to that Habers loan is up in January or it could be an error on their behalf
  10. Think he is on crack with comments like that, i actually thought we had went back to the summer transfer window with possible predictions of us challenging for the top of the league. We fucked up this seasons recruitment and struggling to survive now we are challenging for Europe unless Abramovich or some rich arab sheikh is planning on buying over the club its unlikely.
  11. I'm beginning to wonder about Edibairn where before there was pessimism surrounding him and he couldnt say a good word about the club we are now not only achieving championship survival but establishing ourselves in Europe, they must have changed his medication. Now dont get me wrong am all for the glass is half full approach so each to their own.
  12. Sheps said he would have the pick of any club when he was released from Falkirk.
  13. Pep Guardiola, Jurgen Klopp and Jose Mourinho must be sh*tting themselves
  14. Article last week that they are looking at a cull of wild boar due to the THREAT of pigs being infected by some disease, not to mention a few other areas for people feeling intimidated by them and numbers growing. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/nov/19/national-trust-criticised-after-hiring-marksman-to-cull-wild-boar-stourhead-estate https://news.sky.com/story/out-of-control-wild-boar-to-be-culled-in-the-uk-as-numbers-soar-11561926
  15. I cant even mind of him thats up there with a Sabatino de Massis level
  16. According to that Eddie May is still manager and Lee Bullen was the one that recommended him.
  17. I understand your point but if Hartley was going to be his manager for the foreseeable future (in this case it was) and if his man management skills are as bad as whats been said why would anyone want to work somewhere they hated their job even if it was the club you grew up supporting. I also mentioned i think Lee Miller was probably another factor in what swayed him to move to Livi. The end of the day it came down to they were in the Premier and we weren't he had/has a chance to show what he can do at a higher level to get him in the shop window for a better move.
  18. We also had the next level shit from Yogi with the next level experienced pros at SPL level BoB, Jackie McNamara, Neil McCann, Pressley, Lovell and look how that panned out. There is no magic formula for it its just the luck of the draw getting the team right on the park and results going our way. Our biggest problem at the moment is getting goals, the only contribution we are getting is from Rudden normally you could count on someone like Sibbs or Alston etc to chip in with a goal to help but we dont have that throughout the team.
  19. I'm not saying its the only problem but the biggest issue we have other than Rudden we havent got an out and out goal scorer, defensively i think our biggest issue was trying to pair up Harrison and Dallison (in football terms its like mixing electricity and water) with Brough on the left but Defensively to a degree we have sorted our shit out with the only major issue apart from not having a natural RB being Fasan. Midfield wise though we need someone that can create something as since Sibbs left we dont really have that. back on about Sibbs again if someone else offered you 200 pounds a week more than your current job then i think most of us would be off the other issue that i dare say was a reason he wanted away was that any manager he worked with wasn't Paul Hartley.
  20. IMHO opinion i reckon Sibbs was swayed a lot by Lee Miller if your mates going to be there its going to help you settle a lot, even in one of his post match interviews when he came back from injury when asked if he still wanted away he said more than ever which as well as a few others Hartley might have wanted him there but Sibbs didn't want to be there with PH there (am guessing) but there was a lot of underlying things that haven't helped his case namely Hopkin leaving the club a new manager coming in regardless if he knew him or not. if your hating the place your in and wanting a move then you will jump at anything just to get away from a shite situation.
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