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Posts posted by proudtobeabuddy

  1. The club have made a complete arse of this,  amateur teams treat their fans better. The lack of communication to explain why we get 12% capacity while every other team is able to get roughly 40/50 % is pathetic. Many fans go in family groups or friends, who they see on a regular basis... so why bubbles weren't allowed is again baffling. My two brothers and nephew managed to get a ticket for the Hearts game, I sit next to them... it's not rocket science to organise this.  At best the club's handling of the situation could be described as amateurish but I'd go further... it's shambolic, pathetic and unacceptable. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

    Hard to keep a level head at the minute. I'm glad this fucking season is over.

    Huge challenge ahead to rebuild - we'll almost certainly lose players to clubs that can offer top flight football and our market for players just shrank. I'm about 99.99% sure we're going to be looking for a new management team, too.

    We'll take Paul so he can play with his brother.

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