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Posts posted by Mod1967

  1. 30 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

    Would anyone else be shocked if Charlie Mulgrew rocked up at Somerset now? Good pals with McGeady and I think he’s been told he can leave Dundee United. Not really a position we’re short in but he can cover left back and play in midfield I’m sure. 

    Not at all and would be reasonably happy with that, don't know if Bullen would be delighted with McGeadys assistant manager being brought in though 😳

  2. 13 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

    Aye apologies. I think our wage structure will be quite tight and no one will be earning huge amounts more than the other. Murphy will probably be at the top end of the scale and potentially Smith and Hewitt at the other? 

    No one will ever know for sure and if they did it shouldn’t be revealed on here but going back to budget chat there is no reason why we shouldn’t have a decent chunk left to spend. All we’ve done is replace some of the bodies that have left and two of those players would’ve been on a fair chunk you’d assume. With the Dipo sale I think there’s scope to bring in some good additions but players need to want to come to the club. 


  3. 1 hour ago, D'Jaffo said:

    To try and offer a balanced argument I would say that the squad as it is will struggle this season. I don’t think that can be disagreed with. Even with Akinyemi it’s a bottom two squad at best. Lacking a lot in the full back areas, nothing special in midfield in terms of contributing going forward, wide options are pretty poor besides Jamie Murphy and we have no presence up front. That’s quite a lot to resolve at this stage of the season. In times gone by you’d maybe go into the league cup games needing one or two reinforcements and those games would be an indication of what’s missing. We made really good signings in the last few years after these games like Lawrence Shankland in 2017, Liam Smith in 2018, Cammy Smith in 2020 and then last season when we got Mullin and Chalmers. There’s a running theme there. One or two quality additions to take the squad up a notch. This season however we’re looking at four signings if Bullen gets what he’s after. That’s a big ask imo and the way we’re looking we need all four to be a success. Not many clubs have that kind of success ratio for new signings. It’ll be interesting to see how we get on but I would say we’ll be doing well to get two good and two half decent players in. I can only hope that’s enough. 

    The conundrum we’re facing is that there’s a fair bit of uncertainty surrounding over how good Bullen in. It can’t be argued that last season in the league it was a success. The Scottish Cups was heartbreaking and the playoffs were embarrassing. How much of those three things can you attribute to Bullen. Because if you’re praising him for the league you also have to criticise him for the other two and I think that’s fair. I think the performance in the second half against Falkirk was poor and had a change been made to shore up the midfield it may have been different. The playoffs are difficult as we missed Akinyemi in the first game but again the decision to choose Hewitt over McAllister and to go to Firhill playing a 442 was a big call. Arguably he got it wrong as we were wide open all game and the tie was over in the first leg. Second leg is what it is and we were never overturning it. I don’t really blame anyone for it. I think what he said last night about the players being embarrassed in that game was true but ultimately the first game is where the mistakes were made that cost us. 

    If we move on to recruitment so far then I’d say it started off quite well. We lost McAdams, Kirk, Mullin, McAlear and Magure. We replaced them relatively quickly with Mutch, Stanger, Murphy, Pendlebury and Amartey. If I’m being honest I’d say those replacements are either mostly equal to or an improvement on what we had with Pendlebury and Mutch already looking better that McAlear and McAdams but Stanger is probably a downgrade on Kirk but if we’re being honest we were all expecting that given how good Kirk was. The issue is that last night the club said they knew Dipo would be leaving and also said the trouble with not having his replacement in the building is that agents and clubs will try and get more money from Ayr knowing they have just had an injection of cash. So no one on here can say the club didn’t have a chance to prepare or there was no chance of someone being here to replace him. It should’ve been Ruari Paton but that’s not to say that it’s excusable that we have no replacement. What it’s led to is pointless chasing of Brian Graham and Billy McKay, who are very different strikers and that in itself shows that we don’t know really know what kind of forward we want. Even Bullen last night said he wants some of this and some of that but if that was the case then it sounds like we’re looking for way more that six players. So either Bullen is hedging his bets in saying four but wanting more or the club don’t really have a solid plan of what it is they’re after and they’ll take what they can get. 

    I think the club has done a lot of things right and Ayr is in the good hands but I have this horrible feeling it’s going to go wrong and a decision has to be made on Bullen’s future. A LOT is riding on what decisions we make in the transfer market between now and the end of August. 


    By a mile your best post on here and little I think to argue about, still an arrogant b****** though 

  4. Just now, D'Jaffo said:

    Nothing said tonight would be a surprise to Ecrepont. Those discussions have taken place and Bullen didn’t say anything out of turn. 

    He saw Dipo every day so I’d say he’s more than qualified to speak on his state of mind and he said he was offered help in the shape of the club psychologist but he refused. 

    No one called anyone shite. Wullie Houston said he was surprised at the drop off in Jordan Houston. Said he was flying when we first brought him in and then he had a couple bad injuries which affected him and the targeting of him from the crowd didn’t help either. Said he hopes he get back to his best at QOS as he can be a good player. 

    Yip I apologise, my mate who was there put me straight, I did say however IF IT WAS ACTUALLY SAID I was quoting someone else on here who said the director said Houston was shite, however I shouldn't have jumped in with size 10s, lesson learned for me. 

    I do think these open forums are dangerous I we talk about individuals especially those who've left, far better in my opinion to Thank them for their service and wish them well, just my opinion 

    Lesson learned for me!!!

  5. 7 minutes ago, Thumper said:

    I dearly hope every single pronoun in that sentence was intended to refer to Lee Bullen and not the single c**t that kept Lee Bullen in a job this year.

    Very unprofessional if he had a go at Dipo, the lad single handedly made our season, how would he like it if someone stood up at an open forum and criticized him say...you want to have seen the big thick managers performance up at FALKIRK for instance, if I remember he openly mentioned that Tomi Adeloye had issues last year, which at the time I thought disgraceful, maybe Bully should concentrate in getting his teams to play football. 

    On the similar subject a director saying any player is shite whether they've left or not is disgusting, again maybe the directors should concentrate on improving the clubs communication,ST administration and in the 21st century their media infrastructure, we maybe are improving but that is incredibly unprofessional. 

    Obviously if it was all said, as I wasn't there. 

  6. Just now, D'Jaffo said:

    I definitely think he’d rather bring in a left back to try and push/overtake Reading but I wouldn’t be surprised to see Hewitt and Ecrepont both leave and two new full backs come in.

    Definitely, were weak in both positions, but clearly always targeted at LB, I actually like Paddy and think he'd be a decent squad player ideally further forward, also feel sorry for Ecrepont who's looked decent and unfairly judged when unwell and exposed at Firhhill. 

  7. The delay in kitting out some offices will have no impact on us fans, really should calm down. 

    The problem with LB position was a concern at the club way before Christmas and will be dealt with, it fitted someone's agenda on here for some reason that it was all about RB, that was never the case. 

    We'll get players in no doubt, just hope Glendinng ups his game because we need quality, 4 minimum. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Trogdor said:

    You know what really grinds my gears?

    The Ayr United manager using phrases such as "plucky", "little" or "wee" to describe the club. McCall was bad for it and so is Bullen. Get it in the sea.

    Absolutely this, it's been going on for ages, I think it suited Cameron but surely the current regime could get it stamped out. 

  9. Just now, No_Problemo said:

    No one is saying that he is good enough, but Ashford has been far better than either Beattie or Kyle were from us. 

    Kyle’s career was basically a couple of purple patches at Killie and Hearts. Barring that he goes down as one of Scotland’s worst ever and that is about it. 

    Sorry but that's nonsense 

  10. Iam admittedly very obsessed unfortunately re Ashford, reason being the club is miles from the shambles it was when dud past it wage thieves like Beattie and Kirk played, players of Ashford standard wouldn't have been acceptable back then never mind now, I want every player who pulls on our Jersey to be a success, but after 45 eye bleedingly bad appearances I struggle to watch the kid, I never buy into the nice guy, tries hard stuff your either good enough or your not 

  11. 1 minute ago, D'Jaffo said:

    None of that has anything to do with how good Beattie or Kyle were for Ayr. We were playing against other PT teams who also didn’t have those resources so it counts for nothing. 

    Your obsession with Sam Ashford is quite funny though. 

    I suggest you read the post again. Whilst with Ayr he thought he was above PT football despite displaying nothing that year to suggest it. 

    Do you think Ashford is any good or anywhere near the standard we require 

  12. 2 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

    Kevin Kyle was an absolute wage thief and I don’t think he gets enough stick for his stint at the club. An absolute moron who thought he was way above playing for little old Ayr. Was a terrible influence on the dressing room and it pisses me off that the fat b*****d and his wee scrote of a pal Slane are able to sit on their podcast and laugh about all the shite during their spells at Ayr whilst we the fans had to endure it. 

    Craig Beattie tried a bit more but was terrible as well for us. Another one who thinks he was better than PT football but was never able to back those claims up. 

    Are you suggesting Craig Beattie was never a full time standard football player?

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