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Everything posted by RossBFaeDundee

  1. I am genuinely curious which one of us will pick up points first. Albion Rovers jumped off the pointless bus, leaving just us lol
  2. 4-0 the Dee. Jimmy Boyle to be carried off on the shoulders of the players. Partly because of his glorious start, but mostly because nobody should have to walk on that shithole of a pitch.
  3. I'd hardly say that, first 10 minutes were promising, then the usual took place. Jimmy Boyle as manager, McPake as assistant. That's all I ask.
  4. Even if you put the horrendous start to the season aside, McCann's relationship with the players and overall lack of experience is contentious enough to make me believe getting somebody else in with more experience would be an overall improvement. And player-wise, I don't think it's that terrible. Sure, there are some Moussa-shaped issues in there, but with the right vision I feel something far better can be created with this group than what McCann is doing.
  5. I sure hope Allan McGregor is suspended for a game for his wee kickout today. Makes it all the easier for me to create some false hope.
  6. Just watched the highlights. Thank god I was working today. Looked disgustingly useless as always. BRING ON THE ****!!
  7. I'll keep my Twitter tab open but I doubt anything will come of it.
  8. Ok so prepare for Inniss or Callachan. I'm not even gonna say the other potential fellow's name just now...
  9. I'm happy with that. Good solid defender, think he'll come good in keeping that defense stout. If you thought it was Shankland, Idk what to say to ya.
  10. I'm just going to pretend that everything that's happened so far this season was all McCann's plan and was intended to culminate in the unstoppable duo of Miller and Shankland, and we're going to go on a 3-month winning streak. I will consider myself undoubtedly correct until midnight tomorrow. Then let the drinking begin.
  11. Now's the time to boot McCann. Mourinho will need another gig to bring up his reputation. Fates align.
  12. Just.... the usual. Nothing of merit, nothing to give any hope. Team has no confidence and isn't going anywhere with the current mindset. I still like McCann, but it just is not working. He is not a manager, much less one at this level.
  13. Yeah actually after 5 minutes of thought I'd happily take Miller now, just to have the goalscoring experience, even though he's a detestable w****r.
  14. Tbh, it's just a kneejerk reaction to thinking about Kenny Miller anywhere near the club I love.
  15. Walked all the way from work to pay £18 for that. Please give me a reason to go again while McCann is running this circus. Think I'll make my way to Downfield Park next week.
  16. https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/sport/football/dundee-fc/705875/new-stadium-would-put-dundee-in-elite-group-of-clubs-in-scotland-says-american-owner/ Interesting article, nice to feel a bit of stability in at least the office part of the club.
  17. Positives: Nabi looked pretty sharp when he was on, could be a key piece this season. Ralph gave a much better account of himself today, looked strong on the ball. Madianga is our best player, Hamilton is looking to be a decent goalie, Elton looks good, McGowan was good, Curran was mostly good. The side itself looked fine in all areas except up front. Negatives: That fucking moose. Get Sam Jones or Lawrence Shankland signed prrrrronto.
  18. All I've seen so far today. https://twitter.com/The_Tman10/status/1026804784551141376
  19. Just speaking on what I saw this Saturday, aside from that horrific mistake I thought Hamilton performed pretty well. I don't think there was much he could do about the 1st goal, and aside from the 2nd goal and when he nearly did something similar in the 1st half he was relatively solid and made some good saves. He looked confident on the crosses front. If he had a LB more suited and comfortable in the position I don't think a situation like that would develop. At the time I wanted to rip his goddamn head off, but with a day to recollect my thoughts I feel it's just a cocky mistake. Next time in that situation he just knocks it out for a throw in or even a corner. I feel he'll have learned from this and I personally have no problem with him being in goal against Aberdeen. Maybe give Ralph another go on his left. Poor Cammy is just lost at LB. Hell, just plug him just ahead a bit to maybe stop teams from easing through the midfield, idk. The team I saw was better than I thought they'd be, just unlucky and a little unfocused. I don't think it'll take much to fix the issues at the back. As for the front, get Moussa away from here.
  20. Back when nobody was discussing it. Don't need yous to say it, but I am clearly prophetic lol
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