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Posts posted by G_H

  1. 24 minutes ago, ShineOnYouCrazyDiamonds said:

    Would like to see us go with this team for tomorrow


    MacDonald Crighton Fordyce McCann
    Kerr Sabatini
    Robert Stokes Carrick

    Just a couple of changes from the Clyde game. I don't see the point in playing McKay over MacDonald at right back since MacDonald offers a lot more going forward and I think Kerr and Sabatini is definitely our best midfield pairing so he misses out there too. I'd like to see Stokes come in and get a decent go in his favoured position and I think Connell could be the one to make way for him.

    You know McKay is going to play though

  2. 1 hour ago, Mr November said:

    I thought Murray saying we don’t have a big squad here was interesting, we probably have the biggest squad in the league! Admittedly we’re a bit light up front just now with Gallagher and Roy out but plenty of options elsewhere, even if some of those options aren’t great. 

    What? lol. We literally have a squad of 25 players (-2 on loan), which is the standard squad size for leagues that have teams register a squad before their seasons start.

    Maybe if he didn't keep on kids that he has no interest in fielding in a critical season?

  3. Pish, shouldn't be getting beat by a L2 team, especially with only a couple of first team changes.

    - Awful officiating.
    - Usual problem of being far too slack at the start of the game, losing a goal then hopelessly chasing the game without any sort of capability regarding breaking down the other team who just sit back and break up play.
    - Need to be willing to kick players when playing teams like that and take a couple of cards.
    - Need to move and look for the ball.
    - Playing the ball back when you have no options to move forward doesn't solve the problem that there are no options to move the ball forward, because they aren't going to materialise, as players are not making space.
    - WTF was that passback by Mbayo?
    - If Kerr wants to take shots from back there, he needs to get on the practice ground and work on keeping it down.
    - That's £10 and 2 hours I'm not getting back

  4. 1 hour ago, AndyDD said:

    To be fair, how many times did we look at the bench last year and decry a lack of options? Having a bench that can change a game could be huge. 

    Proper competition for places and players that can come in for injuries and suspensions; this is vital and last season we didn't have as good a bench as we might have liked. 

    Besides, Ritchie and Robert have never played first team football before. They were never going to hit the ground running, even if we'd had a full pre-season. So we maybe need to give it time. 

    I'm of the "if they're good enough they're old enough" school of thought. 

    If they aren't good enough for the first team then why bring them in? Strength in depth is of limited value if the strength isn't sufficient to win games, and given that It's a short season, time is a luxury that no team can afford if you don't want to be playing in league 1 next season.

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