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Everything posted by Detournement

  1. The EU have actually said they are using illegal tax rates and have ordered them to demand back payments from the US mulitnationals they launder profits for. https://www.irishtimes.com/business/economy/ireland-is-the-world-s-biggest-corporate-tax-haven-say-academics
  2. Non EU immigration is driven by students that don't leave. Far more National Insurance numbers were issued to EU citizens in 2017
  3. They have done well but they were undeveloped compared to the core members and will eventually stagnate. Ireland only keeps it's head above water because it robs everyone else on tax, Spain has stagnated. Poles have already rejected neoliberalism at the ballot box by electing Law and Justice and will eventually clash with the EU.
  4. It's not exactly easy for people to come from Pakistan and get jobs and benefits.
  5. In comparison to? It's impossible to say what would happen under different circumstances but all the main EU members have suffered a fall in wages and increasing inequality.
  6. Being in the EU hasn't exactly delivered economic prosperity has it?
  7. I sadly think Luxembourg's corruption will see Jean Claude through his final years in the opulence he is accustomed to. I see Blair's hand in this. He was lobbying the EU last week and probably told them that going hard on May would lead to a second referendum.
  8. Aye our best chance of getting a deal is that Macron has a banker's hand up his arse at all times. I doubt many of the EPP types are keen on a Corbyn government either.
  9. http://ukandeu.ac.uk/what-the-public-think-about-immigration/ John Curtice
  10. You might need finger puppets. This boy thought investing in Northern Rock was genius. Despite what the Dundonian brains trust keep repeating i'm not the person you are saying I am.
  11. I understand the four freedoms. It seems problematic not to have a fallback should an electorate reject one of them though. The EU is no way an economic union. Germany refuses any effort towards fiscal transfers and is fully committed to pauperising southern Europe.
  12. Can you watch this live? The exclamation mark suggests even he thinks this is mental.
  13. Do you have regular conversations with Scotland Johnboy?
  14. Does that not undermine the idea of European solidarity?
  15. Freedom of movement was the defining issue of the referendum. No UK government can negotiate a deal that includes that.
  16. Canada it is then. If there was any genuine goodwill from the EU27 to the UK they would have been willing to create a new model of relations for the UK's specific circumstances but there clearly isn't.
  17. Apparently Macron moved the goalposts yesterday morning and Tusk set her up with the cake so the childishness runs both ways amongst the right wing arseholes in charge of this farce.
  18. There has been a lot of naivety on show today about second referendums and resignations. The only possible outcome from yesterday was them doubling down on being Tory arseholes. She'll get cheered to the rafters at their conference now.
  19. By her standards that was fairly impressive in terms of delivery. Nice one Macron!
  20. My guess is we get some "no deal is better than a bad deal chat". The Tories will be raging they have been mugged off by the EU. Expect full guns blazing Rule Britannia from here on out.
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