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Everything posted by Detournement

  1. There was this last week https://theintercept.com/2018/08/28/cnn-credibly-accused-of-lying-to-its-audience-about-a-key-claim-in-its-blockbuster-cohen-story-refuses-to-comment/ and this a wee while ago https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brian-ross-abc-news-no-donald-trump-reporting-leaked-phone-call/ And this https://theintercept.com/2016/12/31/russia-hysteria-infects-washpost-again-false-story-about-hacking-u-s-electric-grid/ And numerous other examples of fake stories being leaked to the press to subvert the news agenda.
  2. For those who struggle with logic..... If I tell you that Rihanna told me she supports East Fife it's not proof that Rihanna supports East Fife or that i've even spoken to Rihanna.
  3. The difference here being that it sounds like no journalist has had direct contact with the source.
  4. What happens if the name the NYT has been provided by the intermediary makes a statement ruling themselves out?
  5. Hastings, Horne and Grigg as the first choice midfield doesn't inspire much confidence. Neither does Harley at lock. I'm guessing Rennie will leave at the end of the season and a new coach will do a rebuild with Hogg's wage providing the capital.
  6. Any claim that the foundation of Israel wasn't racist is absolutely nuts.
  7. Just don't mention that on the Pro 14 or Premier Sports Facebook page or twitter feed. As any negative comments brings out the Irish fans defending it. The coverage is clearly aimed at Ireland. There is only a single fixture overlap with Munster and Leinster and funnily enough it's on the Friday night of a Six Nations weekend. The SRU have either been completely outmanoeuvred over this coverage or simply don't care about growing the fan base of the pro sides.
  8. An international weekend and Glasgow, Edinburgh and Scotland are all playing at the same time. Well done SRU.
  9. They could always scrap the whole lot and build 6 houses I've no idea what you are talking about. The danger is that the same interests which have driven removing schools from local authority control in England will have their sights on Scotland. The lowering of teacher training standards which the SNP have already signed up to is another part of this scam.
  10. I'm suspicious of their education plans. More power to head teachers is the first step on the path to academy chains.
  11. Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas just asked the CEO of Twitter if he thinks America should be the dominant global power. It's nice to see a proud imperialist. He also complained about Google's unwillingness to help the US government create weaponised AI aka Skynet.
  12. According to the Guardian the main difference between the two candidates was that Capuano was against abolishing ICE and for a federal jobs guarantee and Pressley the opposite. So in that regard Pressley looks like the more conservative candidate.
  13. It's kind of beside the point the though. "Nazis burn own books to own the commies". The right loves the culture wars. Burning Nikes is great fun and conveniently doesn't involve discussing any substantial policy issue.
  14. The AWJ penalty against Edinburgh game was a joke as well. The Ospreys jackaler got cleared and AWJ just walked in and picked up the ball. Lacey doesn't actually know the rules.
  15. Apart from the small problem that Corbyn supporters hold all the important positions in the national party structure now.
  16. I'm not HB and i've never owned a share in my life. The idea that the SNP are completely centrist is an obvious observation. Who are the left wing people in the party? What are the left wing policies?
  17. The SNP are more to the left than any UK government since the mid 70's. What puts them to the left of New Labour? Even today they have indicated that they are going down the academy route with secondary schools.
  18. Well there has been a huge spike in nationalism. The SNP are a centrist party in the New Labour mould with a nationalist USP. There is nothing left about them.
  19. Has anyone asked Kaepernick if it's hypocritical for a man persuing a legal via his union to enter a partnership with a corporation that denies it workers the right to unionise?
  20. Not everything has to be viewed through the lens of nationalism.
  21. Most dreadful post of the day thread for this pish You just keep waiting mate. I'm sure another referendum will be along shortly.....
  22. England is more left wing than Scotland if you go by polling!
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