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Everything posted by Detournement

  1. https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/jeremy-corbyn-north-east-live-13138427 This live blog with time stamped tweets tells a different story..... Who to believe?
  2. JC is on it https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/may/23/all-future-labour-peers-must-back-abolition-of-lords-says-corbyn Constituency size should be based on population (not voters) but obviously there needs to be exceptions. I think the current set up is fine. The next changes will be interesting as I expect the census will show a big increase in city populations.
  3. ^ ehmm voting Yes in the next Scottish independence referendum Aye i'll vote Yes but until there actually is a referendum i'll live in the real world and vote for a better society. It's not long until the SNP conference so it should all be a bit clearer shortly.
  4. You have missed the problem with the US Senate where Alaska gets the same number of Senators as California.
  5. I didn't realise you lived in the alternate Nat timeline with Pep.
  6. This kind of thing was happening regularly during the election and none of the news channels which are apparently so desperate to screen the McTaggart lecture bothered to cover it.
  7. LOL at needing it quickly. During the election he was giving speeches to tens of thousands of people on a nightly basis and they weren't even covering it.
  8. You are falling into the trap then. A lot of the centrist politicians like Hodges, Berger, Jess Phillips and Umunna are being deliberately provocative to try and bring abuse upon themselves which fans the flames and keeps the issue going. Judaism has nothing to do with this, it's right wing arseholes a minority of whom happen to be jewish. The vast majority of people see through this and when an election comes round Palestine won't even register compared to domestic issues.
  9. If you actually read the comments in the Tweet the event is being filmed by the Edinburgh TV festival and will be distributed to the media afterwards. The same as every other event at the festival. It's like the BBC claiming they are banned from filming at the Oscars. And 100 journalists are accredited to attend.
  10. Aye but i've read that he then billed it someone but it's not clear if that was to Trump or the campaign. Edit - Trump paid it himself. It was disclosed in May.
  11. Aye but why would that be illegal? The argument would surely need to be that it came from a undeclared source ie not the official campaign or a registered super pac.
  12. Aye getting his lawyer to pay off porn stars can be argued as standard practice rather than campaign related. Did Trump pay the bill from Cohen personally or was it the campaign?
  13. LockHerUp4Life.com is obviously a money making scam rather than genuine right wing idiocy. The midterms are going to be great for astroturfing, sock puppets, false flags and claims of bias on social media. A massively entertaining shitshow.
  14. If you mean Carney his predictions have been terrible for years. He has misjudged wage growth for 18 quarters in a row ie pre Brexit. Also average household income on it's own doesn't tell us much.
  15. If you ask a stupid question where you reduce all the diverse economic actors in the UK into a single homogeneous blob you don't deserve a decent answer. What's better off? Higher wages? Reduced tax burden? Higher interest rates? Lower interest rates? Better public services? More social housing? Higher house prices? More purchasing power? C02 reduction? Cheaper petrol?
  16. Not it's not. It's a good question which he should answer Explain it to me then?
  17. It's a stupid question. Who are 'we' and what does 'better off' mean?
  18. There's nothing I can disagree with there i'm just pointing out that the "spears to ploughshares" rhetoric is ridiculous. On the issue of BAE clearly a Corbyn government would impose harsher export licensing which would affect them negatively in line with the 2016 Thornberry motion on Yemen.
  19. SNP MPs/MSPs and Nat Twitter in general are describing this as some noble, progressive gesture though "Spears into ploughshares"! The SNP are a centrist party. There is no reason for them to have any aversion to a company like Raytheon. They should just be open and say that they are indirectly funding Scottish Univerisities via tax breaks for corporate R&D.
  20. I just had a look at this. I don't think Kriss comes out that very well, he completely misunderstood the one point where Zizek directly responded to him.
  21. That makes no sense. It is still grant money to an arms company. The idea that Raytheon (turnover $25 billion) are going to diversify away from arms production because of a £185,000 grant is ridiculous. You might as well give Coca Cola ten grand to diversify away from sugar. On a more serious note it's time for a serious cross party effort at Westminster on Yemen.
  22. It's always nice to get a pat on the head from a plutocrat.
  23. Golfers, you've really lost the plot Have you ever flown over Surrey? It's just golf courses, swimming pools and Tory MPs.
  24. Zizek thinks that Peterson is a moron. https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/jordan-peterson-clinical-psychologist-canada-popularity-convincing-why-left-wing-alt-right-cathy-a8208301.html http://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-reply-to-my-critics-concerning-an-engagement-with-jordan-peterson/ Sadly Peterson will never debate anyone who has actually read the authors he kids on he's an expert on.
  25. Pensioners, BTL landlords, bankers, people who are counting down the minutes until their relatives die and they get an inheritance, racists, farmers, god botherers, people who queue up to look at the royal family, golfers and just general wankers love the Tories. That's a good chunk of the electorate who will vote for them come what may.
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