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Posts posted by JAR

  1. I hope that as many people as possible will offer car pools for Sunday. There are no suitable trains unless you overnight. Busses are in very limited supply due to other events. Steve can only find 3 busses to run from The Weavers. Over 260 people had wanted to travel from there even with the 6.30am start.

  2. Re School Visits by RR & CF

    Currently RR & the CF are engaged in a series of school visits to promote s/ts, summer football camps etc.
    As part of that process, I procured 1000 RR pens as giveaways to the kids. I have checked on school rolls &
    staff nos. and 1000 is small beer. There are over 30 local primaries & to visit them all would take till after the holidays but well worth doing as we have had a great reception. Much better than lessons.
    It occurred to me that some people might like to sponsor some pens for their old or neighbouring primaries. It would cost £26 per 100 pens. I would advise the school & club so donors would receive some plaudits. If anyone is interested please let me know by PM.  This is for Kdy ,Glenrothes & District. I've had another 700 pledged so far & most schools like the idea. Yes. we have visited Sinclairtown  & I will return next week with some pens.
  3. I mostly agree with Scottydog . Every s/t holder could invite a friend & we would still have plenty of empty seats which earns zero income . Some posters appear to struggle with this idea (& much else.)  Kids U12 only pay £5 on match days anyway so I would like to see youngsters under 21 have a special friend offer of say £2. We appear to have lost a lot of our young support this season & should do all we can to encourage them back as well as those lost due to DG.

  4. Our attendances are poor, any attempt to improve them is praiseworthy but they should not exclude the bulk of s/t holders.

    I phoned to complain & was able to buy extra ticket for £5 so will have an ice hockey fan as my guest on Saturday. I was also 

    advised that the club will now reassess this scheme in future so hopefully it will be much better.

  5. Agreed if you read this carefully, you would see that it only applied to a limited group of s/t holders. If you just glanced at it , you would assume that it applied to all adults. It is after all a marketing ploy to increase attendances so why would anyone choose to limit the possible increase in attendance & income to the club ?  As usual we will have plenty of empty seats on Saturday.

    Many of us old gits have carried out the necessary but unglamourous work of cleaning seats, painting etc.  How is it a perk to invite new people to give Rovers a try? Could I suggest that anyone annoyed by this short-sighted decision ring or email Pratt Street tomorrow to suggest that this scheme would be better by including us all and let kids invite a pal to come for a £1. Sales initiatives from Rovers are rarer than hens' teeth so please stay ultra polite.





  6. I think that the time for petted lips should be over.  We should have signed Kyle Lafferty but let the wrong one in. He has to be paid off in whatever fashion can be agreed. Meanwhile, Rovers are struggling, donations from individuals & groups are down by about £50K so Ian Murray has little chance of acquiring any decent targets. It's an individual choice but I would encourage everyone to consider making contributions again. Just about anything is better than going down to League 1 again.

  7. I can only hope that the above posters are wrong about the delay in this signing . Rovers must remember to compensate the victim in any settlement to him. The club will need  to carry out many remedial acts to rectify their recent actions before they can expect forgiveness  from their fans or the wider public. I appreciate that he has to leave the club for this process to begin.

    I don't believe that we should donate to the club unless it gives us more influence or a deciding stake in some decisions eg season ticket prices especially for kids.



  8. I think that the chant was stupid & boring. I would rather that people sang things which would boost our team. I dislike the pars but I don't understand some people's obsession with their feeble attempts at grandeur. If the maiden aunts object to a puerile noise from wee boys, then I suggest they rouse themselves to boo such chants. Many of them are happy to slag off our team & players on a regular basis .

  9. Rovers are not rolling in cash. Last season, they sold less season tickets & had no Pay at the Gate customers. Some of the away supports would have been considerable. However, we have spent funds on floodlights & a half baked ticketing system -set up with wrong details, non-existing  seats , while we appear to still have electrical problems & a still broken turnstile. 

    It appears that Hibs made a late switch to Tait as another target deal fell through. They made a late cheeky offer which should have been rejected. The details will come out at the next AGM as it did with Ross Callachan . A whole £40K for him & probably cost us promotion. 

    If the club have an actual plan for our future then I think that it is time that it is made public. Everything appears to be short term & clueless.


  10. If Rovers needed the money that badly that they can again carry out a very poor , late deal why can't they instead ask us the fans to contribute again ?

    I'd rather pay out to help the club than constantly have us give talent away at bargain prices. Do we have any ambition? What is the point of the Supporters Fund ?

    It appears to be a subsidy for other clubs' benefit. 

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