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Posts posted by Pyramidic

  1. 1 minute ago, parsforlife said:

    Not content with telling clubs what’s best for them, telling the sfa what leagues should be in the pyramid the WJFA are trying to tell the LL they have to run a league on behave of the SJFA.

    this doesn’t make any sense 

    It is obviously being put forward as a Trojan horse that the WRJFA would soon absorb including the Premiership (tier 6).

  2. It just shows what an unprofessional ruling clique that the WRJFA Management have become that they could not put out an immediate press release following the most important meeting in the history of the WRJFA. Some 40+ members of the P&B currently on here searching for snippets of information.

    Time to come clean Mr Ronney!!! How can you organise a major new league initiative when you cannot even organise a press/media release?

  3. At what point does the WRJFA proposal need the endorsement of an EGM of the SJFA? Surely what the WRJFA are doing at the present time is unconstitutional as they have not received a mandate from the SJFA.

    How can the SFA treat Tuesday’s meeting as serious when it is unconstitutional?

  4. There are so many important meetings coming up I think it would be extremely helpful for those “feeling the pulse” to draft some specimen questions for the masses. It would be so easy for valid questions to be brushed aside by uninformed bluster.

    What questions would you be asking?

    What answers are unacceptable?

  5. 1 hour ago, morley said:

    Thanks BM. So that spfl pyramid contract states in annex 1 clause 1 sub paragraph c that any change to pyramid rules has to be agreed by all parties. The only named parties being the Sfa, the Spfl, ShFL, and the SLFL. There is no clause about what happens if 1 or more party doesn't agree and therefore without that all parties agreement is required in all situations. It also states in Annex 1 clause 3 sub paragraph c that it only recognises the geogrpahical juristiction of the HL and LL in the pyramid across the divide latitude line. That means any change to the pyramid rules, such as introducing a new party like the West Juniors cant be made with out the agreement of all parties, meaning the Sfa have no overriding clause allowing them to force through any change with out agreement of all 4 parties. It also says nothing about where the LL source their teams other than stipulates they only have approval for 16 teams. Therefore that means as the only recognised party in the agrement for the Lowland region in the pyramid its entirely the LL choice as to where they source any teams to make up that 16 in the Lowland catchment area, subject to the rules under the LL pyramid contract as I comment on below. Therefore I am really struggling to see how the West juniors can legally make a change to the pyramid rules with out agreement of all 4 named parties, ie the sfa, spfl, SLFL, ShFL. 

    The Lowland League play off contract then similarly recognise only the Sfa, SLFL, EOS, and SOS as parties to that agreement and also states any change has to be subject to all parties agreement.

    So overall across both contracts there is no clause which would allow the sfa to force any change to either the spfl pyramid rules or the Lowland League entry rules with out agreement of all parties.

    In the interests of openness and transparency Beenze / Gordon Ronney needs to properly respond to this excellent post. At the moment he appears to be leading a group of WRJFA clubs down a dead-end cul-de-sac with a scheme that he cannot deliver.

    Simple question Mr Ronney. How do you propose to deliver the WRJFA "New League" initiative given the current wording of the SLFL Rules & Regulations?

    Over the last 2 years and more there has been far too much misrepresentation of the facts because of self interests.  It is time for an honest appraisal as to what the WRJFA can and cannot deliver.

    I assume that if you do not reply to this post you cannot deliver and are totally misleading a set of well-intentioned WRJFA clubs!

  6. 48 minutes ago, sniffer said:

    There is 7 formal applications I don’t want to repeat myself please.
    There will be 8 very soon.
    It’s Lochore’s agm tomorrow.

    So we have the following seven:

    Newburgh Juniors
    Kirkcaldy & Dysart
    Lochgelly Albert
    Thornton Hibs
    Kennoway Star Hearts
    Luncarty (fingers crossed)

    + impending Lochore Welfare

    What about - Scone Thistle?

  7. 1 hour ago, San Starko Rover said:

    See the ERJFA for the answer. Some went and some stayed now they’re slowly filtering over while the ERJFA gets weaker each season.


    Out of interest have the SJFA/ ERJFA Executive/Management Committee honorariums/salaries been proportionately decreased as the membership decined?  What effect did the removal of almost 30 clubs have on ERJFA honorariums. Did TJ "take a hit" with his SJFA "gold-plated" salary?

    If some 40 clubs leave the WRJFA at the end of the season as expected what impact will this have on WRJFA Management Committee honorariums? Will TJ still keep his SJFA "gold-plated" salary (perhaps with a bonus given the current hassle)?

    The more that you look at the situation you understand why the SJFA blazers are currently fighting so hard to "keep their slice of the cake".

    I think that Junior clubs are beginning to see reality through the dispersing mist. It is clear in my view that loyal clubs have been let down for far too long by the vested interests of those that continue to run the Junior grade.  It could have been so different if the grade had been run by "men of vision" rather than "well remunerated autocrats".

  8. 2 minutes ago, Burnie_man said:

    Ah, so only one club backed the proposal which forms the basis of this latest scheme.  Even more reason that they need to consult with members.

    With the latest developments I wonder how much confusion and misinformation is going to be sown at the impending club meetings such as Largs?

    Is this the grand plan formatted by TJ?




  9. 13 minutes ago, parkcircus said:

    Two Buffs teams next year


    Would this WoSFL initiative be a Senior League or a Junior League or a Hybrid League designed to keep the blazers in post? Somebody please enlighten me.

    How can this initiative be launched without approval from an EGM rushed through by the WRJFA?

    It appears that the WRJFA Executive have seriously compromised themselves. Would suggest that a complaint is made to the SFA that WRJFA initiative has not followed the due process and is unconstitutional and invalid.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

    Hearing reliably that the west regions last gasp efforts to claw something back have officially failed.

    Sounds like a shot in the foot in the "last chance saloon".

    I think that it is all down to the lack of commitment to the Pyramid by many of the blazers.  Looking forward to some fresh blood and new vitality in the WoSFL

  11. 1 hour ago, lithgierose said:

    Pyramidic was talking about cages and changing facilities. Mountain goats would struggle to go from pitch for a slash. 

    I was just trying to get some informed info what is the minimum standard that the EOSFL would require for a floodlit cage, spectator barrier down one side, dugouts, covered area, changing rooms and toilets.

    What is acceptable and what is not?

    Interested what Camelon thought of Little Kerse for their recent floodlit friendly. What needs improving to bring up to EOSFL standard? This has nothing to do with Syngenta.

    What cages are getting near to being EOSFL compliant in our area?

  12. 1 hour ago, Burnie_man said:

    I think the motion is going to be Licenced clubs only in the Scottish Cup from 21-22.   Whether it passes or not remains to be seen.

    Glad to see that Tranent will be one of those Licensed clubs.

    All of our top 9 clubs are Licensed so no issue of not getting a promoted club from the EoSFL to the Lowland League at the end of the season



    Hopefully clubs in the new WoSFL will soon be in the same position.  And what is left for those remaining in the WRJFA and ERJFA rumps?

  13. 16 minutes ago, gaz5 said:


    Stop speculating.


    That was nothing to do with the termination of the agreement at Dunipace and it does no one any good, Syngenta included, to speculate.


    The reason is between the two clubs, is well understood by both and is far less trivial than a bit of litter (for which I might add our own youth setup is the most culpable!)


    It's also speculation to suggest that stadium issues were the sole reason that prompted their rejection by the EoS last time around. That may or may not be the case.


    I'd be amazed if they were the unknown applicant and even more amazed if they applied again in future.


    Also worth pointing out that the junior team has moved away from being a pathway for their youth setup as you suggest. That's how it started out, but since the Pennies merger a lot of those young players have moved on and they are looking for players externally.


    Where I do agree is I don't see them folding or think this is a signal of that in any way. They'll be around next season I'm sure, likely in the East Juniors.


    Whatever the future holds, good luck to them.


    Apologies. I appear to touched upon a raw nerve which was not my intention. From the Twitter and Facebook feeds of the Juveniles and Juniors there is still a clear interface. I really like what you are doing at Dunipace - you are to be congratulated. It would have been better if I had not mentioned Dunipace.

  14. 15 minutes ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

    I dont think they are to do with that now. Syngenta seem to be pennies now 

    It is an interesting issue - you may be right.

    On the other hand Syngenta may be BM's other potential EoSFL applicant - who do not wish to declare their interest/hand until their ground situation has been sorted out. Perhaps they have learnt from their previous experience trying to join the EoSFL for 2019/20.

    By the way full respect to BM for keeping the confidence of the potential applicant whoever they may be.

  15. 1 hour ago, Marten said:

    That's just for the organised trip, last year I just used my own transport to get to the different grounds, so did plenty of others.

    At last year's Hop many of the spectators seemed to be either fairly local or had booked their own accommodation and arranged their own transport.

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