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Everything posted by Jagwasp

  1. It would be great to see youth get a chance this season as we need some legs in the team . I actually thought Nathan Cannon who had played with Scotland School boys looked good when he got some minutes but was loaned out & was never to return. I hope the lad can fulfill the glimpses of promise he showed somewhere else.
  2. Maybe but the difference being Taylor Steven was blessed with pace which unfortunately Cammy doesn’t possess. For me pace is a key attribute for playing this role & I’d expect Andy knows that and is trying to bring someone in.
  3. Not sure who trialists were but doubt Coulson was playing as heard he’s training with Hamilton.
  4. I agree, players like Coulson who have the skill to get past their man are hard to find these days and although I’d acknowledge there is room to improve I think it would be great to have him on board again next season. I’m also pleased Devine is kept on as if fit he has a lot to offer. Luke is a funny one, he is such a talented footballer but is hardly ever fully fit however I’d say a fit Luke is a great addition to the squad too. Andy has a great nucleus to work with already and it will be interesting to see who he can bring in to enhance what we have as he has inherited the players at his disposal up until now. Hopefully exciting times ahead, In Andy we trust !
  5. I agree, a good young quality player. I’d be disappointed if he left us as I think he can get even better.
  6. Think you got it spot on with your post .
  7. I don’t have a problem with Rice showing his passion however I do not agree that he hasn’t signed bad players. I was a big supporter of Rice & I still have time for him however last season he seemed to have an eye for a player and he made some quality additions to the squad however for me it’s the exact opposite this season as he has signed players that are a downgrade on what we had last season and it has put us in real trouble. I don’t see an easy way out now & Rice has to take some responsibility. Unless we can get a few quality loan signings in then we’ll do well to stay up this season .
  8. The main problem that I can see is that the signings Rice made are on the whole downgrades on what we had last season. I was optimistic at the start of the season thinking if we made 4 or 5 good quality signings we could have a real go again this season unfortunately that hasn’t transpired and in fact it’s the opposite. I was one of Rice’s biggest supporters but I’m at the point where I don’t think he know’s his best team and with no quality loan signings on the horizon it seems like he is running out of ideas and is now criticising his new signings which I will admit outwith the odd exception I don’t rate. No easy answer moving forward & he has to take the responsibility.
  9. First time I saw Dykes against Alloa at Palmerston he caught my eye with his pace & power and caused us no end of bother so great to see him fulfill his potential.
  10. Hopefully not Strachan as didn’t rate him, living on family name for me. Much prefer if Doyle or Miller were confirmed as a grade up from Strachan.
  11. I’m not quite sure what the first paragraph actually means but if it’s personal I sympathise with your circumstances however the club like any business should never rely on one person for communications. Hopefully all will be clarified soon on out goings & any new signings.
  12. The fact is that players have been released by the club and there is nothing stopping the club stating that they are releasing them upon the end of their contract like many other clubs have done . A good or bad example on what ever way you want to look at it would be Durnan is on Dumbarton site where they state he has signed showing a picture of him with the Dumbarton scarf over his head without our club actually advising us he has been released. I think it’s poor & stand by it.
  13. The Facebook updates on what players have signed up were good to start but I feel that the club should have been posting what players have been released and thanking them for their service prior to us finding out via social media & other sources. It’s not like us but I feel it’s pretty poor from the club on this occasion.
  14. Jon Robertson has been a terrific servant for us however If Jon is leaving I hope John Robertson is arriving. Always been really impressed when I’ve seen him this season.
  15. The game is full of opinions which is healthy but I’ll have to agree to disagree on this one & think he’s been a poor signing and was really poor again today.
  16. Expand . Do you rate Strachan & would you have him in your starting line up ?
  17. Really poor Alloa performance today In particular I couldn’t believe how passive Strachan was, he can cross a ball & has a long throw but showed absolutely no heart, grit & determination on the left side where Doyle was battling for everything on the right. It actually looked like he didn’t want to be on the pitch & was frightened to advance forward with the ball. In my opinion he shouldn’t be anywhere near an Alloa shirt & the manager must have seen a different match to me in that he never took him off. Having said that I just felt Falkirk had too much for us. Morrison is a handful & with Kennedy & Burrell they will be a threat for most teams. Time to dust ourselves down & go again next week. Taggs & Donnelly are a big miss.
  18. I thought we were really poor in the first half & couldn’t find a man. Our midfield looked really weak and game passing them by. In particular I thought Strachan was almost non existent. I wasn’t surprised at all that the 3 subs were made as Rice needed to change it & fair play to him for doing it. I thought Donnelly made a big difference and for a tall guy it’s great to watch his skill on the deck. Coulson also caught the eye & I think he’s been a great addition. A bit surprised Durnan didn’t start as I’d have him starting alongside Stanger who I also thought was excellent today. Onwards to next week & hope we start with the team we saw in the 2nd half as we won’t get away with that 1st half performance against Dunfermline.
  19. I thought Dunfermline had the more possession but I think Alloa were a bit unfortunate not to get anything out the game today. It looks like Durnan could be out for a wee while & with Andy Graham not getting any younger I think we will need the strengthen in that position. Can’t fault anyone for effort today however it is evident we are missing that bit of pace & skill that Henderson gave us as an attacking option last season and if we are to challenge at the top end of the league I hope Rice has another few good loan signings up his sleeve.
  20. Drew Paterson is the best player I’ve had the pleasure of watching in an Alloa shirt. He could glide past defenders for fun . I heard that after he gave Danny Mcgrain a torrid time in a cup game at the Recs Celtic noted their interest in him however the Alloa board thought he would be worth even more once he showed what he could do in the return leg at Parkhead. Unfortunately that’s when he got his head fractured after colliding with a team mate. I’ve often wondered how far Drew would & should have went in the game & how much he’d be worth in the game today.
  21. as surprising as this sounds on this occasion I think the manager must have a plan & wouldn’t be surprised if he brought in a really decent goalkeeper on loan that would make Hutton the No2. We’ll find out soon though!
  22. For me It’s actually disgusting treatment of a terrific servant & putting sentiment aside who can argue that Neil Parry wasn’t still our real No 1 . Barry has a lot to answer for in many areas so far however on this one I also ask questions of the Goal keeping coach , is he really saying that Neil Parry was our No3? , if so he shouldn’t be anywhere near the club. What about Paddy that has been at the Recs with so many managers. I hope he has stood up & at least voiced his opinion and not just become a yes man to Barry. It’s tough seeing the team you’ve supported as a young lad getting torn apart by a manager who would appear doesn’t have an eye for a player & no man management skills.
  23. For many I’m sure today’s result isn’t much of a surprise. A big part of any manager’s success or failure is down to recruitment and it’s fairly obvious that the vast majority of signings are simply not good enough . I also don’t understand why O Donnell didn’t start today as I thought he played well whilst on the pitch last week. I was expecting Barry to use his contacts to bring in a few loan signings to add some quality but bizarrely that’s not been the case. The goal keeper’s position is also strange, yeh Parry has made a few errors but in my opinion he’s still better than Hutton & McDowell. It’s early days but worrying signs.
  24. I would agree with all of this. Sammon definitely won’t have much success as a sole striker but if he can have someone up top alongside him that is quick then i think he may become an asset. If we can see it then let’s hope the manager can.
  25. I actually thought Sammon played better when he was down the middle. He worked hard, just a pity nobody was supporting him as he had a thankless task. I was impressed with Boyd today and think he will do well for us this season however for me Ben Armour won’t add any quality to this squad as although he tried hard I don’t think he held the ball up like Sammon did in the central position and he doesn’t look quick enough to trouble a decent back line. Hutton did ok considering it’s his first game but his lack of height was evident for the cross balls/corner kicks. I would rather have had Parry in goals but looks like he’s on his way out now.
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