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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. Another RM classic: After the game, with the result irrelevant. Never walk out on the players during a game. Walk out on them after the game. Those players deserve our support, we must stick together and not punish them for the SFA (Stupid Fucking Arseholes) decisions. Do it after so at least we can get behind the team. Just remember: We Don't Do Walking Away. My emphasis
  2. RM: [#2001] Sorry, the server is too busy to handle your request, please try again in a moment Pleasing!
  3. Holy Jeebus : I suggested the other day there that we go to Ibrox to show our appreciation to our players and the Rangers staff but this disgusting untimely and unjustified act needs some retaliation with a walk to Hampden. Their timing has been orchestrated to derail our takeover just like it did last week as the b*****ds want us liquidated and we know why and if you don’t think it’s down to intolerance or there are any sectarian motives behind this then sadly my friends you are all in for a sharp awaking. We have suffered long enough in Glasgow from these third generation immigrants taking over our city, our legal system, our education system and our country by the republican filth. They are a poison everywhere and they know that us, the Rangers, are true British patriots and they want to try destroy that as they know the rest of the UK will fall without us. This is time for action and for this sleeping giant to rise. We are more than a club and they know that and we need some direct action. I suggest that every fan from up and down the UK meet at the piggery at 1pm and allow the bears inside to do a mass walk out to join everyone outside before we march as one to Hampden Park. This would be a massive statement to the SFA, SPL, Sky TV and the millions of viewers around the world to show how we are getting treated by our own footballing bodies in a time of crisis. I would even go as far as the players walking off the pitch at 1pm and forfeiting the poxy 3 points. We all need to be in this together, every man, women and child.
  4. Fuck this, I was wanting an early night tonight. I'll be surprised if I can even sleep now
  5. It's poetic in its beauty. I'm starting to think that the guy is worth inviting to a dinner part for his witty repartee.
  6. This: Speaking about the punishment, Whyte said: "Tell me how it is going to affect me? I couldn't care less. It makes no difference to my life whatsoever - and good luck collecting the money.
  7. This passage (very apt use of terminology I feel) made me laugh out loud: "During this hearing, the club produced compelling evidence from a number of sources that following his takeover, Craig Whyte ran the club in a thoroughly unaccountable manner, rather than adhering to a long-established and proper form of corporate governance. Yes, that long-established and proper form of corporate governance as applied by Minty Moonbeams and Co. You really couldn't make this up. Wonderful stuff!
  8. This is truly magnificent! Even if the cheating fuckers manage to squirm out of this relatively unscathed (though this looks a little less likely tonight), then we will always have the fond memories of Rangers Media to console oursleves.
  9. This is comedy gold from RM: Let them attack, wound and punish us all they will. We will take our revenge and it will NOT be pretty. Awesome!
  10. Credit where it's due, though. Some have a more balanced response: Blow these cunts up.
  11. I'm actually quite stunned by how hard a line the SFA have taken over this. Bravo!
  12. Who can apply? You can get an Administration Order if: you have at least two debts; you have at least one county court or High Court judgment against you; the total of your debts is less than £5,000. (You may have heard that this limit is going to increase. Unfortunately, it is not likely that this is going to happen in the near future). Whit? No idea what this is all about. Something and nothing, presumably.
  13. Definitely Wednesday - courts tend to have a list of the forthcoming week's business. Curiously, t looks like an application for adminstration, as opposed to an application to revoke a current adminstration. Perhaps it amounts to the same thing?
  14. I'm not sure what the figures would be, but my hunch is that they will struggle to compete with Celtic for, say 3 - 4 years, but will still be some way ahead of the rest.
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