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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. Sitting by the shore in Cove eating a flapjack. 30 miles into my ride. Weather is stunning for cycling. It doesn't get much better than this!
  2. What with it being 100 years since the Titanic disaster that was made into such a successful (if aesthetically worthless) movie, something with a similar theme would be good.
  3. Just ignore them. Enjoy yourself and bugger anyone else (unless they've been in the saddle a bit too long, that is....).
  4. Had thought about the Evans thing, but I'm away with the missus for the weekend. Still up for the Team P&B ride on 6th May. Going out for a long one tomorrow. Weather is fantastic so it's shorts and short-sleeve jersey time at least a month earlier than expected. Superb stuff!
  5. Booby Tuesday, surely. The Rolling Stones even wrote a song about it.
  6. Nothing wrong with this bike at all, and if it's in decent nick, that's a right good price too. You won't have lost anything if you go ahead and buy this. Raleigh is on the way back, and they are now making pro level bikes again. This looks like a very decent first road bike, IMO. PS - hope the cat is recovering okay, and get pet insurance ETA: Bikeradar review - this is basically the online site for the Cycling Plus magazine group, and you can trust their reviews. They rate it highly: Good Review
  7. Possibly. I'm still a bit confused as to why he would have required this information in any event. Surely the main issue was to scrutinise the details of the Ticketus deal with a view to establishing whether Rangers/Whyte/Stan and Ollie/The Tooth Fairy could renege on the deal. I can only think that they were looking for special dispensation in order to ensure that the club is a viable investment opportunity - ie: disregard any contractual arrangement/commitment previously made with any other party in order to pave the way for some other band of rogues to step in. You really couldn't make it up.
  8. See my earlier post. I've probably not explained it very well. Had the judge made a clear ruling that they couldn't piss on the deal, then you'd have to assume they wouldn't do so. His non-ruling (as it were) could be seen as a positve outcome in some respects as he has effectively decided that, due to not having enough information (a cop-out, IMO) he doesn't currently have jurisdiction.
  9. Hmm, they were possibly looking to ensure that they wouldn't be hit with an unfavourable response if they pissed on the deal. By going to court, they've secured some reassurance in the form of the judge's failure to make a ruling, that they won't necessarily get hammered if they move in this direction. They are either delusional, very, very stupid, or actually very fly. Edit for typos
  10. I'm guessing that because the judge has pretty much opted out of making a ruling, they reckon this gifts them a free reign to go ahead and piss on the Ticketus deal. Quite how this reconciles with the latter's involvement with the Blue Meanies is anyone's guess
  11. FFS, they think they've been given carte blanche to do what the fuck they want.
  12. I reckon #2 seems about right you know. Stan and Ollie are procrastinating, prevaricating, and obfuscating their way to the inevitable liquidation of the Mighty Gers. Smashing stuff Then again, that was my heart talking. My head still tells me that the cheating bastards are going to wriggle out of this relatively unscathed
  13. In that case, D+P cannot come close to arranging for HMRC to be usurped as by far the largest creditor (and thus well in excess of 25% value) so the hopes of a AVC hang in the balance? What is the scenario if HMRC lose the big tax case? Would they still be 25%+ creditor? You'd think so.
  14. I challenge anyone to state that they genuinely have the first clue what is going on.
  15. After a five-day hearing at the Court of Session, Lord Hodge said he did not have enough information about bids for Rangers to make a ruling. Whit? Why should he give a flying fandango about the detail of any bids for the club. Surely he was being asked to rule on the legal integrity of the Ticketus deal, and whether Stan and Ollie could piss on it? I must be missing something here....
  16. Check out the numerous online forums for tips. Road Cycling UK is a good source of information and they welcome all number of questions and requests for advice from new riders: RCUK Forums FWIW, the best bit of advice I could offer is to simply get out and ride. That sounds a bit corny, but I've found that nothing beats experience. From kick-off, be assertive in your road positioning and don't ride in the gutter. At least two feet from the kerb would be my suggestion, though I often ride near the middle of the lane when there are parked cars at the side of the road, or traffic islands etc. Take it easy, and obey the rules of the road (don't jump red lights or hop on pavements too often etc.). That way, motorists will be inclined to be more respectiful and give you room and time when required.
  17. It would be akin to having a nightmare that you were being charged by a wildebeest, only to wake up and find that you were actually being charged by a hippopotamus.
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