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Everything posted by Rocco

  1. That's exactly what we'll get though. We won't be spending money to pay a manager out his contract, so all we have left is the guys out of work. Not sure who you're expecting us to get
  2. You're using it to make out that others, including myself, don't give a shit about the club
  3. I think you may be referring to me, however, I didn't say half the shite you've just written, so how about you f**k up and stop talking pish to make it fit your agenda
  4. Totally agree. In my opinion this coming out is almost as good as a vote of confidence. If he doesn't get a reaction, then even the board will know he's lost the dressing room
  5. I actually hate these idiots that just want to give an ex player with no experience a manager role
  6. I agree with this, however, I'm sure everyone is aware by now that our board don't think like normal, sound minded individuals
  7. Would someone like Martin Canning be worth a shout? You've also got Jim McIntyre looking for a job. Unfortunately our spineless board won't sack Ray anytime soon
  8. I said this during the game. He never uses all 3 subs if we aren't winning. He either doesn't have the personnel to change a game or he doesn't know how to change it. I'm going for the latter
  9. Can't believe McKinnon was spouting about a 2 year plan when he doesn't even have a 90 minute one
  10. This. After the last two seasons I was looking forward to this in the hope we'd be winning most weeks for a change, however, I'm probably more sickened now than I was the previous 2 seasons
  11. Wouldn't shock me if the MSG have done this so they can pull out of the deal and act like our saviours. It also wouldn't shock me if they made such an arse of doing it that MC sued the club
  12. I remember Nelson completely done him as well, which led to Robson's goal
  13. Or the more likely scenario: He knew at Raith he'd be playing every week and be the main man in their midfield, which would give him a good platform to get a good move next season. Playing for Falkirk would mean he'd be fighting for a starting place, which might mean a season of not playing much and hampering his progress.
  14. That's a fact. You're getting all confused with rumours and facts
  15. Well it must be true. No rumours are ever made up, are they?
  16. So, I can see this being played out two ways 1. They've seen that John Park was involved in the bid and decided that was the best way forward for the club. 2. They've picked this bid because they knew it would never go through and they could remain in charge and be our "saviours". I'm really not sure which one it is, however, if it is the second option then they are complete idiot's if they believe it'll work. You can't set a families house on fire then be deemed a hero for saving them.
  17. Will there be such a thing as the right owners? The MSG won't sell to BTB, which only leaves it open for unknown businessmen, as I don't see some well known multi millionaire rocking up to buy Falkirk. Personally, I think we'll either have to stick with what we have or gamble on someone like MC. Some fans are slagging others for getting behind MC, however, these same fans seem to think a knight in shining armour will come and save us, which isn't going to happen. I'm not sure about MC at all but I get the feeling we would all be asking the same questions whoever was buying the club.
  18. If it happens and JP has been watching us most weeks then I'd expect Ray to get the bullet straight away
  19. I was all for giving Ray some time to get it right but, to continually play the same style of play, which we all know doesn't work just shows how poor a manager Ray is. He has to go asap to give the next manager a good chance of making it work
  20. Thanks to BPM whose got me on edge everytime I get a Twitter notification
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