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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. God, that was a frightening interview. To think that the FM of Scotland had no idea of the economic consequences of breaking away from our biggest trading partner is just incredible. She’s obviously much more comfortable in dealing with things like baby boxes, self ID and the like. Time the media grew one and started to take her to task properly. Boris would never get away with that.
  2. Quite unexpectedly, I met the father of Forbes Johnston a few years ago, and he told me about the trauma which his family went through regarding the death of his son. Won’t go in to all the details but what was interesting was how grateful he was to FFC for all the support afforded to him after his sons death. He was regularly invited and accepted invitations to join the directors at games. Bear in mind that Forbes had already left to join Dundee United and then emigrated to Australia, I think. Good to hear a good story about our club.
  3. Nonsense The NHS contracts that surgeons have allow them to carry out private work out with their allotted NHS hours. Absolutely no conflict of interest and helps alleviate the rudeness on the NHS.
  4. Mind you, Mike Russell was a big advocate of privatising the NHS.
  5. Can’t stand ‘virtue signalling’.
  6. Fair response. Bear in mind, also, the size of Westminster compared to Holyrood. Bad enough that ex PM’s like Cameron can get access but to have civil servants working for private firms is just appalling.
  7. Correct. The good guys are standing up.
  8. Wasn't the poll tax income based? Yes - it taxed individuals rather than properties but at a flat rate. I liked it but the lefties didn’t. It was very difficult to collect. I had a Sherriff Officer client who literally made millions by collecting overdue poll tax. Good idea but politically unsustainable.
  9. A free country get the government it votes for, we don't. So no, we are not a free country. Nonsense. We voted as the Uk and don’t be so stupid that you didn’t know that. A voter in Glasgow got the same representation as one in London. .
  10. Good for him. How long was he waiting? Maybe, the lists hadn’t built up at that time? The point is that folks shouldn’t need to be waiting ages for essential surgery. If the NHS has a big waiting list, they should bring in private contractors to do the job. Having to wait years is ridiculous.
  11. Back then, yes, wage inflation was quite high and it did seem quite easy to obtain a mortgage. However, interest rates were astronomical. At one time, I seem to recall paying around 15%, if not higher.
  12. I don’t particularly agree with you but at least you’ve responded with a cogent argument. Thanks for that.
  13. Maybe it’s time someone started a thread for SNP lies and corruption?
  14. Okay, what’s your policy on tax? Easy to snipe at people but you need to come up with some plausible ideas. Of that, there appear to be none!
  15. When Thatcher came in, she gradually reduced taxes and revenue and prosperity increased. Even in recent times, the Tories have been reducing CT and increasing revenue. This is being reversed temporarily because of Covid but with higher investment allowances to promote capital spending. I think Ireland has very low CT rates and this has brought in loads of investment. Regarding personal tax levels, I’m obviously talking about marginal rates and, to be successful, I think lower is always better to incentivise the population. Seem to remember Salmond’s SNP used to be a great advocate of low taxes, corporate and personal.
  16. Good for your mum, but right now, depending on the state of your sight, it can be up to two years. How high do you want taxes to go? For people on mid range salaries, it’s already higher in Scotland than elsewhere. Presumably, you’d like o go back to the 70’s when you could pay around 90plus % on the top tranche of your earnings. It doesn’t work, my friend. All the wealthy emigrate. Look at the Laffer theory. If you tax too high, revenue drops.
  17. Actually, in some areas of the NHS, such as cataract surgery, which mainly concerns older folks, the NHS waiting lists are so long that the only way to get treated is by going private or using private insurance cover if you have it.. No point in waiting for NHS treatment if your life expectancy is only a few years. Because of lack of availability, privatisation is coming fast and furious. The customer knows best!
  18. Thanks for that. Very interesting indeed.
  19. You can’t have been invested in international equities then. Uk equities are starting to recover now. Maybe you’ve been in bonds? Who knows?
  20. It’s far too early to judge. The stock market is doing just fine. Ill go with that. Take a look at your pension valuation.
  21. Very easy to pick out examples that suit your case but exports to the EU have rebounded quite strongly in contrast to Imports which have increased that a slower rate. The true picture will not ne known till the Covid restrictions have been removed. Certainly not the disaster that many predicted. I see Goldman Sachs is building a new office in Birmingham.
  22. Our lawyers dealing with the Rangers case were not exactly great!
  23. Okay, it looks good for the SNP, but I’m happy to wait to see what the Supreme Court says.
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