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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. So, the majority of the UK., who voted for Brexit are all bigots?
  2. ‘Unnecessary’ is the word. Regarding the EU, it was necessary. They are not kith and kin.
  3. Sandy - I would guess that a majority in England would happily see the back of us but it’s us, Scottish unionists, who want to stay part of the UK. I’m not going into all of it here but, for me, I just feel British, feel that the UK is one country and brings great advantages to us. I also have friends, kith and kin in England and don’t want to create unnecessary barriers. Loved British history, warts and all, the Empire, the East India company, the culture, literature, music, everything that’s British. Not fussed by the Royal family but creates a lot of interest. There you are - a straightforward honest answer. If independence happens, then, okay, I’ll just have to live with it. No doubt you’ll be happy to have another referendum after a few years?
  4. I think everyone is maybe over complicating things. Everyone who has paid into the UK state pension system will receive their due entitlement, of that I am certain wherever they reside. I think those who emigrate e.g. Canada get their pensions at the rate when they left but don’t get increases. That certainly used to be the case. The question is - which government picks up the tab? From the point of view of Scotland, as a new state with a ? currency and no track record on international markets, the last thing it wants is huge liabilities for future pension payments. That will be a matter for negotiation.
  5. One thing we’ve learnt tonight is that this is going to be a very contentious issue if we ever proceed to independence. Obviously, I hope it doesn’t arise, but who knows? Better to be knowledgeable about such matters.
  6. I think that Scenario 1 as per DMC’s post is the likely way forward. For existing pensioners, as Scotland was part of the UK and benefitted by NOT having to provide a pension fund, then it is reasonable that the SG should pay these out of the current taxes it will receive from the Scottish workforce. Obviously, a complex issue which will require a lot of detailed negotiation
  7. Sandy - what I think you’re missing is that prior to retirement, Scottish citizens within the UK benefitted from the taxation collected but NOT put into a hypothecated fund as well as English citizens.
  8. Thanks for that but can I ask you this as I am no expert? If, as you say, I am an existing pensioner on Independence Day, is my continuing pension paid by taxation raised by the UK or the SG as you are correct in emphasising that there is no ‘pot’? Seems a bit unfair on UK government as SG will be collecting all the tax on the continuing Scottish workforce but only paying out when they come to retirement which will be at various dates into the future. Would appreciate if you could clarify this?
  9. As somebody already said, the look in his eyes says it all. He knows he’s not up to it and really hasn’t a clue what to do next. In many ways, I feel sorry for him.
  10. Your entitlement will be based on your contributions into the UK scheme. I agree. Your pension will be paid from Scottish contributions into the Scottish scheme post your retirement. Is that correct?
  11. I recall Yogi used to bring In a sports psychologist from time to time to generate positive thinking. Maybe we could do with a bit of that?
  12. Thanks for that. Just checked. Founded in 1872. Just wish people wouldn’t speak in riddles.
  13. Not my area of expertise but if it was likely to be profitable you’d get private investment. I think that’s been the problem at Rosyth. No profits, no investment. Simple.
  14. Well, Durnan is suspended so we can forget him. Youve forgotten about the undroppable Leitch?
  15. Sandy, I hear you, but in this case I am genuinely intrigued as, having been a CA in practice all my life, I just want to know what has happened here. I’m not an SNP member, therefore have no right to complain, but I have looked at the 2019 accounts and there is no ringfenced fund of £600k shown. Maybe there was and it’s been spent on ‘preparation work’ or funding an ‘indyref2 unit’ but who knows? The added intrigue is regarding the 3 resignations from the Finance and Audit Committee, one of whom is a qualified Accountant and the Provost of Edinburgh. Admittedly, one has gone to Alba but not the other 2. What I’ve repeatedly said is that it would be very simple to sort this out by a comprehensive statement from the Treasurer or better still, the Auditors. At the end of the day, it’ll probably just die a death as the public don’t bother too much about ‘technical matters’ but for diehards like yourself who possibly contributed to this war chest, you really ought to be given an explanation. People like the ‘Wings man’ and the unionist media will certainly keep it running until there is an ending. For all these reasons, it would be in the SNP interests to close this down pronto as , in this type of thing, we’re dealing with facts and all that needs to be done is ‘Follow the money’.
  16. If this is just nonsense, why not come out with the necessary evidence to refute it? It just seems so simple to shut this down.
  17. Just watched the post match interview. Just so embarrassing ! i have now resolved never to watch any of those interviews again. As I don’t like swearing I can’t think of an appropriate word or phrase to describe my feelings? You get my drift.
  18. There is a story here. Afew weeks ago, three respected members of the Finance Committee resigned as they were not allowed to examine the books. One of those is a CA, I believe. The treasurer, Douglas Chapman, continues to refuse to answer questions on the matter. If there is nothing to hide, and everything is okay, then, surely the sensible thing to do is to issue a statement confirming that the money is there in a ring- fenced account and that all is in order. Better still, ask the auditors to issue the statement. Just seems common sense. Otherwise, the story will grow.
  19. Newspapers tend to seek verification of their stories. Sean Clerkin. Never heard of him? Regarding Campbell, I have followed him for a long time, long before he became fanatically anti SNP, and like or loathe him, he’s a brilliant journalist who uncovers lots of interesting stuff. Whether he’s right or wrong, who knows? Anyway, the SNP’s last accounts are on public display and there certainly isn’t a hypothecated Fund of £600k on the Balance Sheet. They need to come out with a credible explanation and put this matter to rest. Seems simple. Interesting times ahead.
  20. Sandy - certainly not me. Anyway, on another topic, I see it’s reported that, at long last, the police are now looking into the whereabouts of the ring-fenced £600k within the SNP accounts, which show only £90k. Apparently, an SNP supporter made the complaint to the police. Wouldnt be you, perchance?
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