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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Just like BBC Scotland gives Sturgeon an almost daily party political!
  2. Some interesting points there which I’ll need to give some thought to. If independence ever looked like coming about, god forbid, on a personal level I would certainly want my assets to be under UK control and sterling denominated and I think most people within my circle would feel similarly.To imagine some form of socialist, gender bending, speech policing Scottish government running my affairs is just too horrible to comprehend. Ugh!,!
  3. All great companies but totally reliant on London and the Bank of England, the lender of last resort. Edinburgh is indeed important but first hint of independence they’ll be relocating to England.
  4. They did fail. RBS and Bank of Scotland. You seem to have a short memory.
  5. Who am I to disparage your figures but December 2018 is a bit out of date. Anyway, what happened to the £500k plus ring-fenced ‘fighting fund’? Nowhere to be seen in the 2019 accounts. Maybe try asking the Treasurer? He doesn’t appear to like answering questions.
  6. Gosh- what an arrogant person you sound - ‘thickos’!!! Probably a student at some z class polytechnic?
  7. I don’t have the actual figures but I have heard that the SNP have dropped around 40000 members recently. Sandy - audited up to date figures, please.
  8. That’s a stupid list that’s there for a bit of a laugh. The only item where I have some sympathy is weights and measures. I think we have quite a good balance here in the UK between imperial and metric. I think most people are quite happy with miles for driving and would probably hate changing now. I have spent a lot of time in the US and they are probably more imperial than us. Actually, as a senior, there are probably a lot more things regarding which I would probably annoy younger people than those on the list.
  9. Sandy Fine by me. Scottish and British and a citizen of the UK. What more could you ask for?
  10. Probably a fair summary. Still can’t see what’s wrong with the Spectator becoming involved. Both the Chairman and Editor are Scots and it has a disproportionately high number of Scots readers. A great read and has contributors from all persuasions and backgrounds.
  11. Why?? The judge has just agreed with The Spectator.
  12. Oh dear. Methinks you protest a little too much. Nothing much wrong with my summarised version. I've actually been to that area and the thought of living there in the 17th century is quite scary.
  13. "We" weren't bankrupt. Okay, maybe a little extreme, but as I recall, Scotland used up around 20% of its financial reserves which were already in a poor state.
  14. Maybe that was because we were bankrupt after the Darien projec?
  15. I understand FFC are demanding answers from both the SG and the football authorities as to the thinking behind the division of the funds. Dont imagine they’ll get far but the questions are along the lines of those mooted by Alonso.
  16. Sandy- I’m sure you’re a nice chap but you’re so blinded by your desire for INDEPENDENCE that you’ve lost touch with reality.
  17. Andrew Neil has had absolutely no connection with Murdoch or his companies for more than 20 years. Please check your facts.
  18. Thanks for your forensic dissection of this matter. You have put it far better than I ever could and I salute you for your honesty as an independence supporter. This transcends party politics and goes to the heart of the kind of country we want Scotland to be.
  19. He’ll vote with SNP. He knows which side his bread is buttered on. The committee can still refuse to publish. However, well done Spectator. Shocking that it takes an English based small publication to get some fairness from this whole sorry business.
  20. I think you’ll find that that excludes undecideds of 10%. They tend to follow the status quo.
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