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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Decent response but based on hope rather than reality. However, you’re only 45, so you’re entitled to be aspirational unlike myself who’s well into retirement. Good luck to you.
  2. Excellent response. Like your idea about ‘growing the economy’ but what’s been holding us back up till now? Unfortunately, the present SG has a woeful record on the economy. Ferries - still not completed. Prestwick Airport Green Jobs- hardly any. All manufacturing done overseas. Very few hi tech industries . Just look around Cambridge. Anyway, nice to have a reasonable discussion with you.
  3. Fair enough I will do some research into Finland about which I know very little. Regarding Scotland, Andrew Wilson, in his report for the SNP, makes it very clear that we will need a good number of years of austerity to get our public finances in order. Obviously, if sovereignty is your main motivation (as with myself regarding Brexit), then that is not a problem. However, some of our fellow citizens might have a different view.
  4. Brexit was totally in the hands of the British people who voted to leave. Joining the EU is dependent on various tests which need to be passed and only with the agreement of all member states. Some very tough hurdles to overcome!
  5. I’d still like to see why you’re so sure we’d be in the EU? Source of certainty, please?
  6. How do you know Scotland will be in the EU?
  7. Thanks all. As a newbie here, quite enjoyed it but time for bed and book and tucking up nice and cosy under my Union Jack sheets. See you all soon.
  8. Well, for starters, they are now arguing it’s a country and needs an ambassador to the UK, whereas the UK is currently arguing that it’s an organisation and therefore does not need an ambassador. SG keeps arguing it’s a loose association of independent countries. How does that work? Figures suggest that EU countries will not complete their vaccination programme till 2023. UK 2021. Acting as a single nation allows much more flexibility with not requiring 27 countries to agree. EU heading in wrong direction. Happy to be friends but not attached.
  9. I take it I can rely on some support? Quite used to receiving bucket loads of sh....
  10. Actually, indyref2, as a diehard unionist, I say ‘bring it on’. The case for is just so weak that, once all the facts and figures are out in the open, I think it will be a resounding NO. Most of the folks I know who vote SNP do so because they believe that independence will bring ‘a land of milk and honey’. How wrong can you be. I voted Brexit out of conviction and prepared myself to be worse off by around 10%. As it happens, I don’t think that will happen but I am ready for it. To be free from the EU, for me, means a lot more than financial prosperity. However, most of my SNP friends don’t feel that way and my guess is that their heads will overrule their hearts. Just a few questions for starters currency Gers figures are terrible No more Barnett consequentials Cut off from the RUK where 60% of our exports go. Just like regions of England, no more subsidies from London and the South East.(Barnett, basically) Poor education system Very few entrepreneurial businesses Very high public sector Poor outlook as stated by Andrew Wilson’s growth commission. So many more but I won’t waste my time
  11. Thanks Airdrieman You are most welcome as far as I am concerned. What a man - Willie McGuire, legend. As I’ve said here many times, the Broomfield visit was always one of my favourites.
  12. Noticed Presley’s son came on for Brentford today against Leicester. A dead ringer for his father!
  13. Yes, you are probably correct. When I’m in America, and when people ask where I’m from, I initially say Scottish, so that they can relate to the accent, and also that they have a geographical idea of where in the UK I’m from. From their point of view, they don’t realise that there are 4 nations making up the UK but see Scotland as a region like Yorkshire , Cornwall, etc. Similarly, when I speak to Americans in the Uk, and I ask them where they’re from, they’ll say Florida, Michigan, whatever.
  14. Because, for me, I feel British more than Scottish. Simple. You, I guess feel differently, and nothing wrong with that. We can argue for ever about prosperity, economics etc.,etc. but it is how you feel that counts.
  15. Funny thing is, it doesn’t matter from which political perspective you come from, you can always find bias. I am a staunch unionist Brexiteer and the treatment Brexit received from the BBC was outrageous. Every political programme was heavily weighted towards the anti Brexit cause and statistics have since proven that to be undoubtedly correct and the BBC has indeed since apologised. Regarding Sturgeon, I would say she’s had a very easy ride especially from the Scottish media who allow her a regular free ride most days. The point I’m trying to make is that it’s not all one sided.
  16. Thanks for that. I might be wrong but I think some of the funds raised were for Sammy Conn who was gravely ill. Correct me if this is rubbish.
  17. As Andrew Neil so correctly says ‘you’ll find more journalism in the Beano than in The National’.
  18. Things starting to unravel. Sturgeon will be gone by March.
  19. I never really blamed Yogi for that as most managers just want players at any cost. It is up to the BOD to set the budget and , when required, say NO. I think that is the kind of problem which we have been addressing in recent years!!
  20. A local irritation is when a shop assistant concludes the transaction by saying ‘see you later’ when there is no chance of that happening within a short timespan as would be indicated by using the word ‘later’.
  21. Once the elderly and vulnerable have been vaccinated, absolutely no reason why football should not be played.
  22. Have to agree with that. Watched the video of the road to the final yesterday and he came over as a very accomplished manager. Indeed, I had forgotten that Pressley had actually played for us!
  23. Saw Willie McGuire a few years ago at an FFC fundraiser and he could do keepy uppy with Smartie boxes. Amazing!!
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