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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Oh for a benevolent dictator type as owner like MM at Alloa.
  2. Welcome friend. You won’t regret it. Your wife is also welcome.
  3. Right from the start I maintained that face mask wearing was just a means of governmental control to keep the proletariat in their place. No place for them in a properly functioning, humanitarian society.
  4. Thanks - you’re the expert on these matters.
  5. Sorry welshie, but going on hols next week and it looks like we don’t need to test prior to coming home. Applying to England but I imagine wee Nikla will soon capitulate. The exemption certificate is a great back up here in the UK just in case some officious p***k starts to question our non mask wearing. Unfortunately, Jet2 don’t recognise it.
  6. Your wife appears to have more sense than you.
  7. Wife and I both got it after booster. Fairly mild flu like systems.
  8. Don’t agree with that. Firstly, I would like to see a new Tory leader but it might be that Boris plays ball with the sensible wing of the party and does the following :- Scraps green taxes on energy. With COP26 now passed he’ll dump all the net zero nonsense The go ahead will be given for new oil fields to be developed. We badly need the gas therefrom. Fracking? - not sure but we must follow the US in becoming self sufficient in energy. Green is part of the answer but we must be secure in times of no wind. After raising taxes to an almost all time high, Sunak will gradually reduce them to incentivise the productive sectors of the economy. We will emerge from Covid earlier and in better shape than our neighbours. We are forecast to have the highest growth of western countries in 2022. The benefits of Brexit after a shaky start will start to come through. The UK stock market is forecast to boom in 2022.
  9. Abortion is an interesting one for a number of reasons. Quite out of the blue, about 40 years ago, my wife became pregnant with our 3rd child with a gap of about 8 years between our 2nd one. We were naturally a bit upset about the disruption to our life both socially and economically and our GP suggested an abortion. That was all we needed! A jolt which made us realise that we’d be killing a part of ourselves for selfish reasons. Thankfully, we didn’t go down that route but it changed our outlook completely and we took on board the ‘sanctity of life’ aspect. Since then I am fairly anti-abortion but, at the end of the day, I do recognise that a woman has the right to chose and the current law is probably about right.
  10. Yes, I’ve heard that as well and I understand that some of the board members are expending lots of time and effort in trying to sort some ‘ basic’ things out.
  11. Was in the cafe at TFS a few weeks ago around 1pm and Dowds, Wilson and most of the players came in for lunch. In addition, Holt was sitting at the same table as Dowds and they were all conversing in a very harmonious manner. Just a factual observation.
  12. That is just nonsense. The UK government has now acknowledged that this disease is now endemic and that we just need to get on with life. Theyre also constructing Nightingale hospitals in the big cities for non- critical Covid patients if required (something we should be doing). Its obvious that Omicron is much milder than delta and we need to adjust accordingly. Anyway, we’re now in the perfect position to compare the approaches between England and Scotland/Wales and in due course we’ll know which was the more successful. My guess is that the health outcome will be much the same but with England gaining the benefit of extra commerce and, more importantly, freedom from overpowering authoritarianism.
  13. Well, at least they’re being ALLOWED to celebrate it unlike our little tinpot dictatorship.
  14. Had some dealings with MM a good few years ago. Very good businessman who is fair and keeps his word. Just wish we had someone like him in charge. I think he got you £500000 from the SG when you were in the Championship. A great advert for Toryism if that’s the case.
  15. All very true but why are there never any dissentients within the SNP political classes. At least the Tories have a sizeable minority who are willing to hold the Government to account. Their heroes are Harper, Swayne, IDS and many more even within the cabinet. Who are the SNP dissentients?
  16. Agreed. But isn’t it time for us, the people, to make a stand and start by refusing to wear masks. Its no good moaning about things but meekly going along with it.
  17. Not necessarily true. In England almost half of admissions relate to people who are subsequently found to have Covid. The SG refuse to release the comparable figures but if they are similar to England then around 400 are folks who are admitted with ‘normal’ illnesses but then test positive. Regarding hospital utilisation this information is CRITICAL.
  18. Did you not see the interview between Martin Geissler and Yousaf last night? He couldn’t say how many of those 800 were in because of Covid or were found to have Covid once in hospital. Absolutely useless. Also he couldn’t say how many of the deaths were down to Omicron. Vital information which he couldn’t respond to. Restrictions should be lifted NOW.
  19. I see that even Wales has now cut the self isolation period by 3 days. What are we waiting for?
  20. Don’t think it will be needed but an interesting story in the FT saying that England are considering opening up Nightingale type or field hospitals in case they are required for Omicron patients which will keep them away from mainstream hospitals. A bit like the old ID or scarlet fever hospitals. At last, some common sense is starting to percolate through.
  21. I don’t know how you can be bothered continually battering your head against a brick wall?
  22. Exactly, my man. I just can’t fathom out why so many folk are continuously testing themselves? If you’re not feeling deathly just chuck all those kits in the bin, preferably with masks as well. No tests mean no positives mean no restrictions.
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