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Posts posted by WattersIsGod

  1. 13 minutes ago, Forth Banker said:

    I wonder whether the strategy is to supplement the squad with development players? The age profile of our signings is quite young (Denham, Harley, Wright), but with a bit of experience with Sula and Roy. Maybe the aim is to develop these young players and our own youth ( at last) and hope to move them on for a fee at some point, à la Hamilton. While also reducing the wage budget by only paying the youngsters a tenner a week obviously.

    Nice theory but that doesn't really work with signing them to one-year contracts.

    I'm unconvinced any of the u20s from last year are really good enough to even make an impact in senior football but I'd love to be proved wrong.

  2. 33 minutes ago, Quentin Taranbino said:

    Stirling Albion



    Derek Gaston


    Ross McGeachie 

    Sam Denham

    Harley Ewen 

    Erik Sula 


    Lewis Milne 

    Callum Crane 

    Ross Davidson 

    Harry Wright 


    Dale Hilson

    Dale Carrick 

    Cameron McKinlay 

    Ally Roy


    Up to 13 signed players now. How we feeling about our squad? Mid table consolidation awaits I think. Hope I'm wrong.

    It's an OK start but it obviously needs more bodies. I'm not sure we can expect a further influx of quality unless we get lucky in the loan market but some more depth is essential.

    Mid table is probably a good shout at this point but that's really only 2/3  of a squad.

  3. 23 minutes ago, WC Boggs said:

    I tend to agree mate. There are some things you can't blame the board for. If the pitch isn't ready I don't see a big deal, or a need to find a scapegoat.

    aye, this is no big deal. it's not like there's a crane in the middle of it that won't be moving for months............

    things could always be worse.

  4. 2 hours ago, The Moonster said:

    I can't think of anything other than incompetence or a lack of manpower that prevents them from doing it

    To me it's incompetence all the way.

    Our tickets are all now sold through a partner. All the club has to do is decide the prices and then promote the sale (no laughing at the back).

    They did little to attempt to attract  new season ticket holders last year and this close season so far has hardly encouraged the existing ones to renew.

    They really should be glad there are still people willing to buy them.

  5. 26 minutes ago, BB_Bino said:

    I wondered if that would be an option for Maybury as well, Left Backs appear to be in short supply and he also did well at this level with Peterhead. I would have thought he'd be someone in his thoughts and I think it would be another positive signing.


    I'm definitely a fan of his too.


  6. 1 hour ago, Stuntiethumper said:

    McPake? Seriously underwhelmed at Queens Park. Had one move to cut to the inside and that was his box of tricks as a winger. Defenders soon figured that out and he was ineffective.  He spent games flapping his arms at folk in frustration until he was benched. Rarely made and appearance for us in the second half of the season. Better hope he has improved (a lot) since then.

    He hasn't.

    He's still exactly the player you described.

    The cut inside and shoot move will work once and then frustrate you constantly.

    He loves a good moan at a linesman too.

    I thought he'd maybe scrape a full time gig in the championship or one of the better teams in league one. I just can't see him being effective at the top level.

    His best performances for us were both against Edinburgh City.

  7. 58 minutes ago, WC Boggs said:

    Letting people absolve themselves of responsibility for that ballooning cost and instances of incompetence is not a healthy way forward.  Neither is disputes, that is true.  Never questioning the highly questionable is even worse though.

    They are going to absolve themselves of blame regardless unfortunately.

    The lack of accountability and visibility on everything to do with the club is shocking.

    It's why it's even more key for the supporters to keep backing the team

  8. Man it's like 2022 in here again.

    It doesn't really matter anymore who did what and why. We are where we are.

    I've come to accept that the losses were a means to an end. Promotion was achieved and survival nearly was.

    Mistakes have been made all over the place at every level. That's football and that's life.

    It's going to be different again this season but let's all come together and support the team.

    They're gonna need it 

  9. 3 minutes ago, WC Boggs said:

    You mean "his performance as  manager was much worse than it appeared solely looking at results in the last couple of seasons."  didn't apply to 22/23.  Is that what you're saying now?

    While we're at it, what in your view was the purpose of that report?  I ask that because if you presented that to an auditor as an accurate and full submission, they'd laugh in your face and refuse to sign off on it?

    they would. 

    that's a very very high level document. you can tell a lot from it though. 

    they went all in for the promotion push in season 22/23 and took a big gamble. the losses could have been a lot worse. its a good thing that it did pay off. you can almost see a strategy there - that league one would bring some additional income and that we could be near sustainable.  

    the worrying thing is that it looks like it takes a loss making season to get out of league 2.  clyde look like this season's candidates.

    i think it will be very difficult to compete for promotion with a playing budget vastly reduced. 

  10. well its clear that if we hadn't won the league the year before then the cost cutting exercise would have had to have happened before last season. it would also no doubt have been a worse loss with less prize money, lower attendances etc. 

    it's hard to determine too much from such vague figures - wages presumably covers all staff, admin, coaching, playing.

    so effectively, we were set up with a league one budget virtually. scary what it costs to put together a half decent squad to win league 2. the most gutting part is that it kind of nearly worked. the set up was almost break even last season (one more round in a cup should have done it).  it actually shows that we could be a sustainable club in league one.

    i think it';s going to be hard to get out of league 2 on a reduced budget. i think Mr Maybury has his work cut out for him. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Forthbank Bino said:

    Read in the Observer today that Maybury has his first training session tomorrow where he will “have the chance to run the rule over his squad”. He should get a right good look at them given he’ll only have 7 senior players! 

    If he's managed to assemble a coaching team to join in then at least they could have a game of 5s......

  12. 1 hour ago, Binos said:

    We will not get promoted this year,  we are now in a rebuild phase no matter who the manager was

    They clearly threw money at young, which many were crying out for, to get us and keep us up...and he didn't 

    i'd settle for not being in a relegation battle this season.

    when we were first relegated, i hoped we'd be building for another shot at promotion but recent events soon killed that notion.

    expectation have been downgraded accordingly. 

  13. 1 hour ago, BB_Bino said:

    ............and through all this, despite having the most successful League Cup campaign since the group stages were introduced, a sold out stadium and being live on the TV against Aberdeen, along with further TV appearances against Cove. 2 near sellouts against Falkirk, the highest season ticket sales in "probably about 10 years", extended hospitality numbers (sold out most weeks according to social media) AND coming off the back of a promotion campaign.....we still managed to lose money!!!

    i can't help but keep coming back to this either. i would love to see a detailed breakdown of how that happened but i know that's us likely as us Dareen Young coming back. 

    i'm still not entirely sure i believe the rumour about the Campbells. i still think it was a hastily taken bad decision.  i'm not party to any inside information but it does seem all was certainly not harmonious within the club. 

    like BB said, its all done now and we move on. 

  14. Milne should be better in League 2.

    i thought the balance of the team was all wrong last season for what was inevitably going to be a relegation battle. 

    Nearly every midfielder we had was way better on the ball than without leading to us getting overrun.

    I very much doubt that wide left is Milne's preferred position.  i did think he was marginally better the couple of times he played more in the middle. he's never going to be a guy who presses and tackles. that's just not his game.  i do think he'll be better next year in a lesser league and it will give him more chance to show the positive side of his game.


  15. 15 minutes ago, SA45 said:

    Aye, I wouldn't mind if he stayed. Think he was the only player who could get a corner past the first man too. Maybe a new coach could have got something out of him but who knows. If my younger friends are to be believed he's moves like a dervish on the dancefloor but didn't quite translate to his miplay.

    The very idea of him moving quickly anywhere blows my mind.

  16. 48 minutes ago, StewartyMac said:

    Leitch would have worked well under Maybury I reckon. I have absolutely zero basis for this opinion, but I thought I'd give it anyway, as I'm edgy that way. 

    He might well have.

    He's an interesting player. You get a couple of types of player in the lower league. Those who are just about ok at everything but no outstanding skills.

    Then you get players like Leitch who have some great skills but are playing at that level because they are deficient in other areas.

    On his day he could run a game for us and I'd have been delighted to keep him for a league 2 campaign.


  17. 1 hour ago, Flybhoy said:

    I'd have thought League 2 but seeing Cammy Clark (Dumbarton) and Kyle Banner (Stenhousmuir) have remained in League 1, albeit joining the two promoted clubs despite frankly being found well short at that level last season is something of surprise to say the least so anything is possible in all honesty when you consider that. 

    Would imagine he'll end up at a Clyde/Peterhead/Spartans as this is his level to be fair. 

    I'd agree with that. Could well see him turning up somewhere like that.

    Leitch is just too slow for League one.

    His lack of pace was an issue defensively even in league 2 but we didn't have to do nearly as much defending.

    This year a lot of games passed him by and he wasn't even consistently effective in a creative sense.


  18. 12 minutes ago, squeezebox-son said:

    Is he confirmed as gone? I know we were linked with him, but I'm not sure about it. We already have too many options who aren't quite good enough in midfield. 

    He was one of those eventually mentioned as away on the club statement but I've heard nothing since about him signing elsewhere.

  19. 31 minutes ago, SA45 said:

    Can't turn back the clock, but events after the final Annan game suggest there was some unrest. The Fubar party for RMc and the hungover performance in Dumbarton followed by DY's "ragin' comments suggests the players gave up or knew what was coming.

    We can blame the board/trust/previous board etc but ultimately the manager and players didn't do enough in those final weeks - fine margins though - and we wouldn't be in this position now.

    It really did all get a bit weird and miserable towards the end of the season. I just put it down to  the tension of the relegation battle.

    I just never saw a team thet had given up.

    Even when demoralised they did seem to come back with an effort.

    Even the 2nd half of the last Dumbarton game. There was plenty effort until the end just no cool or calmess at the crucial moment.

    Drained of confidence for sure but not through a lack of trying.



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