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Johnny Red

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Posts posted by Johnny Red

  1. Lol is that it? A chairman moves on replaced by another. 
    All that build up for that! Do you give it that much build up in the bedroom? Your wife must be thrilled......🤣[emoji85]

    I liked that one I must admit. Unfortunately I have been know to promise her things on a mount Vesuvius scale.

    I am just surprised that fans will read this and take it at face value, not thinking for a minute that things are not all what they seem. Sometimes it’s good to scratch beneath the surface.
  2. I prefer riddles to work out who our new signing might be rather than trying to figure out what existential crisis is currently engulfing the club. Is there any reason you can't just say what you've heard? 

    I know what you mean. I would rather it was communicated via official channels. As a fan, I would maybe prompt you to ask your sons trust director what is going on at the ranch.
  3. Common  courtesy works both ways [mention=70369]Howlin Wilf[/mention] they've ditched the drum for the sole reason that you can come back and watch the team.
    so next time you see the young team you should give them a wee tip of the hat.

    Agreed! The boys have taken the step to ensure we can all exist in harmony. I little bit of recognition would go a long way.

  4. Glad you noticed Hutton trying to hide in the middle of the park. There was 3 consecutive passages of play around the hour mark, first he shits it from a 70/30 ball in his favour. Then he leaves Crawford absolutely exposed and jogs back to the box kidden on he is wanting to defend.

    Next raith attack and exactly the same thing happens. If he actually was bothered to put a shift in surely he would realise where he needs to be to be effective and help out a young team mate?

    Experienced campaigner my arse. We need shot of him.

    So dramatic. You have more hang ups than an adult chat line.
  5. I was impressed with PJ Crossan, think that he’s a strong determined player. Still a little rough round the edges, but there is potential there.
    Same with McCluskie, he is exciting when he gets going, has brilliant pace, but second/third touch can let him down sometimes. Hopefully these wee niggles can be ironed out over the next few weeks.
    We need an out and out striker though to complement both Crossan and McCluskie.

  6. You have a good track record on here for ITKs, I hope you're not using that track record for a wind up here because if you are, I want you to know I have a very particular set of skills. Skills I have aquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you come clean on the wind up now that'll be the end of it, I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don't and it is a wind up, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you.

    Seriously not a wind up (I don’t do wind ups) but would say there is a 50% chance he could come back, he likes it here and we are on his options list....from the horses mouth, not rumour. But hey that might just be his chat, and not what’s going on behind the scenes.
  7. There were multiple times during the game where put himself about and won the ball off of the QOTS midfield. One example where he done this very well is included in the highlights. Not every player is on the pitch to influence the game. Some players are quietly effective. If you go to the games with the same mindset that Hutton is pish and nothing will convince you otherwise then that's all you will see when your only focusing on mistakes or things he could have done better. Try changing your tinted specs for a game and see how you get on.
    How exactly is he a w**nk of a guy?

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and that’s obviously his.

    He might not me Ronaldo, but he does a lot in taking time out of his personal life to support initiatives with local youth teams in Dumbarton, which hasn’t been done in years by DFC.......but yeah, what a w**k.
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