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Surely No

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Posts posted by Surely No

  1. 1 hour ago, Michael W said:

    Until such times that it's not illegal to bring it into a football ground, what else do you expect the club to say on the matter? It can't be knowingly accommodated as it stands. 

    What I will say in the club's defence here, is that there is also an apparent unwillingness to enforce the prohibition on bringing it into the ground, leading to these things happening. That rests with the police / stewards. No-one wants to see everyone searched at the gate, naturally, but the current approach is quite clearly not working. 

    Taken from inside EPL Club programme.


  2. 17 minutes ago, San Starko Rover said:

    I see from Social Media the away shirts are now not available until at least January! Pretty shocking considering they sold out within days of initial release.  Not sure if Rovers failed to order enough or Joma supply is just bad but that’s extremely poor commercial business somewhere in the chain.  You’re also expecting people to pay full price for a shirt that’s already halfway through the season. 

    Taken from Official Website.


  3. 46 minutes ago, Specky Ginger said:

    Did the announcer not get disciplined by the board for playing "I think you'd better leave right now" as Anelka was walking down the track after yet another debacle?

    He certainly was. Remember the fans protesting on the slope outside the office. Chants of "Sack the Board" changed to " You Cannae Sack the Announcer. " Big Quinny leading the way.😂😂



  4. 44 minutes ago, Jilted John said:


    We currently have Kilgour, Smart and Macdonald on the board, all three are life long fans and live locally. I don’t see the elected rep as being as much of a necessity any more.  


    As Meatloaf said " Two out of Three ain't Bad " 

    Definitely Fan Director required. They are the link for the Fans Forum and ALL Raith Rovers fans and should not be diluted or removed. 

  5. 3 hours ago, CountryBumpkin said:

    I'd heard last week that only Sim and Morgan went to Cove at board level. Chairman popped off on holiday, no one else went up. Seemed a poor show for the first game of the season more than anything else. But then if any are being shunned, which given how few are there already it feels more understandable. 

    I spoke to the Fans Director and the S.L.O. at Cove last week. They were both in the away end and not " booted and suited". 

  6. 39 minutes ago, San Starko Rover said:

    Thanks for the information Scary Bear and the update on how much I pay (honestly had no idea what it was 😂).  I got an E-mail from Alan Russell obviously showing their opposition to the signing and I know he wanted fans to share their views with him, hopefully anyone who did was not rude it’s hardly Alan Russell’s fault, quite sad to hear a few took it out on the girls in the office (hang their heads for that) I hope anyone who did is big enough to go and apologise, angry or not it wasn’t their fault.  Possibly the time for RRST to touch base with other groups at the club and decide on a plan to move forward. 

    The RRST are part of the Forum. This includes fans organisations such as Supporters Club, 200 Club, Jim McMillan, etc. You can be a member of one or all and have your say. Or contact Andy Mill who,in my view, is still the Supporters Director.

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