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Everything posted by RampantFM

  1. Most likely a weaken a rival team move. EK are stacked in midfield. Has to be a few leavers imo. McGowan was out for most of the season but EK play fairly narrow at times unless John Robertson is cutting inside from the right wing. Don't think Marc Kelly really worked there, before moving to Dumbarton, so bringing in Broque will be interesting. Maybe him on the left and Flanagan on the right. But as I say, depends who departs. A fair few names that haven't been announced as staying on for next season.
  2. Really decent signings. Should fit in well to what Yano is trying to build with a lot of goals from midfield/out-wide.
  3. Watson signed a contract extension in December and Somerville in November.
  4. Yeah, that was a temporary increase to 17 for one season as you mentioned with COVID. The rule for 19, however, is B clubs hence Celtic, Hearts, and Rangers at the time.
  5. That rule only applies to guest clubs. The Lowland League have tried to increase the league to 20 clubs (including B teams) but it was denied by the SFA.
  6. I think Edinburgh Uni are down either way. Whitehill Welfare were confirmed as being relegated before Bonnyrigg Rose sorted their SFA license to join the league. As someone stated, an extra place would likely go to application.
  7. There's no obligation for the Lowland League to accept Edinburgh City, it would most likely go down to a member's vote. I would expect the runner-up of the Lowland League Playoff to have a chance of an invite too, if there was an additional space in the league. I've heard the Lowland League are bringing in a certificate of undertaking similiar to the SPFL, so City would need to pass that also.
  8. Just calling out two-faced people. Coming across all pally to get info to impress their forum friends.
  9. Jesus, mate. Are you not the same guy that DM'd me a few weeks ago snooping for information?
  10. I apologise for this, I didn't see this on the forum previously. I also knew on Tuesday. Certainly broke the accurate setup before mainstream media on Thursday night. The first article being by Stephen McGowan in the Daily Mail late Thursday. The other accounts were still qouting the three proposal idea.
  11. What was the factual error again? The SPFL would need to vote for relegation from League 2? ... Pretty sure we covered it. Asked and answered. dead horse
  12. Anyway, I'm off. I'm sure we'll see how it unfolds over the next few weeks. I do sincerely hope they'll be some challenge from Tiers 5 and 6. Another Tier is pointless. Not sure why some on here bother to listen to the podcast if you don't think we're credible. Makes no sense to me, but fair dues. Like I say, we appreciate the support even it's weird hate listens.
  13. As mentioned. Tier 5 and 6 have a say on it, there was a meeting tonight for the Lowland League, and I think there's a meeting tomorrow also, but the issue as Mick Kennedy suggested would be - they would put it to application and as mentioned there's definitely some clubs that would jump at the chance with the money on offer. That is speculation, I'll give you that.
  14. Mate, I've already said the SPFL would have a say on relegation on League 2. You're beating a dead horse with your nonsense.
  15. If we didn't speculate, you would literally have nothing to talk about on this forum.
  16. Everyone was still talking about the three proposals because the SFA meeting (which took place on Monday) was leaked. Not solely focused on the Conference being the only option on the table. Did I not mention that the SPFL would still have a say on the likes of relegation from League 2? The whole point of the Conference is to get round the need for SPFL teams to vote for it. Maybe you better stick to writing on forums than listening to podcasts cos you're clearly bad at taking information on board unless it's written down.
  17. Agree with this 100%. Knowledge definitely poor when the news was broke by us and then was picked up by national media a day later. Cheers for the listens, lads. Appreciate the support.
  18. Fixing this for you. Their tweet from almost a year ago claims that George - who is no longer chairperson or on the current LL board and has no say in the course of action in which the current board takes - said there would be consultation with Tier 6 clubs. There has been no such consultation.
  19. Coming from a Falkirk fan as well. Surprised you have much to laugh about except the state of your own club.
  20. Tbh, mate. I doubt many people on here read the documents, considering how many people qoute what we say on the podcast...I suspect what I said on the potential of a TV deal had more weight than the actual proposal put forward.
  21. Laughing at these guys pretending this was an unexpected event totally outwith the Lowland League's control, rather than the natural consequence of an awful decision by the Lowland League clubs that they were the primary cheerleaders for. If you listen back to previous podcasts, I was on the fence with the Colts proposal. I saw some positives, yes, which in hindsight, were not worth it - especially now. I'll take all the blame for mentioning a TV deal, but will say that it was totally hypothetical. No one else brought that up, not George Fraser, not the league, no one, but myself. The reason I mentioned it was because I was working with the SWPL at the time and they had coverage on BBC Scotland, I thought the attraction of Rangers and Celtic may have brought a similiar type of coverage. Which we all know now was not the case. The Lowland League clubs voted against the boundary change twice, however, it became crystal clear that SFA would not be dropping the issue after trying to push Brechin into the league when they were relegated from League 2. I don't know what will come of this, as it's early days, but I believe it's not as simple as chucking the Colts out now with potential pyramid play-off implications.
  22. I don't think we've went as far as doing a PR job, but I actually agree with what you've said, in some respects.
  23. Gretna are getting a new pitch installed at Raydale and there's a reason East Stirlingshire are playing all their friendlies away from home. Common sense the clubs made the request.
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