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Posts posted by Gaf

  1. Agree with both geoward and Brad, the competition within the league has certainly got better. The fact that Doune werent even close to the running shows the level of the league has went up. Its only going to get better with next year and the year afters additions too.

  2. I would with the ranking of your favourites. For me Wishaw wont win it, as they need far to much to happen. You cant imagine St Joes falling at the final hurdle, that would be hard for them to take. However its all part of a jigsaw right now and first up is Doune v EKYM. The visitors will be looking to firstly win this game and then rack up the goals, as Doune have shipped a few recently. 

  3. 12 hours ago, Brad Bobley said:

    Last league fixtures now confirmed, with four teams still able to win the league going into the last round of fixtures, all playing against each other in the process:

    1st June

    St Joseph’s vs Wishaw WW

    4th June

    Giffnock vs EKYM


    Giffnock North appear to be having a fairly public meltdown about the situation given that both fixtures aren’t on the same day. Think there has been a weekend bender involved.

    Not allot between the ears over at Giffnock eh!!! Surely they can see that certain games need to be played first, so that everyone has the opportunity to get the trophy on the park. EKYM travel to Doune on Tuesday night. Anything less than a win there for the visitors and they are out of it. Its then over to Saturday 1st of June where St Joes take on Wishaw. Wishaw have their number so far this season and will fancy their chances. A Wishaw win means St Joes fall short and probably rule themselves out of winning it too, due to the fact the maximum they can go to is 38 points. IF EKYM get the result at Doune then any win between Giffnock and EKYM will see one of those two Champions, A draw would see Giffnock win it unless EKYM can reduce that 6 goal difference against Doune on Tuesday night. However if St Joes win nothing else matters as their goal difference is superior.

  4. Got agree with Crazy Feet here. I don't think joining leagues together solves the issues within the game. Commitment and time is a huge issue within the game nowadays. Looking at the two leagues now I have to say that the Caledonian League does look like its shaping up quite nicely with what should be a competitive couple of divisions. Time will tell if the merger with SAFL and Central will be a success as I can't say I know enough about the SAFL, so I'm not going to be disrespectful to the SAFL. That leagues main thing is to keep a hold of the big three. And with rumours circulating regarding both Lesmahagow and St Pattricks possibly looking at the West of Scotland, that could be a huge loss. However no more than rumours.

  5. On 21/02/2023 at 22:48, Redondo said:

    The Caley does have some of the longest standing amateur clubs with great history, thats a fact. What do the Caley league do differently? I dont know , from the outside looking in it doesnt look like too much but maybe someone can enlighten me.


    Looking at the teams who have joined the Caledonian League this season, I think the two clubs you would need to ask that question is both Drumchapel and Dunipace. Those two clubs are moving away from the Central to join the Caledonian. Drumchapel with a great history and sitting in 4th position within the Premier Division. I could be wrong but is this the Drumchapel team, who used to be in the Caledonian? Dunipace sitting top of the division below within their first season.  I see the set up they have is also quite good. I think any league would welcome any of those two teams into their set up and could say they make it stronger. Stenhousemuir are back in the league after a year out and by looking at previous league they finished quite high before taking a year out. Giffnock Soccer Club is a new one for me, i've never heard of them but again id imagine they have been well looked into. Riverside one of two teams moving from the Stirling & District and i'd imagine they will be looking to attract better player in a more competitive league. The only worry for them is Milton, Cambusbarron, Doune, Dunblane & Bannockburn are all from around that area too. Alva I see are top of the Premier and sitting in the East Semi Final, so again could be a good addition.

    From the other side why did Holytown move from Caledonian to Central? You raised a point about how you feel the handful of teams hadn't made the Caledonian better and what have they done. Fair play to Holytown for keeping going, rock bottom with a goal difference of -102. Last seasons back to back east winners and Scottish runners up Fallin, what did they do in their previous league before making the move. Nothing startling but the move made them one of the best teams in the country. Now them along with the other finalists, cant mind their name, no longer exist.



  6. I read your last two posts and notice you make a point about it being tit for tat between the two leagues. You'll also mention about one being better than the other. Then you state that The Central will reign Supreme for years to come. What do you base that on currently. As I said previous post will the standard be better with their new set up? Surely more traveling too which would put boys off. Am I not right in saying The Caledonian League unanimously rejected the merger? I don't see that as running away from a challenge, maybe they just enjoy their league. You would have to ask what the Caledonian League does differently to get that answer. Also maybe ask why so many teams either leave or fold from Central or any other league for that matter. No doubt about it St Patrick's have been the dominant team in the Central for a good while now, probably a step above everyone else. I do however see Bannockburn running them close so far this season. Two of the most decorated clubs in that league. Apart from that though who else seriously challenges them. In the past Harestanes, Collville Park added to what was no doubt the best in the country back then. Again 4 clubs with great history and a ton of titles between them. I don't see much between the league nowadays. As you say though, time will tell





  7. Allot of good and valid points made on this topic. The Caledonian League look to have added a few good additions where the Central League seem to be losing some and I hear it may not be the end of that. People will have a preference of both the Central and The Caledonian but you have to wonder has that merger with Central and SAFL made that league stronger? Also seen a few teams advertise that they have joined the Stirling & District. We could go around in circles all day about whats best for the game and everyone will have their own opinion and rightfully so. I don't think the issue of merging league together saves amateur football. Guys have changed, it's not how it used to be and that's right across society with everything nowadays. Do the clubs do enough to keep their players engaged and loyal to make them want to play football or is it a case of that's my best team and that's that. Work commitments, women, days out with the lads are all more important these days and each to their own, if that's what guys prefer. Saturday morning leagues are a big hit as guys can then go and watch the team they support or spend time with their families. Youngsters all want the under 20 league. Any sniff a player gets to the East or West of Scotland leagues and their off, where years ago not just any player would have got to that level. I notice Redondo refers to the Caley League about adding teams that have done nothing!!! What is it you want them to do? If you haven't done anything does that mean you shouldn't want to progress?? Again we will all have our own opinions and should be entitled to them. If you go back and look at the number of clubs pre covid and look at how the numbers have dropped since then, thats for me where the change has seriously  happened. Guys haven't missed it enough. People will always look out for their own interests and rightfully so, thats how a club survives, I don't think anyone should be criticised for that. I also think people will look at how to better things but in reality will never happen.

  8. I agree with allot of points on hear how Harestanes should just accept and move on. However I am sure in the last two seasons there was a tie replayed because and appeal very similar to this. The rules do state this but grasping at straws here.

  9. I managed to catch one in the Falkirk area today. Was at my young lads football and noticed a game at Little Kerse. I went over to find out it was Sandys v Harestanes. Caught the game from around the 25th minute and got to say for around 10 minutes Sandys looked good but lacked a real end product. To be honest Harestanes controlled this one a never looked like losing it. They upped it when needed and ended up winning by 4 or 5. Sandys looked decent but there big problem was there side line. There constant moaning and heckling the ref and opponent done their own players no good. Even comments of their s***e to a team who honestly looked comfortable all day is s joke. If Sandys want to be respected and spoke about like Harestanes or any of the other big boys in the country then they must start from the coaches and manager as they where a disgrace at the side. Entertaining game though and played at a high tempo but again Sandys huffed and puff with Harestanes showing the real quality.

  10. Went along to this game last night as I was at a loose end. Stenhousemuir 2-0 up and keeper flapped one into the net to allow Steins back into the game. Steins got a lift from the goal and went in level at half time. Steins conceeded early after the break and then lost a player through a terrible tackle that in my opinion was a red. Many others next to me thought the same. Steins again got a lift from that and got level. Subs won Steins the game where they lost Stenhousemuir it. Striker with pace came on for Steins and got them what would be the winner. A feisty entertaining affair but one Steins deserved.

  11. After training at Daiziel last night I got the chance to catch a cracking game on after us. Syngenta Juniors who I believe used to be CP United or Pennies (I could be wrong) took on Steins. I seen Steins at the start of the season and felt they where struggling but looked very good last night. Hadn't really seen Syngenta before so didnt know what to expect. With it being a friendly it certainly wasn't played like that and was entertaining. Each team must have had 20+ players and it actually didnt ruin the flow of the game when changes where made. Both teams struck the woodwork and Steins won 2-1 but thoroughly deserved their win. Syngenta huffed and puffed but couldnt break them down. One thing I did pick up was that defensively Syngenta are slow and very poor. They had a red haired lad who looked decent but carry a few over weight lads. Again good entertaining game that I Only planned to watch the first 5/10 mins of but stayed til the end.

  12. St Patts far from bang average. Sitting top of the Fosters and stats don't lie. Haven'y seen Doune but it looks like they are going well looking at their table. Like previous comments you never know but St Patts at home have to be strong favourites.

  13. Am i right in saying that the last three winners of the East have folded???


    I dont agree with the Fallin comments. I understand there is a dislike between the two clubs but the are still going and in the best amateur league in Scotland. Week in week out the are competing and beating some of the big boys in that Premier. They have soccer schools on the go and def going strong. I have no issues with either Fallin or Pennies (CP) but honestly feel Fallin will be spoken about for the East. People may not like that but it could be a reality.


    As far as CP folding. When they were Pennies they stayed in the S&D to long. By the time they won the top league all the best teams had moved on. Thats not taking anything away from their achievements before someone says it. They had a very good squad but had the league won before a ball was kicked due to the lack of serious competition.


    It will be a good watch to see how this one pans out!!



  14. Think a few people trying to stir the pot this weekend with Colville taking on Bannockburn again. Pretty sure the coaches and players will take no notice of this as it looks to me as if its nothing to do with anyone at the clubs. I am sure both teams will do there talking on the park. Should be  a cracker.

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