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Everything posted by bdu98196

  1. While hes come in to try save the club, its not his only business interest so its fair to assume he has plenty other matters too elsewhere. Probably didnt expect this cluster f**k to take up so much energy & time and under estimated the hole SG put the club in (which to be fair I think everyone was unaware).
  2. The club should play all games this season in the 30th kit. Best looking strip in Scottish football right now IMO
  3. Will fit in perfect with the type of strike options we have seen over the last few years where they are exoected to perform at levels way above their talent.....boyd, baird, Samuel, samuels, lodivka, ferguson
  4. TBH, not sure what it cost us last year for him on loan, however after a strong start where he looked like he could be a regular goal threat he dropped off and was no more effective than any of our other options. Lots of work rate but not much end product, whether thats a confidence factor or otherwise. Can see the merits as an 'impact sub' when the game is matured and tired opposition to run and stretch/frustrate the defense but doubt he will bag many goals in the Premiership.
  5. Scoring goals is definitely the issue but where we are in League One now, any player who can regularly score goals is with clubs - you end up getting either a perma crock or someone young and untried at this level. We will end up with a Championship or L1 cast off, its unlikely we could even get a player with premiership history/record? When our current line up is considered, its grim reading - not sure where double figures (or even high single figures) would even come from? Billy - not sure he has the legs to lead the line solo anymore, but probably our best chance of goals Brooks - good record in the Lowland but has failed to kick on, looked ok in the Challenge cup but Stirling Albion was a dip in level we played against. perhaps an indication players at LL & HL arent ready made to step up? Cairns - young and untested Ferguson - never mind........... Other than Billy, successive managers have failed to get a decent back up striker which is now an issue that we have nobody to pass the responsibilities too. For a club who had Robbo, Dodds & now Dunc who were all International capped strikers our recruitment and development in that area over their tenure has been shocking.
  6. Probably only end up with another of Duncs pals with questionable ability to fill that void? Although not a avid follower, I did catch a Starthspey Thistle game this season and thought for all the history and overview of this terms results they do seem improved since Esson took over. Maybe another indication that our club got it wrong and he could have worked with the whole squad not just keepers.
  7. Problem is depending on his contract terms we might not be able to get rid and certainly then pay someone else from outwith the club. However I acknowledge sticking with Dunc is unlikely to yield success (or entertainment) which brings its own financial issues. Best hope is he gets offered the Everton (or any other joke club) job and f**ks off on his own free will costing us nothing.
  8. Fully expect a dominant Caley performance ultimately ending in a draw. Dunc to suggest the lack of pitch surface consistency is costing us but least we got a point closer to Stenny.
  9. Too lazy to search, but how many are losses, it probably a decent record but we draw so many games which is the biggest issue
  10. Whats the record for most draws in this league through a whole season? I'd be disappointed if Dunc doesn't better it by Xmas.
  11. Its a stick on draw - why waste time, effort and money on this. Lets split the points now and all do something more enjoyable on wht looks like a sunny Saturday afternoon.
  12. Glad you had you're say, but clearly you have completely missed or misunderstood the context, but a useful contribution no less perhaps indicative of the limitations an older demographic spectrum our board may have.
  13. What an absolute dinosaur level response. Clearly you dont understand or see the merit in using new technology and social media to develop (if you dont understand it step back but to call bullshit is ignorance) - which long term is the direction all businesses need to move. Suggesting the status quo of unsustainable models where its just a club hemorrhaging money and holes filled by benefactors is not the direction - generation of revenue streams is key There are brands building profile all the time and accumulate incomes, to suggest Caley cannot is ridiculous. Not everyone who has made money or built success in the world of digital media is a charlatan, even if the ones SG met were.
  14. There is a fair point regarding the age demographic of our board though, yes they are all experienced middle aged business men however the dynamics of modern business has changed significantly since they set out on their successful journeys. While they may have advisors, it probably would be prudent to look at adding a younger, more media & internet savvy addition(s) who can work in areas to develop the clubs branding and virtual profile - we see how social media etc engages. Its acknowledged that the club have over recent years failed to connect with the community, we need to evolve. Football is an entertainment business and generates massive incomes (we see that across other leagues and globally) so the club should look at ways to tap into that. Whether die hards would agree we need to transcend from Caley the club to Caley the brand.
  15. Either that or a winner takes all Wrestlemania type PPV event with Scot 'the orange' Gardiner V Alan 'He is' Savage main event in a cage?
  16. Another game, another draw. The fact we only 3 points off the top still after 6 games having Dunc as a manager with only 1 win is testament to how utter shite this league is.
  17. Last proper dead ball specialist we have had. Great strikes but loved his penalty in the semi final most
  18. ^ so guessing you're not a fan for calls within our support that robbo returns for a third stint as manager when dunc is punted then
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