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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Scott Wright can't get a game for that lot? Ooft. Cracking strike for the winner.
  2. Watkins in for Samuels. Must have a knock as he's not even made the bench.
  3. What If? Episode 5. Finished just as it was getting good IMO. A bit anti-climatic but I love the fact they're willing to go with the "heroes don't always win" ending.
  4. Been called a few times. Only selected once. I remember being chuffed on this particular occasion. Was quite stressed at work. Decided getting a morning out of the office and a chance to get a Rocky Road from the Good Food Shop would be a nice change. Imagine my horror when I was chosen and had to listen to how this man had raped his step daughter over a lengthy period of time.
  5. Come on lads. It's common courtesy to being up the difference in budgets after the game.
  6. It's clear for anyone to see that O'Donnell is an average to good SPFL Premier League player. That doesn't mean he can't have evenings like last night when he outperformed himself. Why anyone would try and play down his performance is beyond me. What a waste of energy. Hilarious that we're using metrics such as the BBC player rater to judge a players performance.
  7. Yeah this is exactly my thoughts. Several of my friends are finally on the side of independence after realising it's Tories in power forever. Me and another in the group have always wanted independence and have very different political views. I doubt we'd vote for the same party following independence but we both see the SNP as a means to an end just now.
  8. The SNP wouldn't be what it is now. You could argue they'd still win initially if Nicola is still the leader of the party but it would certainly splinter.
  9. Interview with Bates up on Redtv. Can't say he seems like the more charismatic guy going about but said the right things. Said he chose us over other options as he wants to play football properly. Will be interesting to see if he gets a run out this weekend.
  10. Patterson may be behind Ramsay by the end of the season.
  11. SOD was fantastic. Patterson is a great talent but I'd seriously doubt he has that defensive performance in him yet.
  12. He's been called 'the fringe' for years.
  13. Only saw the last few mins but one if those chances has to be taken. How has Ramsay been?
  14. I didn't want to make it a Derek thing but aye. Especially when a lot of folk were surprised he got the last contract. Or at least questioned the length.
  15. https://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/fp/sport/football/aberdeen-fc/donsnews/shay-logan-i-knew-my-time-at-aberdeen-was-up-when-derek-mcinnes-left/ Dave doesn't always get it wrong then.
  16. People who's views that differ yours are 'mental'? Interesting phrase to use. Certainly one I wouldn't but you crack on chief. Especially as I didn't say he needed it either.
  17. They made Smackdown the A show because they signed a billion dollar contract. Fairly simple stuff. It was on network television before and treated like the B show. Wasn't it?
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