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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. They weren't used well in WWE at all. Don't think anyone can argue otherwise. I'm saying if they're finished in AEW then they likely aren't going to earn "f**k you money" anytime soon.
  2. I doubt it. Wouldn't be surprised to see some non-canon crossover though.
  3. No. Smackdown manages it because enough people want to see it. Raw consistently gets around 1.8m viewers despite being nowhere near as good in comparison. Jericho himself has said he expects them to beat Raws ratings. Raws ratings aren't dropping that low so AEW's will have to grow. To suggest TNT (edit) wouldn't be hoping for 2m is just nonsense. You know that though that's why you claim I said 'expected'. Constantly shifting the goal posts.
  4. They turned down the truck of money from Vince and it's not worked out for them since. Diluted their worth wherever they want to go next you'd imagine. What a waste. Fantastic tag team.
  5. You didn't say consistently. Smackdown manages it though. I never said TNT would be expecting it. I said they'd be hoping for it. Improvement targets, something every company has.
  6. Raw has hit that several times this year FFS. USA network is on cable isn't it? Happy to admit I'm wrong there if not. Bizarre that you don't think TNT are going to hope to get to 2m if they get a sustained bump from Punk and Danielson though. Edit: https://cultaholic.com/posts/chris-jericho-predicts-aew-will-start-beating-wwe-raw-s-ratings-in-the-next-6-months Seems Jericho is very confident they'll do it.
  7. We'll see what happens when one of their talent picks up a nasty injury in someone else's ring I guess. Like any other business they plan to grow. To grow you need to invest and then receive a profit on your investment. It's a very obvious concept. It might be five years from now. Might be ten but it's obviously going to happen. TNT will be delighted with the ratings but they'll be saying "let's get to 2 million". Then they'll want 3 million. If they have 2 million regular viewers then a a couple of shows in the area every few months isn't going to cut it.
  8. Supply and demand. They obviously scaled back on them due to the pandemic. Then they say they'll not run as much as they did. Then they'll get greedy again. They always do.
  9. WWE also had a stacked roster and despite ruining the product earned their best ever TV deal. What's your point? They're not out on the road 300 days a year yet. There's obviously going to come a point when they go out on the road for most of the week though.
  10. We'll see how it plays out. Worth considering that people didn't think AJ had a chance in WWE and Vince pushed him to the moon for a good while there.
  11. Yeah that is true but there was always a core 6 or so. That's my point. There's about 13 there in AEW (with more to potentially come) and 4 of their big stars at EVP's. It's the main reason I think it would have been better for Cole to stay in WWE. I genuinely think he had the chance to main event a future Wrestlemania. Instead he debuts and goes straight in to the Elite. Bleh. Good post. Not much to argue with here. It's getting the timing of that along with keeping your own fanbase happy as they branch into more live events etc. The other problems you have is when guys like Darby and MJF try to break the glass ceiling. Or guys who are working elsewhere having AEW dictate how they are presented (which they should be doing) tbh. I've no idea what you're even going on about. I've never suggested they'll fold. I've never suggested people have to be WWE or AEW for life. I've suggested it's a problem trying to keep a large amount of people happy. Especially when ego, money and any future earnings are concerned.
  12. There was not a time they had all of that talent available (and in the main event) at the same time. That's also less than half the guys I'd say AEW could use as proper main eventers. Edit: And it was only a couple of years after Angles debut where they fucked it taking on even more talent from WCW!
  13. If guys are jumping back across it's because they've either been offered a better deal or they haven't been used properly. There's only so much room at the top of the card. Eventually people get sick of not being able to break in to that spot. There's only so much you can give guys to do before they're essentially devalued.
  14. No I'm not. It's just common sense. Thanks for telling me how I think though. Some talent that.
  15. Yes. They'd fucked it beyond repair. Keeping all the guys happy is going to be a near impossible job, especially for an inexperienced booker. In two years time you're going to see guys jumping back and they'll be critical of how they were treated but that Tony Khan is a great guy. It won't be long before they create more titles to keep guys relevant. There's only so long you get by on great matches'.
  16. Yes. Bad booking which came from trying to keep a multitude of big name stars happy!
  17. And how did WCW get to that stage? They didn't just randomly put the championship on an actor during a successful period did they? It was throwing shit at the wall hoping something will stick. I don't know how anyone can look at the roster and say it wasn't bloated. Look at the amount of guys wasting away in the nWo for a start.
  18. I didn't say it was why. I said it was a reason why. You sign these guys to multi year contracts on high salary and then it gets harder and harder to justify pushing the new younger talent. Then everyone gets sick of seeing the same guys on top for years. Punk, Bryan and Cole were easy gets for AEW. They'd be stupid not to go for them. I still think that roster is bloated and not in a good way. We'll see how forgiving the wrestling public are when AEW decide it's pointless keeping guys on the wage bill while they're doing nothing. Cole made the wrong move IMHO but I hope it works out as well for him as he hopes. Always comes across as a very likeable guy.
  19. Of course the stacked roster is going to be an issue. That's one of the main reasons WCW folded and probably the biggest reason WWE struggle aside from Vince liking what Vince likes.
  20. We've not seen enough of him tbh. Goodwillie was very good but he didn't score enough goals. We played better when he played but couldn't leave out Rooney due to the amount of goals he scored. Hancock won't be going anywhere IMO. Unless he tries MacKenzie at lcb, we'd be left with three central defenders (not including Devlin for obvious reasons).
  21. Hahahaha fair enough. It would be big. In more ways than one.
  22. Cheers. Normally when I search for shite like that I end up with whatever shite the tabloids have printed.
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