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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. About time they were both brought back in line.
  2. I think it's very likely players are going to come in. I don't think we're just waiting to see if any bids come in but what stage we get to in Europe. Losing this round, next round or making the groups are all a big difference budget wise and we probably can't afford to take the gamble on signing new players who would help us qualify.
  3. Wild when you consider he was definitely out the door until the switch in gaffer.
  4. I hope not but both times we've played them it looked like a nightmare.
  5. Will be a nightmare playing in the heat next week too. Hoping you get the win that sees you through.
  6. Cracking result. A real shame that away goals were abolished!
  7. It wasn't just the changes but the change in formation too. Switching to a back three nullified that long ball that was causing havoc.
  8. I'm absolutely certain he would have bitten the clubs hand off for a new contract. The family are massive Dons fans and he was gutted when he was released.
  9. Aye. We deserved the win. A draw at half time was fair but we were the better team in the second half.
  10. Love how raging Ramirez is whenever he's subbed.
  11. He's a very good player but he can never get a run of games.
  12. A massive difference since JET left the field. Unless he's on a McGinn style run of goals then there's not a chance he sees a start against the OF
  13. Ferguson off is a surprise. Carrying an injury you'd think? Glad he's noticed they were hitting us with that switch every time.
  14. Both goals came from not dealing with long balls. Nothing to do with the midfield. Holes in our defence is nothing to do with being open. Our opponents have obviously pegged Ramsay as someone they can bully in the air and are playing it to perfection.
  15. Calm down Derek. First goal was due to clownshoe defending of a long ball. Second was Ramsay slipping and Considine challenging for a ball he couldn't win fairly.
  16. Considine had no chance of winning that. Very poor decision to challenge for that.
  17. Ramsay is phenomenal on set pieces. Great header from Fergie.
  18. I'm not disagreeing with that but nobody was willing to make the move/him accepting a lower wage elsewhere. Closest they seemed to get was a swap for Saul.
  19. Oh dear. Suarez is at the tail end of his career and wasn't just signed for a ridiculous fee. It's a lot easier to take that hit than forcing Griezmann out in the same manner.
  20. You can't force a player to leave though. They've been actively trying to sell him.
  21. They needed him off the wage bill. His wages were that insane that they couldn't find anyone willing to pay a 34 year old that amount of money. That's why they pay a decent wedge of it. And it's exactly what I meant when I said Messi spat the dummy with decisions he didn't agree with. Letting Suarez go wasn't a bad decision. It had to be made.
  22. Messi has literally dictated which players should be kept, sold etc. Spat the dummy when they've made decisions he doesn't agree with.
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