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Posts posted by Gusty

  1. 7 minutes ago, Sharker said:

    There was nothing accidental about the 66 disaster, I know that's how Rangers fans like to cover it up .

    But it was negligence by Rangers PROVEN in court ,found guilty and ordered the pay compensation to the victims, Rangers directors and Manger went to court and lied all the way through.

    Why don't you read about it from someone who was in court.



    So far as the evidence is concerned, the Board never so much as considered that it ought to apply its mind to the question of safety on that particular stairway [...] and would appear – I put it no higher – to have proceeded on the view that if the problem was ignored long enough it would eventually go away [...] Indeed it goes further than this because certain of their actions can only be interpreted as a deliberate and apparently successful attempt to deceive others that they were doing something, when in fact they were doing nothing.

    — Sheriff Irvine Smith, 

    You ll have to help me out here. What the f**k has any of that got to do with a Paedophile Ring at Celtic Football Club? 

    Probably the single worse and sickest whataboutery i have seen on a football forum.

  2. 21 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    You have made it clear that your only here to put the boot in to Celtic.
    Within both our supports there is murders,rapist,child abusers all manner of disgusting human beings but you still try to point the finger. 
    No football club is to blame for an individuals crime.
    A lot has happened in 20 years, football has got it's house in order to make sure these type of crimes stay in the history books.

    I am not here to put the boot into the present Celtic Board. I simply do not understand why they have chosen to go the way they have but  as far as the crimes committed they are historical and those responsible for the cover up should be held accountable. Surely you agree with that ?

    Yep there are many utter scumbags that follow all football clubs and the Old Firm seem to attract more than their fair share but that doesn't mean to say we ignore a Paedophile ring FFS!

    You simply don't see it despite it being spelt out for you . It is not the individual crimes but the cover up of said crimes and now , to a lesser extent, the outright denial of any responsibility. The club have a duty of care FFS!

    It goes back a lot further than 20 years. Try doubling that figure!

    I don't know how much you know about working with kids but Disclosure Scotland is not going to keep Paedophiles out. 


  3. 15 minutes ago, Principal Flutie said:

    Someone using the name of a murdering terorrist calling others sick.

    Why has this person not been banned for the username alone btw?

    FFS not this again. It is my name but i would have thought that was obvious to any normal thinking person. Not giving my full name but it is Angus and i am called Gus or Gusty. 


  4. 18 hours ago, Drew Brees said:

    There are definitely still questions for Celtic to address, but in the media the club continually appear to be singled out for crimes that happened across the whole of Scottish football (and society). Most probably because the club have been so co-operative with high-profile investigations that have, thankfully, led to multiple convictions.

    Everything about it is tragic and only in Scotland would it be used for one-upmanship.

    What is tragic is people like yourself who accuse others of using child abuse of oneupmanship. 

    All that evil needs to succeed .......

    It is up to everyone to call out these b*****ds WHEREVER they are !!! 

    I would have thought that child abuse and bringing those responsible to justice is one of the few things that would bring the whole of Scottish Football together. Obviously not as 'The name of Celtic Football Club must be protected AT ALL COSTS' 


    Using the death of 66 football supporters in an accident that could have happened anywhere at anytime is probably as sick as it gets. 

    If Celtic Football Club and Celtic Boys Club are separate then why did the football club investigate them in the mid 80s? Why did the OFFICIAL Celtic Football Club magazine have match reports and weekly updates of the Separate Boys Club? Why did the then Celtic Football Club manager kick one of the Beats out the boys club? 

    Why did the normally PR savvy Celtic board go down this separate Entity route when it is glaring obvious to all that they are one and the same. Making Celtic Boys Club change their name to St Patricks (:rolleyes:) Boys Club just brings heat on to the present day board that didn't need to be there after the great work done by Fergus McCann in outing these b*****ds. 

    Celtic simply cannot stay silent any longer now that  we have Red Tops that have been the mouthpiece of the Celtic board breaking ranks and Celtic supporting SNP politicians speaking out it is time for the truth to come out. The whole truth no matter how painful it is for the club. 

  5. 26 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    For me the practices in place now should be highlighted from 20 years ago.
    Community coaching to disclosure Scotland from bottom to top making sure these parasites have no place in football or society.
    There is no doubt duty of care from clubs across the UK should've been better 20 years ago.

    Disclosure forms , i'm afraid, will not stop these people. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Sharker said:

    Celtic haven't been found guilty of anything in court? As for helping investigations...there's no one at Celtic who was around at that time?

    And no one believes Ranger fans on this , we know you're just desperate to gloat over it, I didn't see Rangers fans swarming social media when the told a victim to f**k of to the Liquidators.

    Yeh Rangers fans are the bad guys here :rolleyes:

    Rangers supporters actually paid off many of the clubs creditors through the RFFF. That was solely down to the clubs support doing what they believed to be the right and just thing. Dunfermline Athletic for example were paid in full for the ticket money that they did not receive from the club. The support paid that bill in full. 

    To continue to deny what has been proven in court is stomach churning to be honest. It says everything about you and the rest of the Celtic posters on here that not one of you will criticise the club. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, Sharker said:

    No it hasn't.

    Guilt has been proven in several courts of law.

    I don't blame the present Celtic board who inherited this  but they could have handled it so much better. They could have been forced to handle it a whole lot better by our politicians  in Scotland. Many in the media have simply turned a blind eye to this as they don't want to alienate the Celtic support. The Celtic support could have put pressure on the club but they have done the exact opposite and attack anybody and any organisation who dare mentions it. 

    What happened at Celtic could have happened at any club. In fact with the ongoing nationwide investigations  will probably show very few clubs were untouched by these evil b*****ds. 

    I don't want to see Celtic Football Club as it is today in the dock for these historical accusations but i do want to see those who were complicit punished to the full extent of the law. Celtic Football Club could and should be offering to help the ongoing investigations and not denying any involvement. 

  8. 12 hours ago, Snifter Pee Rot said:

    Yup, that Sheriff wouldn't have dared hand that down to a Cheeks fan. 

    Of course a 100 days is a stiff sentence but he ran on the pitch with the intention of going for Tav but then shat himself as Tav never flinched. The young Hibee has absolutely no defence and nobody to blame but himself. Hopefully it will act as a deterrent to others regardless of the team they support. Surely anybody that attends games in the top flight can see the behaviour going rapidly downhill.

    As far as a no 'Cheeks fan' getting a sentence like that. 4 months for singing a song regardless of song is harsh but again this idiot has nobody to blame but himself. These idiots know they are running the risk of a jail sentence if they are singled out by the police and i have zero sympathy for them. Name them and shame them

    A Rangers fan who was arrested for sectarian singing while on his way to attend a game against Celtic has been jailed for four months.

    Scott Lamont, from Glasgow, was heard singing the words of the Billy Boys song on Cathcart Road on 1 February.

    The 24-year-old admitted the charge at Glasgow Sheriff Court.


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