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Jeremiah Cole

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Everything posted by Jeremiah Cole

  1. Deary me It’s “you’re” Thanks for proving my point
  2. Our £20 million striker scores against Man United in the Premiership Yet, according to the dolts on this forum he’s rubbish! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
  3. Paul Pogba was doing the screening then? [emoji23] The cluelessness on this forum never ceases to astound me
  4. Paul Hegarty was a striker when he joined Dundee United But that’s not relevant either
  5. So, at the start of the season when he was fit, Paul Pogba was fulfilling the defensive duties alongside McTominay? [emoji23]
  6. Fulton has been on the bench for Swansea’s last 5 games. His last start was a month ago where he was substituted at half time in a 3-0 home defeat by Brentford The fact that you want him in the team ahead of McTominay and McGinn highlights yet again what a clueless clown you really are Here’s laughing at you Yet again [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
  7. So the team is going to ‘sit in’ AND have the full backs giving us width? Don’t be so stupid
  8. He’s currently not starting any games you imbecile On the bench again yesterday and unused You really are a clueless cunt who knows fuck all about football
  9. So if McTominay hasn’t been Man United’s defensive midfielder this season, who has?
  10. Yes he is. People just think he is because that’s the position he plays.
  11. er, except for Scott McTominay obviously
  12. Until they go bust, like the last club you supported
  13. Just as the fact that Rangers went into liquidation in 2012 and the new club you support has won no major trophies obviously gets to you
  14. They play in the Premiership so they obviously ARE a footballing powerhouse!
  15. Wow, Septic beat Livingston! You Septic fans must be so delighted! Makes your sad lives appear a bit brighter, eh? Septic are a club whose success is based on the exploitation of sectarianism, hatred and violence Shame on you
  16. Good to see the plastic pretend club lose again I’d be delighted to see them relegated
  17. Great to beat dRoss C.unty It’s good to see highland savages put in their place The Duke of Cumberland should have finished them off when he had the chance
  18. Never mind Scott Brown, there were 7 Scottish internationals who started in the English Premiership this afternoon but didn’t play for Scotland last week. And one of them is a right back!
  19. Scotland’s problem is that we no longer produce centre halves or strikers Our obsession with coaching youngsters and our ridiculous youth systems mean that big centre halves and kids whose like scoring goals are ignored or have it coached out if them. It’s now all about ‘technical ability’. We no longer coach players to defend. We no longer let players specialise in poaching. We now produce an army of midfielders and wingers. But no centre halves or strikers. Or even right backs. Alex McLeish, Willie Miller, Ally McCoist, Joe Jordan, Steve Archibald. These guys wouldn’t make it today. Until we change our ridiculous youth systems, stop over coaching kids and stop obsessing about matching the technical ability of foreigners, things won’t change. We also need to stop passing the ball about and just get it hoofed up the park. Football isn’t about keeping possession and pretty play. It’s about getting the ball in the opposition net and keeping it out your own. Most goals come from a move of 1 pass or less. Hoof it up the park, win the second ball and take it from there. It’s not rocket science.
  20. On the contrary, it’s totally relevant to your ridiculous post, you ignoramus. Now run along and clean your room before your mum shouts on you.
  21. Yeh, McArthur, Ritchie, Snodgrass & Martin were all unconvincing We’ve now got much better options in Jack, Morgan, Brophy and Naismith Shite!
  22. Marshall Palmer. Gallagher McKenna. Taylor McGinn. McGregor. Fleck Forrest. McBurnie. Christie
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