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Jeremiah Cole

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Everything posted by Jeremiah Cole

  1. A new epidemiological study(preprint) concludes that the fatality of Covid19 even in the Chinese city of Wuhan was only 0.04% to 0.12% and thus rather lower than that of seasonal flu, which has a mortality rate of about 0.1%. As a reason for the overestimated fatality of Covid19, the researchers suspect that initially only a small number of cases were recorded in Wuhan, as the disease was probably asymptomatic or mild in many people.
  2. One of my mates lives next to 2 nurses in Paisley who work in intensive care They were both off at the weekend They’ve only got 1 person in intensive care in Paisley with coronavirus. He’s 86, just had a hip replacement and was in intensive care anyway
  3. The latest report from the European monitor of excess mortality in Europe states that: ”Pooled estimates of all-cause mortality show, overall, normal expected levels”
  4. The authors of the British Imperial College study, who predicted up to 500,000 deaths, are again reducing their forecasts. After already admitting that a large proportion of test-positive deaths are part of normal mortality, they now state that the peak of the disease may be reached in two to three weeks already.
  5. They are still going down the herd immunity route in Sweden.....
  6. he latest influenza report of the German Robert Koch Institute of March 24 documents a „nationwide decrease in activity of acute respiratory diseases“: The number of influenza-like illnesses and the number of hospital stays caused by them is below the level of previous years and is currently continuing to decline. In Switzerland, the excess mortality due to Covid19 is apparently still zero.
  7. https://www.globalresearch.ca/corona-more-health-disaster-human-calamity/5708005
  8. No it won’t. It won’t make a blind bit of difference
  9. Yeah, gonna need a citation for that. Mind you, you never give sources for any of your other copypasta bs.. https://www.euromomo.eu/index.html
  10. https://www.globalresearch.ca/open-letter-professor-sucharit-bhakdi-german-chancellor-dr-angela-merkel/5708004
  11. The invasion turned out to be based on false evidence......
  12. Where were the weapons of mass destruction? I love it when someone replies and unintentionally makes my point for me. Thanks!
  13. Sweden has so far pursued the most liberal strategy in dealing with Covid19, which is based on two principles: Risk groups are protected and people with flu symptoms stay at home. „If you follow these two rules, there is no need for further measures, the effect of which is only marginal anyway,“ said chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell. Social and economic life will continue normally. The big rush to hospitals has so far failed to materialize, Tegnell says.
  14. And then we quarantine loads of a- symptomatic NHS staff who test positive, thus putting the NHS under more strain?
  15. According to the latest European monitoring report, overall mortality in all countries (including Italy) and in all age groups remains within or even below the normal range so far.
  16. Yes, as I already do with the flu jab. as pointed out, it’ll just be 1 jab in any case
  17. Which is why testing is vital. In Switzerland, some emergency units are already overloaded simply because of the large number of people who want to be tested. This points to an additional psychological and logistical component of the current situation.
  18. Yes, obviously. What has that got to do with either your question or my reply?
  19. But they aren’t overflowing with coronavirus patients and they never will be what is it about this point that you don’t get?
  20. In addition to the flu vaccine that I already take?
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