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Everything posted by Kuro

  1. Sure. If you're high I'm sure that makes a lot of sense. Deluded walloper.
  2. You're deluding yourself. There are no workable proposals.
  3. The projections were for after brexit you fool, it hasn't happened yet.
  4. Probably, but this is kind of what has been being discussed for three years now. We're leaving with no deal which means no trade deal for a period, then we will get brutal terms as we will be basically on our knees willing to rim every member state. We're going to get utterly shafted. And so we should tbf.
  5. The problem is without a trade deal these tariffs automatically apply, if you want to alter them you need to sign a trade deal.
  6. How's about a budget deficit currently of 0% compared to the UK's 1.5 % after a decade of austerity?
  7. And success for McBurnie this season playing for that team in that league is 7 or 8 league goals, 10 or 12 in total and avoiding relegation.
  8. His caps are irrelevant. his club career is what you judge him on. What is his competition? Fletcher who is 45 years old, can't stay fit for more than five minutes at a time, plays at a lower level and scored 3 goals last season, or Griffiths who has a similar record for Scotland, plays at a lower level, hasn't played 90 minutes since last year and may never be the same player he was two years ago. Right now McBurnie literally has no competition, he's clearly Scotland's number one striker and as such should be first choice for the medium term unless we can get Che Adams.
  9. And the Scottish people have already decided.
  10. You mean almost all from the bench when he was a kid? McBurnie is our number one striker, right now he has virtually no competition, there's nobody remotely close to the level he is at.
  11. I'm not going to reply to him but it's worth pointing out the UK is actually the world's 19th richest country, he's confusing largest with richest. GDP per head ia what's really important, Britain may even be lower than that now, it's miles behind Ireland.
  12. After being slated about it all day on their Twitter feeds. Their reporting of the hospital issue is disgusting too, stating it may not open, might need to be knocked down etc. Five separate stories on it, lead item on Scottish news and the website all day, all based on a quote from a single union official (obviously also a Labour activist) who isn't an engineer and has no qualifications in the field. Actual engineers been saying all day its nonsense, can be sorted whilst building is open with sumps and pumps, is the fault of the contractor and will be fixed at their cost. Meanwhile rent-a-quote unionists are calling for Freeman to resign, trumpeted by the BBC.
  13. The SNP have most of that already covered. We've had a hundred years of being lied to and let down by Labour. Nobody believes them anymore, and Corbyn will never win an election anyway. So swivel.
  14. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-49234603 Its going to no deal, these statements are not by accident, and happening every day now. They're preparing the ground for it. Anybody who can't see its going to be no deal by now may be interested in this wonderful bridge I have for sale.
  15. That's utter nonsense. He's already done lots of things to prove he's worth it, that's why somebody paid 20 million for him. Do you think anybody would pay remotely close to that for any of our other strikers? Half that even?
  16. They're still not his actual predictions are they? He didn't come up with them himself
  17. https://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Blog/2017/08/25/gers-is-this-why-it-always-says-the-scottish-deficit-is-so-large/comment-page-1/
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