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Everything posted by Kuro

  1. What physics? They switched the transponder off
  2. What qualifies you to question his credentials? How do you know it was the same plane?
  3. "I'm a 757 pilot for a major airline and have discussed the speed of flight 175 and flight 77 with nearly every pilot I've flown a trip with. Nearly every one of them say (after they think about it) that flight 77 in to pentagon not possible with the decending maneuver at that speed. For you airline pilots out there that would be an Rnav RNP approach at Mach 1... in visual conditions (tougher). Nobody, I mean nobody can do that. Not even a professional pilot with a "fighter" background. Something else did that precision maneuver. I'm sure this topic has been beat to death.. I'm open minded to a legitimate debate with any airline pilots that thinks that's possible."
  4. http://911blogger.com/news/2010-06-24/nasa-flight-director-confirms-911-aircraft-speed-improbable
  5. I can't make sense of this mess. Watch this
  6. Drivers are.not qualified professionals. Pilots are. Do a little research then we can discuss this, right now you're just a fathead ignoramus with nothing to offer.
  7. It's not me who believes 110 story.buildings collapse into their footprint without being brought down by explosives.
  8. https://www.ae911truth.org here's another one, but what would architects and engineers know about buildings eh? A bunch of fandans on the internet know better. I mean we've established pilots and aviation professionals don't know anything about planes already. I'd rather take dick Cheney's word for things than theirs, he's a stand up guy.
  9. Cause that's what they do. Are you fucking stupid? Would a surgeon be qualified to comment on surgery? Do some research. I did. Otherwise you're discussing things you know nothing about, which you've demonstrated ably so far.
  10. That's a completely different type.of plane. Jesus Christ.
  11. http://pilotsfor911truth.org/index.html Do.some reading. These are highly qualified people.
  12. I'll give you a clue. They told us about three days beforehand.
  13. It isn't possible, the air is too thick and the plane would break up anyway. That's not my opinion, that's airline pilots. Do some research.
  14. Do some reading about what was going on at the part of.the building hit.by a missile.
  15. I did, physics. Those planes don't do that speed at that altitude, it's not possible.
  16. It's also virtually impossible to hit as low a building as the pentagon first attempt at.high speed, and completely impossible for someone who isn't even a qualified pilot.
  17. Physics. Go onto pilots for 9-11 truths website and do some reading. Us loonballs have actually looked into this you know.
  18. To take a plane flying into the pentagon. You're a little slow aren't you. Potentially.
  19. Were ther? Let's see some. I think they do catch a massive plane actually,and it's not possible for them to fly at that speed at that altitude.
  20. I don't believe it hit the sky. They were disposed of, that doesn't prove a plane hit.the building. Where did the wings go?
  21. I see, you can't. Which I knew already. If you weren't so gullible that would off massive alarm bells in your head. But you're too dumb for that. I bet you think Oswald shot JFK too. A useful idiot.
  22. Really? That's the best you have? There's no connection proving anything there. Explain why it wasn't caught in cctv. In your own time....
  23. I've told you. It's a lot more plausible than your theory.
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