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Everything posted by Kuro

  1. I mean how stupid would someone have to be to accept as fact a fucking airliner could crash into the most secure building in the world in the middle of a massive urban area and they didn't catch it on cctv? How many cctv cameras do you think surround the pentagon? Passenger airliners are quite big no? Would you like to buy a bridge?
  2. Global consensus? If you want to discuss evidence I can go there, you're going to look very stupid though. That's mind of the reason people like me know it was a false flag. The evidence.
  3. They wouldn't need to fabricate reasons if the war had already started. Utter pedantry. I think your understanding of the world is very naive and childlike. There is no doubt 9-11 was a false flag. The reason they got away with it is most people are very gullible like you and imbued with an unhealthy respect for authority so will believe almost anything if an authority figure presents the information.
  4. I've looked into.it a lot. You agree false flag attacks were perpetrated in WWIi that's a start. 9-11 was also a false flag, the evidence is almost endless and no objective person could look info it with any degree of depth and disagree.
  5. Reichstag, gulf of tonkin, babies incubators, they were civil wars, 9-11, internal uprisings not started by us, but we did stage false flag chemical attacks to justify boots on the ground. Learn some history.
  6. I'm still waiting on yours. I read his twitter feed too, neither of those things are remotely true.
  7. Evidence of ridicule and use of the word typical please.
  8. Irrelevant, they don't get a vote. And no British govt will ever be anything other than utterly demented in its opposition to Scottish independence, as they need our natural resources. Our oil is the number one most valuable thing the UK has.
  9. How have you enjoyed this last five years of Tory rule? This is what you voted for, this is what you wanted. Savour it.
  10. It's actually of a democrat. You're the Tory.
  11. The people you want to be making decisions ie England voted for brexit. Who are you to say they shouldn't get what they voted for? You want to be governed by Tories three quarters of your life, and want the same for everyone else. I don't think you're in a position to be calling anyone a Tory.
  12. Birth certificate is just part of it, you don't need a birth certificate to self.id.
  13. Utter bullshit. Have you ever been murdered? I assume you still think murder is wrong?
  14. BS, none of those are subjects where there's much disagreement. Suggest perhaps allowing men into female only spaces isn't automatically a great idea in every case and you're a mad bigot. Welcome to the world in 2019, that's the issue.
  15. Proof? What about the guardian? The spectator? Feminist groups?. I quoted them all
  16. At present you have to live as a female for two years, be undergoing hormone replacement therapy and have extensive involvement with medical professionals with supporting documentation. Under self id all you.have to do is literally say you're female. It's 10.04pm right now, under self id you could be 'female' by 10.05 just by saying you are.
  17. Like all British nationalist Labour types, you live eternally in denial. It's almost cute.
  18. Absolutely. There are elements in the US, Bolton being the most obvious, who will literally stop at nothing to fabricate a Causus Belli. Hunt's comments earlier today just reinforce how much of a US poodle the UK has become. Yeah we have been that way for a long time, and people would do well to.remember when they tell you Iran is doing this it's people like.Trump and Bolton we are being asked to believe. They are the very worst of humanity.
  19. True, cause you're absolute whipping boys. Fkn Ronaldo wouldn't make any difference.
  20. I suppose, Celtic are an absolute diddy club in Europe after all. Few pumping is as much as you can hope for.
  21. Almost all wars the West have been involved in in the last hundred plus years have been instigated by false flat attacks we perpetrated. And pretty much all in the last fifty years have been for oil. You'd have to be an idiot not to be incredibly suspicious here.
  22. I posted this article already. Here is the important bit One of the main reforms proposed is that anyone should be able to be formally recognised as a member of the other sex purely on the basis of self-identification. Therefore, the sole criterion for determining that a person is a woman would be that person’s belief (or stated belief) that they are a woman. Anyone who wants to be a woman would have to be viewed as one. The effect of this proposal becoming law would be to erode the very concept of woman. It will erase women’s lived experiences, and undermine women’s rights. Being a woman is about sex and biology, in that our bodies determine so much of our experience, and also about the way we are constructed socially, which also helps determine our lived experiences. It is not about how a person feels or what they claim to feel. Self-identification will allow anyone to access women’s spaces at any time, having self-proclaimed that they are a woman. This is problematic for women accessing women’s spaces and services whose lived experiences (such as surviving sexual violence) or protected characteristics (such as religion that requires sex-segregation for certain activities) make it essential that women’s spaces remain sex-segregated. Self-identification is also open to abuse by men seeking to access women’s spaces and women’s bodies. We are already seeing people who were born and still live and present as men claiming that they are trans-women in order to gain access to women’s spaces, including convicted sex offenders demanding to be housed in women’s prisons; individuals videoing women and girls naked in women’s changing rooms; and individuals seeking to join all-women candidate lists in local or national elections. Allowing self-identification of trans people will enable and embolden these types of activities.
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