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Everything posted by Kuro

  1. Have you tried turning it upside down?
  2. You mean me and 82% of the public.
  3. We know what's in it. Google it. The clue is in the name.
  4. The law which is opposed by 82% of the public btw, including the vast.majority of women. I suppose theyre all just bigots.
  5. You really need to read the law you're defending. I saw her speech at the time.
  6. Yes it does, are you on the windup? This is why we're discussing this, the new law allows any man in the world to simply say 'I'm female' and they can walk right in.
  7. But it can't happen nearly as much just now as the law prevents it. You support a law that will change that.
  8. But how can they already be doing it? Where would that happen? This law changes that, that's the point. And he's actually rting feminists from the UK.
  9. How do you prove it in a changing room with one person's word against the other?
  10. Its giving them a free pass to.get.into the environment where that.Might happen, and the fact it's illegal is not going to be much consolation to.the victim after it happens. You can also already see the defence of I was only.getting changed and how do you disprove that? it's not as big an issue in male spaces as, despite some people's opinions, men and women are different and men might kick the shit out of you if you do that. Women are.not.going to.do the same to a trans man in most cases.
  11. They make it so you can just decide you're female and that's it you're legally female, without the need for any involvement from.any health professional or any supporting documentation. You can even change day to day if you're gender fluid. Making it illegal.for anyone to block access to any female only space to anyone who simply says they're female. And making anyone who objects to that a transphobe and liable to criminal prosecution and dismissal from their job. You have no idea what you're supporting.
  12. What if a women objects to taking her c!othes off near a man who is a stranger also disrobing? Cause most of them.do, this law is supported by 18% of the public. There's a reason why we have separate changing rooms you know. I hope you don't have a daughter.
  13. No you wouldn't, that's what self id allows. And that's what you're defending.
  14. The old Olympia leisure centre in Dundee had mixed changing areas for years. Never heard of any problems. Must just be Dumfries. All self contained cubicles.
  15. Yes, but that's the point. Self id ends that, you can say you're female and walk into the ladies changing room and start waving your cock about and staring at women and anyone who objects is a bigot.
  16. A sensible post. Nobody is objecting to allowing people to identity as female and live,dress, love as they choose. The issue is allowing biological men access to female only spaces. Its dangerous and most women oppose it.
  17. Oh really, well when your fourteen year old daughter tells you a.man with a beard and a penis was staring at her getting changed and it made her uncomfortable you'll be able to inform her she's just a bigot.
  18. https://www.economist.com/open-future/2018/07/03/a-system-of-gender-self-identification-would-put-women-at-risk https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/oct/11/karen-white-how-manipulative-and-controlling-offender-attacked-again-transgender-prison http://theconversation.com/why-self-identification-should-not-legally-make-you-a-woman-103372 http://ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk/womens-rights-and-the-proposed-changes-to-the-gender-recognition-act/ https://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2018/10/take-it-from-a-trans-person-corbyn-is-wrong-about-self-id/ https://www.politics.co.uk/comment-analysis/2016/01/26/equality-for-trans-people-must-not-come-at-the-expense-of-wo
  19. None for several.years, how would it be possible for there to be one if no man could enter the ladies.changing room? Now any man can if he just says he's female.
  20. The independent have an article relating to increased risk of assaults with mixed changing rooms. It seems to be 'a thing', which surprises me. Why would that surprise you? Why do you think they separate male and female in areas where they take their clothes off in the first place?
  21. Has.Anyone you know died in a terrorist attack? So terrorism isn't real.then yeah?
  22. Every three months. At one swimming pool.
  23. Yes they are that's the point, all they have to do is self id as female and they can access any female only space. They can then walk ago I d changing rooms named and you'd be a bigot for being opposed to.that.
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