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Everything posted by Kuro

  1. What about protecting vulnerable women?
  2. How much is enough? A swimming pool in Dumfries recently went gender neutral in the changing rooms, now it is averaging one serious sexual assault every three months. Is that enough?
  3. What about the rights of marginalised women?
  4. It actually affectsmore.than half of the population, who are female. I hope Its not your daughter who.has to.get.changed next to some beardy guy with a nine incher or play rugby against him.
  5. Interestingly enough if you scroll through Tierneys Twitter feed he has never tweeted about Scotland at all. NOt even once, ever. Not when he made his.debut, not when he captained Scotland not when Scotland have got a result, not to wish Scotland luck. Nothing. I think people who say he couldn't give a toss about Scotland are clearly correct. I expect him to withdraw from a few more squads this coming season, and would absolutely love to see Scotland quality for the euros and leave a fully fit Tierney at home.
  6. Most transparent false flat in history. Anyone who thinks iran is responsible I have a bridge you might be interested in.
  7. who gives a fk we had an election and she lost. She speaks for nobody.
  8. So are twats like dugdale. He was wrong. Will be getting fk all from me for that reason. Might even donate to WOS again actually instead. £150k smahsed now.
  9. It doesn't matter who it is, she has zero principles zero backbone is 100% a pure careerist without a shred of decency, integrity of honesty in her entire being. She has one political view outside of fk kafflicks and one only, under no circumstances should Scotland ever elect its own governments. It could be skeletor she'd be on TV saying well I always thought he-man was a c**t. And her pals in the media would let her away with it.
  10. How do you mean? I can't help wondering if they all stayed for a year or two what they could have done
  11. Motherwell seem to be doing something very right in youth development just now, one went to Leeds recently too and some other great prospects apparently.
  12. That's a shame, the rules should protect the club that developed players more. He's worth at least five times that.
  13. WMs 'permission ' should be a formality given the people of Scotland VOTED for a referendum in this parliament in these exact circumstances. It's completely anti democratic and possibly illegal for them to block it. You yoons really are utterly craven, look at you barely able to conceal your glee at Scotland's democratic wishes being ignored. Pathetic.
  14. Semantics. The mandate is to hold if the Scottish govt choose to do so in this parliament and its unassailable.
  15. Aye but when those people are a bunch of misanthropic manchild incels it can be taken with a huge pinch of salt.
  16. That's a brilliant sign, the EU are gantin to keep us. Now is the time.
  17. What a fuckin great woman she is. We should be proud to have her, can you imagine the Maybot doing that? And she looks so natural and happy, one of the things I like about the SNP and as an extension independence is being governed by normal people who are just like the rest of us and understand the problems of everyday people.
  18. This is just part of the ongoing campaign to promote her and distance her from Tory policies. She knows her opposing it won't make a jot of difference, and ultimately she'll go along with it as she does all abhorrent Tory policies like the rape clause, but it limits the damage to her reputation in the minds of the gullible. Pure propaganda campaign being waged on an ongoing basis to prevent Scottish self-government. She is just the conduit for it.
  19. That's entirely reasonable, if there is no Brexit there is no mandate for a referendum. Equally, however, if a Brexit of any form does happen there is an unassailable rock-solid mandate for a referendum in this parliament and it would be outrageous and anti-democratic if it was blocked by WM.
  20. Nearly 2-1, utterly overwhelming. Support for EU membership now polling at 72% in Scotland. 5.4 million EU citizens.
  21. Trolling fuckwit confirmed, as that's obviously the hypothetical being discussed.
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