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Everything posted by Kuro

  1. You'll need to provide an example. Hilariously childish take btw.
  2. Citizenship and nationality are not the same thing. Did you notice you're posting on the Scottish national team's part of a Scottish football forum? You're Scottish.
  3. He's eligible because he's born there, he's not playing for them cause he sees himself as English. That's a very UKIP outlook you have there.
  4. Irrelevant, did you miss the bit about it not being about feels, in reality if you've spent most of your life in Scotland you're Scottish. That's just a fact.
  5. I'm not talking about feels. That makes him and you Scottish, legally and morally. Who gives a fk how either of you feel. He definitely won't 'feel' English given he left there aged one and will have no memory of ever living there. It's purely a career decision, not a feels one. He may feel ivorian too, but he is also Scottish.
  6. I'm staying facts, he is Scottish. Playing for England doesn't mean he feels English he's simply making a career decision. I'm amazed anyone requires that explained to them.
  7. Same with the R and A, some of the worst people in the world heavily involved with them and as a whole they are just a horrible horrible organisation.
  8. So you don't think a 16 year old who's lived in Scotland for 15 years is Scottish? Really? That's your position?
  9. You need to Google a definition of nationalism. The people saying he's born in England and Ivorian parents are displaying nationalism, I'm displaying the precise opposite.
  10. I'm just stating facts, Dembele is Scottish. He isn't playing for England cause he feels English or identifies as such, its simply a career decision. My stance is the benign, welcoming, open one. Its you lot that are a bit UKIP, you don't have to be born here or have parents from here to be Scottish. He may also feel Ivorian too, but he is Scottish, there's no doubt about, legally as well as in every other way.
  11. You're suggestion is someone who has lived in Scotland 95% of their life isn't Scottish? How very ethnic nationalist of you. I presume you vote ukip.
  12. He's 16 and lived in Scotland for fifteen years. That's Scottish. Those are the facts.
  13. He's lived in Scotland since he was one. I'm dealing in reality and facts. He's Scottish, he's not playing for England cause he considers himself English.
  14. Its hardly a trap, say to him we'd like him to play for us, he's Scottish we're Scotland and we're planning on calling you up, are you interested? Its hardly underhanded.
  15. He'd still be the best RB we have available and you need more than one LB.
  16. Has he? Is that why he doesn't turn up.half the time? I judge his actions not his platitudes.
  17. Not just the mechanism, she is actively protected and promoted by the media too. She was obviously identified a few years ago as the best bet of preventing Scottish self-governance, and all this is to that end. If she was put under the scrutiny all politicians should be and SNP ones are, she would fall apart immediately as her record and duplicity would be exposed.
  18. Celtic have handled Tierney terribly from day one and are going to be the reason he'll only ever be half the player he could be.
  19. He was playing for Celtics under 20s aged 13. You're an idiot.
  20. Another example, if there is a hell May and all Tories are going straight there https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/ros-wynne-jones-sheila-hounded-death-5353202?fbclid=IwAR31f5Oulx_m79Kqv7yQXv6n9tDSE5KJxru_MmXrfvDGfQyedAN56gG19fw
  21. I wonder if she shed any tears for the 120 000 of their own citizens her government and party killed. That figure is old btw, and only for England and Wales. In reality the number will be much higher. Another example of the inhuman and sociopathic nature of the Tories and by extension anyone who supports them- https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/may/24/un-poverty-expert-hits-back-over-uk-ministers-denial-of-facts-philip-alston
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