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Everything posted by Kuro

  1. https://www.disabilitynewsservice.com/disabled-people-driven-to-breaking-point-by-cuts-says-un-expert/ An example of one of the many reasons to celebrate that evil cow's demise. Though it won't change with a change in Tory leadership, this is what Tories do. I genuinely could never consider anyone who votes Tory a good person, or respect anyone that supports them.
  2. Well said, she is an utter piece of shit like all Tories and seeing her cry was fucking brilliant.
  3. I remember Alvaro Recoba scoring two absolute stunners on his debut for Inter.
  4. https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/15483952.revealed-westminster-and-the-big-lie-about-scotlands-oil/
  5. Did you hear me mention their taxes? Future employment in the industry could be tilted towards people resident in Scotland wherever possible, however. As could all decommissioning work which is another massive industry currently being directed to the NE of England by the UK govt.
  6. Its an industry that employs FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND PEOPLE. Its the biggest industry in the UK, number one. Anyone who claims it isn't of absolutely massive importance can only be a liar or an idiot.
  7. Oil: Scotland might end up with lion's share but reserves are shrinking A major tussle over future ownership of oil from the North Sea is likely if the 'yes' vote is carried in Scotland. O'Neill reckons a large share of the oil could end up being transferred to Scotland. If this is done on a geographical basis, it will amount to almost 5 per cent of Scottish GDP and represent 15 per cent of an independent state’s total tax receipts, he says. 'Given its economic significance, oil is the crucial determinant of fiscal sustainability for an independent Scotland. 'Ultimately, the incremental oil tax revenues, albeit highly volatile, would boost GDP and help Scotland sustain the higher spending on public spending it currently enjoys – 12 per cent higher per capita than for the rest of the UK. 'But the fiscal windfall from oil production could eventually prove underwhelming, if forecasts of shrinking oil and gas reserves in the next half century come true.' Zangana says: 'There is uncertainty about how North Sea oil and gas revenues would be allocated in the event of independence. 'If it is shared on a geographic basis, Scotland would receive 90 per cent of future North Sea oil and gas revenues, which would help it achieve a trade surplus with the rest of the world of about 4.8 per cent of GDP, although this is likely to be eroded by payments to overseas owners of Scottish assets. 'On the other hand, the trade balance of the rest of the UK would deteriorate, potentially hurting confidence in sterling.' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since this article they've discovered approx 100 years worth of extra oil btw, and the massive Clair Ridge field has come online.
  8. Nope, the bigot is right about that bit. 400 thousand jobs in oil, not important though eh. They have to come from somewhere.
  9. Bullshit. You're wilfully ignorant. Brexit makes oil even more important to the UK economy. Its literally the number one most valuable thing the UK has, and the UK's top four commodities exports are unrefined oil, refined oil, unrefined gas, refined gas. We leave we take almost all of it. A fucking child could understand the importance of that.
  10. Sigh. Oil represents typically 1.5% of UK GDP. The 2008 financial crash saw a temporary drop of GDP of around 2% for 3-5 years. It was the most devastating economic event in decades and ushered in a decade or more of austerity and arguably Brexit. Losing oil would represent a drop of 1.5% for 50-100 years. I can tell you're not stupid. Therefore I have no idea why you pursue this utterly moronic line of shite. The UK has virtually nothing of any value, its all services, oil is one of the very few tangible commodities it has and by far the largest. Oil is finite and used for thousands of things not just cars, basic economics dictates the price will only rise long term. You're just lying, and you know it too.
  11. That's simply untrue. Its massive for the UK economy, and no UK govt of any shade will ever countenance giving it up ever for any price at all no matter what under any circumstances. Even if we become independent they'll try to keep it. You're just denying reality. They just found another 100 years worth too.
  12. If Boris takes over and Parliament blocks a hard brexit after his futile attempt at renegotiating, and is forced to call a Euro ref 2, the Brexiters will be delighted to see us go first. Doesn't matter, the UK govt will not agree to a referendum for the simple reason they know they'd probably lose it and to lose the oil is unthinkable. That's the long and short of it, its illegal, immoral, anti democratic and outrageous, but there's no chance whatsoever under any circumstances at all the UK govt will agree to indyref2. Its out of the question. How scotgov react to that is the issue now.
  13. Cause they want him fully fit for the Euro qualifiers and naively believed they needed him for the run-in.
  14. Absolutely, multiple times. I'd take a hard line and implement it every time for a wee while.
  15. We definitely will. That's been the plan all along, its really been quite obvious to anyone with a brain.
  16. Who aren't available for this game.
  17. You just suggested relying on two players who aren't fit either and one who doesn't play for Scotland as alternatives. You're kind of making the case for needing Tierney.
  18. We still are better with Tierney than without, and can call up one of the others too as Tierney can be used elsewhere. If you want to talk about injury prone look at Kingsley, who is currently injured. Douglas is out till the start of next season so not an option just now and Bryan has never even confirmed he would even accept a call-up. We need Tierney. Robertson is coming to the end of a season where he's played fifty high intensity games, no guarantee he's fit either.
  19. I also have thought for a while Tierney could be converted into an excellent defensive midfielder for Scotland, has all the attributes and its an area we are very light. Away against a team like Belgium him and McTominay would give us much better protection than anything else we have available. You could also play him behind Robertson in a game like that, or RB, he'd do well against a guy like Hazard who wants to come inside all the time, Tierney could follow him inside onto his good foot. It's a big loss and one time too many Tierney has fucked off Scotland.
  20. We had to play a midfielder at LB last time, its not guaranteed Robertson will be fit for both games either. What if he picks up a knock? We need all our best players available all the time, Tierney is excellent. Its a big loss, and he'd still be better at RB than anything we have. He is a daft wee fanny and Celtic are being hugely detrimental to his development, he could have had this operation six weeks ago and would be fit now. Instead he plays a succession of dead rubbers. He's an idiot and they are scum who don't give the slightest fk about Scotland, bet if he was Irish they'd have tried to get him fit to pander to the idiots in their support.
  21. Have to say I'm shocked at this latest development, didn't expect it at all. Scotland should tell him to take a couple of years off from Intl football. Would love to see us qualify for the euros and leave a fit Tierney at home. Utter wee fanny having his career ruined by Celtic.
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