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Everything posted by TavTastic

  1. It's really sad for him as he had great potential as a teenager but the injuries seem neverending. We need a big clear out of players not contributing and looks like Gerrard has him down as one of those names.
  2. No, he's right. He is a horrible bigot. I've never seen anything bigoted at all from him but I haven't spent half my life on here like you so maybe you've seen something I haven't. Greenlantern is a confirmed coward and piece of shit but interesting that the Green and Greys on here refuse to condemn any of their own even if it's indefensible.
  3. You have absolutely no grounds for morally judging anyone else with your disgraceful attempts to pointscore over stabbings. Now f**k off squealer.
  4. It's already costing them in the transfer market as well as they made an offer for Aribo but were turned down by the player. It's night and day in terms of how potential players see their development going under Lennon compared to Rodgers.
  5. Let's go. £50 to you if we don't beat them in a single league game. £50 to me if we beat them once?
  6. Dele has the squealers on strings this pre-season. Bites galore.
  7. None of this is directly related to anything I've said. The bet is still on the table if you are up for it.
  8. You were the one that brought up your team! Then now seem to backtracking massively from your original statement. Do you think you'll go unbeaten against us in the league next season? I'm happy to bet you that you won't.
  9. Are Motherwell at your level as well? Christie one of your best players last season - signed from Inverness. This argument doesn't make any sense. Anyway do you really think your plastics will be unbeaten against Rangers next season?
  10. No it's a silly question. You talk about Rangers not beating Celtic even though we already have twice under Gerrard. Do you not think Rangers will beat Celtic in at least once in a one off league game this coming season?
  11. We literally beat you twice last year. Same amount as you beat us. It's not long till we beat you again on the 1st of September.
  12. You can swop out everything you have just said there about the other arse cheek & the same holds true. Not a fan of people rejoicing in the death of anyone but that particular person would hate me simply because of my religion, i find that incredibly pathetic. You can't know if he would hate you for that at all.
  13. That's not happening in 2019/2020 and the Aberdeen fans know it. Hope that helps.
  14. Andre Gray thing seems like fantasyland to me. Can't see that at all. We will definitely need to pull something out the bag in terms of a striker if Morelos goes though. A great player with a dark side haha. Lafferty did what was required of him for about 3 games then went off the rails. Many of his sub appearances were horrendous. I'll be glad to see the back of him. If Aribo comes and Kent happens then our main job is clearing out the deadwood. 35 senior players at the moment.
  15. A lot hinges on what happens with Morelos. Does he go, if so for how much, what time of the window and who can we feasibly bring in to replace him. I honestly don't think we will need to replace Lafferty at all. Maybe a PL youngster on loan someone like Brewster. But Stewart can play there and we have Hardie/Rudden for emergencies. Hopefully Lafferty is gone ASAP. I heard Motherwell want him.
  16. I'd say we need a centre back of sufficient experience and quality to compete with Katic for a starting spot. Someone in the £2-4m market value range. Then a left back too but for me that depends on what happens with Borna. If sold for a decent wedge then we should definitely use that to get a more ready made replacement. I'd say that's it plus hopefully Ryan Kent back on loan. That will happen later in the window if at all.
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