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Everything posted by DreamOakTree1

  1. I’ve been to a good number of Raith v Morton games, all tight games but I don’t remember winning any at Starks. Maybe we’ll continue with drawing away and winning at home!
  2. I was fortunate enough to miss those games. I’m going on the games I attended so obviously I’ve unfortunately missed seeing Accies at their best.
  3. I’ve never enjoyed games against the Accies, no matter what our status has been compared to theirs we’ve always struggled against their style of play for some reason. I’ve never really got this opinion that Accies always play football the right way, playing out from the back etc. I’ve watched Morton v Accies games home and away from the 60’s and have never seen them playing anything but a holding game, trying to hit on the break etc. In fact I decided quite recently not to attend games v Accies as they bore the shit out of me. If I had been born in Hamilton and my dad had taken me to their games I wouldn’t have taken to football, I’d maybe have watched a different sport like rugby.
  4. There’s something not quite right or something missing from Dougie’s statements, demeanour and/or team selections: He signed up Blues, Jacobs, Muirhead etc. and some new signings from lower divisions. He complained about lack of funding for players. He played with one sub against Falkirk (to make a point?). He blasted off to Chick Young about his situation. He started Easdale against Clyde (to make a point?) I feel there can only be one of two possible explanations here: 1/ Dougie has messed up and hasn’t used his funding effectively. 2/ Dougie’s been assured if he signs the above players there will be further funding to add the required two or three players of sufficient quality to make us challengers for top four. Then after he’s done so the board have said “sorry that’s it, no more signings”. I sense that, by Dougie’s responses, it’s explanation 2, which has made him feel betrayed and feel the need to let people know his frustrations.
  5. Whatever it is you take to make you so unbearable at times must have worn off a bit because you’ve hit the nail on the head with this post.
  6. It’s looking like Dougie may have to get a tune out of some of our current players who’ve shown their ability before but for some reason have fallen off it more recently. Kyle Jacobs performed consistently well for around half a season if I remember it correctly, so he must have something that a motivational manager could rekindle. Maybe not quite so consistently Reece Lyon also showed great potential which you’d hope Dougie could tap into. He’s done it with Robbie Muirhead and Cameron Blues, so fingers crossed he can do it with others, whether or not he may have other irons in the fire.
  7. Don’t forget this is Dougie’s first experience of signing and releasing players, having previously only coached and inherited Gus’s squad at Cappielow. He’s doing okay so far and might be finding it a bit more difficult than he expected, so is trying to be pragmatic and patience till he sees what’s coming.
  8. If the rumours of our interest in Nicky Low, Ali Crawford or Craig Sibbald are in any way founded, it would be A difficult decision to chose one of them over the others. If full time football sorted his injury troubles I would probably go for Nicky Low for his ability to change defence into attack. Crawford’s the most attacking of the three and the times I’ve watched Sibbald he seems to play quite deep. They would actually make a good midfield trio but that would be a dream scenario. for Morton in our current position.
  9. Any truth in the rumour I heard on Saturday that Dick Campbell is looking for 50k for Nicky Low, and a couple of teams are willing to pay it? QP apparently being one.
  10. That’s a bit harsh even by your “FBA standards” He always puts in a shift, is very fit and has Undoubted ability with the ball. I agree we just couldn’t get any benefit out of his abilities, but you would think someone might manage to.
  11. If we can add Strapp and Hamilton to that list I’d be reasonably content, assuming Dougie’s going to add some decent contributors in key positions. None of those who have left were regular game changers, unlike Strapp, Hamilton and Muirhead, so the right replacements would add to those threes’ influence and bolster the likes of Blues and Lyon, possibly making us credible challengers for a play-off place.
  12. I forgot we’d signed Baird and Connor who may be better in a back four!
  13. With the midfielders you’ve mentioned, I don’t think we could play 4-3-3 as has been suggested as Dougie’s preference. I think 4-4-2 would need to be the formation to accommodate those players, as they don’t have the quality to play as an effective three. With our current squad if our best players decide to take up the offer to stay, I think our most effective first eleven would be: Hamilton Pignatiello McLean Lithgow Strapp Lyon Jacobs Blues McGrattan Muirhead Ugwu not promotion challenging but maybe the basis for something if we can add 2 or 3 imaginative signings to bolster them
  14. Wilson is okay but not a player I’d pay money to watch. I feel Imrie has an upgrade in mind, perhaps a Stephen McGinn type, who is much more composed and can keep the ball
  15. Quite a few of those candidates are on record as wanting to run things their way, similar to the three who’ve just rejected it for that very reason. Looks like it’s being directed towards Gavin Strachan.
  16. I just hope this doesn’t hamper our chances of signing the creative midfielder we need if we want to mount any sort of challenge for a play-off position. Nicky Low would fit the bill!
  17. Are Hamilton, Blues, Muirhead and Strapp not yet confirmed squad members?
  18. Quite surprised at that, would take him at Morton if we can afford his wages.
  19. Have you released Stephen McGinn? I’d love to see him at Morton but not sure we could afford him.
  20. If you have any players who take long throws or cross the ball into the box then they’ll be history under Pep McGlynn!
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