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Posts posted by Aqy

  1. 18 hours ago, humbleheart said:

    How many season ticket holders (like masel) said Fuk that, to the racist misogynistic bigot and didn’t renew? I’m hoping to renew this week. Even if there’s 100 or so, it will make inroads into the severance package surely. It can only be Roy’s ego now

    Myself. Said I wouldn't give the club a penny until he's gone. Tempted though to go to Dens midweek, purely to put up a Malky Out banner.

  2. 12 hours ago, stulch said:

    It does make you wonder if their world-wide crowd funding should have been for a 3G even though that would be so much more expensive. emoji2957.png If they ever had the money, unlikely I know, would they get planning permission with their location?

    Maybe they could apply for that now that they have the lease, previously it was a public park.

  3. Another bit of nonsense is that domain registration for the club website expired ages ago, but they're still pointing to it in their Twitter bio. I DM'd them on Twitter donkeys ago to warn them it was about to expire and never got a reply.

  4. Agree with a lot of what's been said here - someone upstairs has had a word with the league now that the relegation play-offs are in place. Without an injection of cash and the locals actually giving a shit about the club, it'll either mothball/fold/or drop into the NCL. I don't imagine the Midland clubs will in any rush to trek across from Fife.

    None of the other parks in the town are up to licensing snuff, so that either leaves a temporary move to Inverness, revelopment work at Claggan, or drop to NCL and don't worry about licensing.

  5. Unless we can really cut out these individual errors, I still think we're a cert for going down. We completely blew the Dundee Utd game, thought we were the better side for much of the game. While we did get lucky with both of Shankland's one on ones, defensively we were pretty good. Again though, set pieces just not good enough and not much threat up front. With Hamilton outplaying Rangers and taking the point, I am really worried that we'll be straight down. Tommy Wright going to Kilmarnock isn't going to help us either.

  6. 7 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

    That’ll be £50,000 o.n.o then?

    Handful of Flumps and a pound mix more like. Have Roy/Stevie figured out you can ask for a sell-on fee yet? Wish him all the best if he goes, would like to see him stay though, especially if we're in the Championship next season and he can get a chance to properly develop.

    Glad I turned off the Rangers game at half time, though it sounds like I missed out best spell at the start of the second half.

  7. Laidlaw - punt
    Randall - punt
    Tremarco - keep, give a coaching role
    Morris - keep
    Draper - punt
    Gardyne - keep
    Shaw - keep
    McKay - not sure
    Vigurs - punt
    Grivosti - keep
    Hylton - not sure
    Watson - punt
    Iacovitti - keep
    Charles-Cook - not sure
    Kelly - punt
    Lakin - not sure
    Doohan - punt
    Tillson - punt
    Paton - keep
    Donaldson - punt
    Stewart - punt, assuming Yogi can't get him scoring
    Munro - keep
    Reid - keep
    Wright, Williamson, Ross, Mackinnon - keep

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