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Posts posted by TheAftonArmyBear88

  1. 1 minute ago, andy25 said:

    When were these riot squads and helicopters that you speak of utilised?

    Being a talbot fan you can hardly not know about the I'm famous game against nock after which talbot finally admitted they had a problem? 

  2. 1 minute ago, andy25 said:

    Were you not banned from Loch Park for that?

    Never been banned from any ground, and why would I be for something that never happened, or for walking up the away end with a charity tin which I was asked to do? 

  3. 1 minute ago, andy25 said:

    No we weren't. I think you will find Glenafton have been involved in a lot more unsavoury incidents than Talbot ever have.

    Ahhhhh so shouting at players which resulted in apparently some fights offered is worse than helicopters and riot squads needed? No words to describe how silly that sounds

  4. 1 minute ago, andy25 said:

    What about the time you went round Loch Park collecting for something Glenafton knew nothing about?emoji849.png

    Yet more horse shite. Assume you mean the time I went up talbot end at half time with a charity collection time on request of the manager only to return with zero donations? You like a wild bullshit accusation andy pal

  5. 3 minutes ago, andy25 said:

    Stop passing the buck and admit Glenafton have some of the most horrible fans in junior football emoji853.png

    Maybe admit your team never admitted they had a problem until riot units etc were involved hmmm

  6. 1 minute ago, Wile E Coyote said:

    Still no acknowledgement that Glens have a problem, just more whataboutery.

    Still no acknowledgement from you that your mob were a part of THE worst period in junior football history

  7. 7 minutes ago, andy25 said:

    Everybody knows your as thick as pigshitemoji849.png
    Remember the video of you chasing children round the play park....

    Everybody knows, aye the classic wording when it's based on fuckall, you don't actually know me so you're assumption is based on hearing it from folk that do know me, which is based on me being a rangers fan that doesn't love the Royal family, doesn't love the orange Lodge etc and supports independence, so your hearing that I'm thick as f**k is from rangers fans that can't compute that not all rangers fans follow which beliefs they're told to. And don't be like that Cumnock p***k, aye a remember the video  but get it fucking right, back then a was always wound up because of ma short temper, those 15/16 year old were big enough to provoke me knowing ma issues. And it wasn't a playground not that it makes a difference 

  8. 8 minutes ago, Wile E Coyote said:

    Helicopters, what shite are you making up now.

    I take it you are talking about the "Battle Of Townhead". Talbot admitted there is a problem and dealt with it. There has been no trouble since.

    Glens don't admit to a problem and it carries on to this day and will continue to carry on

    There was plenty of shit before it came to Talbot admitting problems then..... 

  9. 17 minutes ago, TheAftonArmyBear88 said:

    Aye that's it cos a don't type proper English a must not be right. 


    Here then


    You're team cannot call out anybody for violence, you silly person 



    Happy ya fucking nugget? Well seen you can't dispute your own teams troubles with violence eh? 

    My post is in Engliah hahahahahhahahaha ohh dear

  10. 2 minutes ago, andy25 said:

    I cant decipher Swahili emoji849.png

    Hahahaha aye you cannae read messages  written in a perfectly understandable way just not plain English hmmmmm if that was the case your first reply would be sorry can't understand you hmmm

  11. 1 minute ago, Blackie Gold said:

    At the last Glens visit to Beechwood you sat at the front of the stand. Tied your flag to the railing and nobody bothered you.

    And had some good crack with a couple o talbot old boys aswell. Haven't said anything to deny glens fans were in the wrong though. Simply trying to get it through to some that meadow players didn't exactly have halo's on. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Bawrash1 said:

    Tiny brain?? Your the thickest person in new Cumnock peenut and that’s some achievement to say the least

    Aye another p***k that doesn't know me. And I'd rather be called thick by some c**t that disnae Ken me than be somebody that hides being an anonymous profile while falsely making somebody out to be a paedophile 👍

  13. 1 minute ago, Wile E Coyote said:

    Your not right either.

    Its typical whataboutery. Most clubs have idiot fans I agree but Glenafton have more incidents than any other club.

    Until you accept that and do something about more and more away fans will stay away from your ground.

    I am genuinely not aware of Talbot fans putting people in the hospital but you carry on ignoring it

    I'm not right hmmm I haven't condoned anything simply pointed out that there is two groups in any heated incident. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, Wile E Coyote said:


    Try again

    Make you a deal pal, I'll edit my mistake if you successfully tell me why you have the right to slate another team being involved in heated stuff when your own fans used to need fucking riot units, helicopters etc? 

  15. 1 minute ago, Wile E Coyote said:

    Calling me a halfwit, my post is in Engliah at least

    Aye that's it cos a don't type proper English a must not be right. 


    Here then


    You're team cannot call out anybody for violence, you silly person 



    Happy ya fucking nugget? Well seen you can't dispute your own teams troubles with violence eh? 

  16. 32 minutes ago, southerner said:

    Choose being a Glens fan. Choose wanting to square go everyone when your team gets beat. Choose wearing fake stone island and dancing under a corrugated sheet. Choose constantly singing about the most successful team in the juniors. Choose being one season wonders!!

    Maybe chose not being a complete fucking nugget. Maybe choose taking your tinted specs aff n realising there's two sets o folk involved but hey Irvine meadow players had halo's eh? Better yet choose trying to get it into your tiny brain that one season wonders would mean having success for one season with zero more hmmmmm 

  17. 11 minutes ago, Wile E Coyote said:

    What even is this shit, You have been told Talbot fans boycott you because Talbot fans got hospitalised by Glens thugs

    Talbot fans can't call put any team for violence ya fucking halfwit 

  18. 9 hours ago, Eastcoaster said:

    Your bang on mate. The wee glenafton fannies started their pish in Bonnyrigg and got a serious lesson! Absolutely disgraceful they haven’t learnt their lesson from that day! Wee fannies

    Hibs fans piled off a bus on way back fae hampden when they noticed it was fans leaving a game, but don't let a thing like a fact get in the way of Bonnyrigg sour grapes! 

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