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Lobby Dossar

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Everything posted by Lobby Dossar

  1. Ok … … In the middle of a global pandemic the Government is going to listen to some non league football fans complaining that they canny get into a game …… Don’t think so Peter Lawwell of Celtic has been lobbying the government, scientists and medical people to get fans back into games … … to no avail I may add
  2. What fecking planet are you on if you add all the spectators at every single game in the whole WoS league games you’d be lucky to get 5K people That’s Dumfries, Ayrshire, Lanarkshire, Glasgow, Renfrewshire and Dunbartonshire outwits the top leagues these games are watched by 2 men and a dug
  3. Just how many people on the electoral role do you think give a flying f**k about non league football …… Most are more interested in their health and keeping their jobs
  4. He’s the most natural and talented striker in our squad All good strikers miss sitters the secret is to keep putting yourself in the position and the goals will come
  5. So when do clubs have to insure players agains injuries????
  6. Hope none of your close family or any of your friends catch the virus …… if they do it might change your opinion / attitude to it Healthy 48 year old male taken to hospital end of April died 8 days later … … Brings a bit of reality to it when is someone you know Anyway you away down the park and play all you want with your mates
  7. Take it your one of those that think it was ok for a bus trip from the Rhondda to Racing at Doncaster that the were not even going to be allowed into was ok !!! This virus thrives on enclosed space a contact the sooner a lot of people realise that the better. Instead of this I’m all right jack attitude
  8. Coping … … Your having a laugh ……… how many areas have been put in to some sort of restrictions???? We are not even at the start of winter and you think we’re coping !!!
  9. Agree with your basic point …… but the only reason it was detected was because there testing players twice a week. WoS player has asymmetric symptoms trains and plays with 20 other guys …… say he unwittingly infects 15% of his team mates that’ll be 3 who could go on to infect others So until we can test that is going to be the problem for all at our level SPFL teams saying they won’t play Team from Championship and below unless they are tested can see why there asking for this as it blows everything that they’ve put in place out the water unless they are tested.
  10. Not saying they don’t want to play but if 1 tests +ve could end up with 3 or 4 others having to quarantine … … 14 days off work who pays their wages ??
  11. Don’t think the problem is with the fans … … The players are the problem !!!!
  12. This is the latest update from WoSFL Member Clubs The indicative start date for the new season was scheduled for Saturday 10th October. This however can not be confirmed as a Scottish Government review is due on Thursday 1st October. This review will affect our ability to commence with the new season, with any changes identified coming into force from Monday 5th October. Therefore the IMG are recommending that the indicative date for the start of the new league season be put back by 3 weeks, in line with the timescale of policy reviews by the Scottish Government, to Saturday 31st October. This however MAY change depending on the impact any future announcements from the Scottish Government would have on clubs ability to start the season. This is only a small percentage of the email but it gives some info on start or non start details
  13. Don’t think fans on the terracing is a problem for our grade. The real problem is changing facilities and no one is coming up with how we get round this !!! We’ve just went too only 6 people from 2 households meeting indoors and were expecting 20 odd guys from all over the west of Scotland to meet up and get changed indoors … … It ain’t happening anytime soon and the sooner some people accept that and put a plan in place that is going to protect the majority of clubs at our level the better. Only a few and I mean a very small number will be able to meet any of the protocols that will be put in place. And before the normal suspects start shouting about football being played in the SPFL there are testing on a weekly basis and are only allowed 6 in a dressing room and are using hospitality boxes and gyms to achieve this. Oh and by the way just look at the numbers starting to rise exponentially and some areas got different lockdown rules from others Some people on here need to get a reality check football at our level ain’t starting anytime soon
  14. They did but have you seen the hoops they are having to jump through regarding changing rooms !!!
  15. Until they change what’s in place for the SPFL … … they are the guidelines
  16. Can you name the Premiership clubs who will come anywhere meeting the guidelines that are in place at the moment ??? Unless these guidelines are significantly changed very few of them will come anywhere near to meeting them Oh and I include Darrel’s super dooper new dressing rooms in that !!!
  17. Ahh well we’ll just have to wait and see . If he plays or not on Thursday night will be a pointer
  18. There are numerous English teams and at least one German team monitoring his situation Celtic will not get it all their own way
  19. The players, coaches and officials at Parkhead/Ibrox are being tested twice a week. All the more reason that they shouldn’t have to go through all the palaver wi the changing rooms I would say them getting tested and having all the restrictions in place regarding changing rooms makes it worse for us !!!
  20. In a previous post I set out what the SPFL teams have in place re changing facilities, until this is relaxed and new regulation put in place for them we are not going to see any football Tell me what’s the difference between 22 players kicking a ball about at Parkhead/Ibrox than 22 players kicking a ball about at say Auchinleck/Arthurlie
  21. We’ve got one Trevor Carson probably the best passer of the ball at the back Gallagher included
  22. The point I am making what is the difference between 22 players playing at say Ibrox and 22 players playing at Auchinleck I don’t see any, so what goes at Ibrox will go at Auchinleck until they change the rules
  23. No Boab I want football at all levels to get started as much as anyone on here . I’m just being realistic with what we have at present and no matter what is said by anyone on here the JRG are the ones calling the shots Will give you an example as to what an SPFL club have got to put in place other than testing. Home team uses the home dressing room, away dressing room and a hospitality areas underneath main stand that runs half the length of the main stand Away team arrives not at the main entrance to the ground but at an entrance at the other end of the ground and enter the stand behind the goals. Hospitality box’s and a gym that is situated and runs the whole length of this stand is used as their changing rooms. Showing facilities have been installed in this stand for the away team. After the game all areas that have been used for both teams are deep cleaned. The home team can use the gym ( deep cleaned after every use ) until 48 hrs before the next home game when it is deep cleaned and sealed off till next away team arrives. Until the JRG drop the testing and relax these rules for the SPFL there is not a team at our level that could come anywhere near meeting this criteria. So Boab you could say I’m a glass half empty sort of guy … … I just think looking at where we are I’m just not getting carried away about football at our level starting anytime soon.
  24. “ Big Boab Jnr “ will say … … you should be positive and look for solutions rather than have a negative attitude and constantly coming up with negatives … never mid reality.
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