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Lobby Dossar

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Everything posted by Lobby Dossar

  1. Each licensing board have there own bye laws …… in ours it is against the law to drink outside unless you have the appropriate license ( which cost money ) doubt may of clubs will have it
  2. Your not supposed to take booze outside any pub/club/restaurant unless you have an outside license Couple of bars just thought they could have couple trestles outside and call it a beer garden The constabulary weren’t long in pointing them in the right direction and they were stopped
  3. They’ll want him for 2 bottles of Irn-Bru and a packet of crisps knowing Lawwell
  4. Unfortunately don’t think what we come up with will matter … everything is going through JRG and there is not a lot of leeway coming from them about relaxing regulations Don't confuse negative attitude with reality
  5. Below is prt of the problem for our grade to restart … and until it is addressed we won’t be getting a start date In addition, the Stenhousemuir chairman is dismayed that the football authorities have not, in his opinion, addressed how part-time players can operate in a Covid-safe "bubble". "Living in a bubble isn't going to be there for part-time clubs," McMenemy said. "If you're a tradesman you could be in six or seven households a day. "We've been asking the JRG to come up with a protocol that recognises that but they have failed to bring anything to us. We come under the same conditions as Premiership clubs and that's not possible."
  6. Naw we’ll probably just use one of our centre forwards or the international right back that we’re playing at left back
  7. If Grimmy is better than Lamie put him at left back with O’Donnell right back …… That way we don’t have 2 players playing out of position !!!!
  8. Think as he wants to get into Scotland squad … part of the deal for him signing maybe that he plays at right back
  9. There is no moral compass at a football club … …… ANY of them
  10. Me thinks they doth protest to much !!!!! If they didn’t do it just keep your mouth shut and your head down … … … Simples
  11. Didn't the second Motherwell goal come from Chris Long's play though? Naw no having that … … he fell over the ball it hit a Livi player and rebounded in the path of Campbell
  12. Aye right … … … Have you seen what they have to do Clubs, players, coaches, match officials, league officials, volunteers, parents/carers, spectators and football facility providers should read our full guidelines, which are accessible below, in addition to the latest Government guidance on COVID-19. A return to competitive football should only happen once clubs and facility providers have completed the necessary risk assessments and comprehensive plans are in place. A summary of key points to consider from our guidelines are listed for ease below: • Everyone should self-assess for COVID-19 symptoms before every training session or match. If you are symptomatic or living in a household with possible or actual COVID-19 infection you must not participate or attend; • Clubs and facility providers should ensure that their facility is compliant with current Government legislation and guidance related to COVID-19; • Competitive training is now permitted, with groups limited to a maximum of 30 people, including coaches; • Competitive match play is permitted, with social distancing in place before and after the match, and in any breaks in play; • Players and officials should sanitise hands before and after a game as well as scheduled breaks throughout a game or training session; • Ball handling should be kept to a minimum with most contact via a boot and the ball disinfected in breaks of play; • Youth football coaches are encouraged to limit persistent close proximity of participants during match play and training; • Goal celebrations should be avoided; • Equipment should not be shared, and goalkeepers should ensure they disinfect their gloves regularly in breaks in training or matches and thoroughly afterwards. Where possible, coaches should only handle equipment in training; • Where possible, players, coaches and officials should arrive changed and shower at home. Use of changing and shower facilities must follow government advice on the use of indoor facilities; • Participants should follow best practice for travel including minimising use of public transport and walking or cycling if possible. People from a household or support bubble can travel together in a vehicle • Clubs should keep a record of attendees at a match or training session, including contact details, to support NHS Test and Trace; • Clubs should ensure they are affiliated with their County Football Association.
  13. No and neither does anyone else for that matter. As I say just look at what SPFL have been required to put in place regarding in respect of changing rooms …… not going to change anytime soon and no chance of being implemented in our grade
  14. Have you seen the hoops that the SPFL are having to jump through withe regards to changing facilities We ain’t starting anytime soon … … especially if a certain team continues to act like Billy Big Baws
  15. Only going to waste it for everyone else ……… if correct arseholes is to good a work for them
  16. Sorry don’t agree What about all the people he’s been in contact with since his return. Track and Trace is being flouted as the game changer if Bolingoli’s contacts are not traced and isolated why should anyone else adhere to the rules Or like Cummings is it one rule for them and another for the rest of us
  17. Think you’ll find that the Government hold all the cards here and will tell the SFA/SPFL what’s happening or games a bogey
  18. Think this is a Cummings moment for the Scottish Government If they do nothing people are just going to say if footballers don’t need to follow the rules why should I follow them Going to be an interesting day
  19. I stand corrected … … 5 may be Wales or Engeerland so many different rules easy to get confused Dressing rooms are going to be a big problem in our grade and one that will need to be addressed before we have any chance of playing again Most have the players sardined in on top of each other with no room to swing a cat
  20. Agree completely There is more chance of getting fans in than dressing rooms meeting the guidelines for players The guidelines at the moment are no more than 5 different households indoors even if they change that to 10 anytime soon how do clubs meet these guidelines??? Genuine question… … … surely the clubs know this, so does anyone know what their club is proposing to put in place to accommodate this. Because it they are not we ain’t going to be playing anytime soon
  21. Number of people that can meet indoors is a FACT Or are you saying a dressing room is somehow different and is NOT indoors
  22. Everyone wants football to start as soon as possible …… just think some people are over optimistic and not looking at the glaring practicalities of the situation at our grade I’m the one pointing out the dressing room criteria which come within the guidelines of meeting indoors and how many clubs could come anywhere meeting what is required. Think at the moment it is 5 different households so how does 20+ different households meet that guidelines And before you start it’s completely different from pubs to have that many people squeezed into a small space getting stripped to play a game of football As I say some (very few) might be able to implement the guidelines but the majority of clubs will not … … which is a big problem going forward
  23. Have you ever been to English Non League ground ?? Some of them would put our Championship ground to shame.
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